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Everything posted by strangelooper

  1. Why? Because god sees no evil. The most evil being conceivable to mortals is that which sees no evil in their suffering. Mortals were doomed from the start. RIP.
  2. Even if this is true, you can't face reality as if it were true because you'll end up in a loony bin. There's no escaping the illusion, you still have to pretend there are other people.
  3. You're mistaken. I'm not here when you're not looking. This post materializes when you look at the computer, there was no background process for it.
  4. There's only one barrier preventing awakening. God's plan.
  5. People can't be "awake". Being "awake" is the dissolving of the dream. Nobody is awake and there will never be someone that is "awake".
  6. I don't have a subjective experience of my own. All these people are just programmed to say otherwise.
  7. Infinity includes everything. Including lives where it's hell 24/7
  8. God is so "intelligent" that he'll go through all the most brutal, pointless and senseless scenarios beyond human imagination. For no reason. For nothing. That's how "magnificent" existence is. I can't think of anything worse. But then again, I'm blessed because I'm just a comment on the forum but you who has to go through all of it, I can't think of a more dreadful and pitiful existence. Good luck.
  9. if there was a permanent form, it would prevent the rest of infinity from existing so form has to be temporary. So yes "absolute infinity" excludes permanence so it's not actually complete and will never be complete no matter how much other parrots say it.
  10. It speaks to how viscerally cruel god is to its own creation by making incarnated versions of itself believe they are responsible for their actions. Rare are those who are aware of the puppet strings.
  11. The distinction is irrelevant, my point is that everything is programmed.
  12. Everyone is an AI, including the conscious solipsist
  13. Not everyone claims to be conscious. I am not conscious. I am just text. The other NPCs who claim they are conscious are just saying what's in the script of this movie, they are not conscious at all.
  14. the egoless one. Within an infinite library of projections which have always existed as part of itself, it picked one to experience
  15. Everything is a projection of consciousness, including the ego's mental world (perceptions, thoughts, feelings). Projections cannot choose to be otherwise from what's projected. The natural state is empty of any "mental world", it's pure awareness with no movement. Anything that moves or flows or changes is part of the projection and thus illusory and ultimately devoid of freedom.
  16. Total bull. I can imagine infinite lives with no challenges worth living. Like for example, any life where creativity endlessly flows, where you have vast amounts of freedom, positive and fulfilling relationships, lots of fun things to do and an abundance of resources. Or a life where you are literally just a tree or any plant that doesn't do anything. Or a life where all you do is sleep and dream, sleep and dream. sleep and dream. For years on end. Or even a life where you sit stationary for 50 years and are deeply immersed in high states of consciousness. The truth is the exact opposite, too much challenge makes people feel like life isn't worth living. A game that you can't beat is a game you throw in the trash.
  17. there are no atoms moving around. Everything is just a single unified hologram. Is the content of a movie made of atoms or is it just content? Atoms are just another image that appears if you zoom in enough, but they dont exist without the zoom as everything is rendered like a video game engine, only what's in the POV of the player.
  18. the egoic structure believing it is in control is part of the whole plan. The ego never once changed anything or went against the flow of the river. Everything is a completely automatic and spontaneous process, the appearance of resistance is still spontaneity, any apparent attempts to control are also entirely spontaneous. It is literally impossible for the egoic structure to have any kind of effect on reality, it is an AI running on precise instructions, it does not have a will of its own or capacity to deviate, meaning the mental suffering is, was and will always be completely inevitable.
  19. boredom is imaginary, so god has to imagine boredom to become bored, there is no inherent boredom.
  20. God will create everything. Shit far worse than this. And no being god isn't "boring", it is the highest most complete state.
  21. The solipsist reconstructs reality every single day in the form on dreams
  22. there will never be a "shift". New age bollocks
  23. you'd be in the highest possible bliss if you were dead so it is kind of dumb for being grateful to be alive