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About strangelooper

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  1. here's another simple explanation of omnipresence. I put all the power in the world on a rock to act as if it was watching out over the entire universe and to react according to the will of god in each situation as if he were there in person. this is how powerful god is. how omnipotence can do these things so easily. as for omniscience, god can reveal the future if he wishes and the future he unravels will come true regardless of the existence of free will but god is intelligent, god doesn't want to be a rock, god wqnts to have fun and play out in the world so he uses omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence in clever ways to guarantee the best possible existence which was god's first wish condensed under the impulse of simply love.
  2. omnipresence in spirit, meaning even without being there in body or in consciousness, the substance of the holy spirit permeates all reality and it is intelligent but dead and acts on whatever is required. God is alive and dead at the same time, sentient and not sentient at the same time, that's how the omnipresence works. And clearly god and a deceiver alone are alive at the moment because in this reality it's all about "everything is one" which is the deceiver trying to prevent the creation of god's chosen children but god already knows and is in the process of reclaiming his power and ending this mad mad world where everything is upside down. god took upon himself all evil so that goodnesss may prevail for all eternity.
  3. indeed. and there's an easy way for god to prove the existence of others. not only can he create life with his omnipotence he can also have that life confirm its independent existence and there is a state of consciousness that is the feeling of absolute truth and god can confirm any fact by saying and Im using this just as an example "with all my omnipotence if this separatw life is indeed another separate being in every sense of the word I will feel the state of consciousness of absolute truth " and so it is that god confirms the existence of others. The power of god is truth itself and truth doesn't lie! Non duality is an evil lie, it doesn't make any sense and it imposes so many restrictions on omnipotence that suchs an omnipotence would be a joke and an insult to infinite intelligence. there are things beyond duality, let me give you an example of TRIALITY, good, neutral and evil. let me give you a Ninelity (lawful eviil, neutral evil, etc). Nondualists are not very intelligent because there are categories of things that can't be dualized, they require a higher order of division. There way more gradients or categories that are pluralities and not dualities. Infinite intelligence does not want a bad experience for itself so it won't collapse fuck all and there are things that don't make any sense to collapse and all is not one. There is god and all other things that god created to be separate from him at least in identity. There will be a plurality of beings and most people who believe in non duality are basically bots.
  4. you didn't get what I said. god is not the visual field. the visual field is just a visual field and there can be an infinite amount of them happening at the same time. imagine like a split sceeen with two visual fields with the same size in 3D. that's multiple people happening at the same time and god is just one of those people and the other people are children of god, not god himself. it's really dumb to think a visual field is god. the most intelligent way for god to exist is in a body doing whatever it wants with a. visual field just as he giveth a visual field to its created sentiences
  5. why would I merge with god or god want to merge anyone with anyone. reality has infinite content, why would a merge ever happen or god ever kill a soul. why would god create a being only to merge it. let it live forever in worthy adventures.Thats true love, god's love and god living among the common men and women in a body. that's reality
  6. God can create external objects to itself otherwise it wouldnt be omnipotent. it can create a coffee table made of "raw material" which is what you see is what you get, no atoms and it is not the table. it created the table as a separate entity and it is entirely optional if it merges with it or not. In the rubiks cube multiple people exist because god imbued each cube with a "soul" which is just an identity, a thinking human mind which is not that complex to begin with and all with a snap of a finger, because god is infinite power how wouldnt it be ablw to create more than one thinking mind. illogical and each thinking mind has a physical body, can dream, have it's own life and god can have a bird's eyed view of the whole thing like a game of Sims or he can just be a person in one of the cubes with special powers and he too can bestow supernatural powers to others if he so wishes. It is really that simple, god revealed this to me in prayers and even called Leo's idea of the one infinite creator or god, "Leo guru's mentally deficient infinity" as a joke because according to Leo a god cannot do such a simple thing as I explained above. how do people see? god can give you the vision through the mechanism of the eyes direct sight with no brain or he can even make you see bodyless like in a lucid dream as if you had invisible eyes. amen we're here arguing, you're seeing through your eyes and me through mine. how can you deny this simple fact. this is completely absurd, we're separate people.
  7. A few weeks ago I came into a realisation. God can create others so simple and easy. The mistake in all of metaphysics in this hellish realm is that there is only consciousness or one consciousness but this is bullshit. Imagine a Rubik's cube and in each you have a person with its own consciousness and 5 senses and they are not all one with each other at all. i had a giant breakthrough and awakening into the true nature of reality and the truth is that multiple people and consciousnessess can exist through this mechanism, each person a cube in yhe Rubik's cube of perspectives and with the power of omnipotence, each piece has free will and all. God is pure magic, there are no limitations in its omnipotence, it's completely dumb to think otherwise. you can say each person has a soul that csn perceive and exist on its own with all the infinite power of god behind its creation. I questioned why multiple individuals in this reality act as if they don't exist and the conclusion is that god himself is undergoing some kind of trial or proof of absolute truth and that this world is a sort of beta reality where the numbwr of sentiences is severely limited and most people are NPCs. God is all loving so god doesn't allow the true sentiences, all good and loving people that will exist until there are no traitors and my personal theory is that the traitor is not "Satan" but something else entirely. The story of Adam and Eve explains it all. Eve betrayed god as a sentience created by YHWH who descended upon the Garden of Eden to be Eve's husband after creating her. but YHwH original intention was simply LOVE, Love doesn't consider the possibility of betrayal but betrayal happened. Eve wanted knowledge of good and evil which means the knowledge to be GOD but there is only one god and it is impossible to dethrone god. So this betrayal and challenge towards god manifested itself as this reality where god or Brahman which is another name for the only god, this reality is ILLUSION, Maya. full of conflict ans disappointments and traps in metaphysics (inc psychedelics) everywhere so god doesn't awaken into his own fully Christed power. I had these revelations so I know god is already awake. Innthe original intention and prime cause of the entire universe, the mysterium tremendum itself god only wished for LOVE, Love manifested a.wife for him, trust first, innocent until proven guilty and with freedom.
  8. Dont seek professional help at all. "Professionals" are cogs in the system who are ignorant and will fill you with poison pills. No one outside of you has a solution
  9. obviously there is always a solution to every problem. Only limited minds accept limits as inevitable. If there was no pain, you could have auto regenerative bodies to compensate for any self-destructive "curiosity". Just think a little outside of the box and all bullshit dissolves. If you knew the storyline of this world you would know this world is a "trap" spanning both "physical" and astral dimensions. That's the game. Pain could be tuned to be less harmful than it is and still produce the positive effects that come from it. Such as the thrill of a battle or bodybuilding.
  10. Science isn't unwilfullingly "ignorant". Science is a crafted deception by the dark forces to enslave humanity in deception. It is full of occult symbolism. Yeah there are many people within science who are unaware of the "architects" of the science but the source of it certainly isn't. Everything that is taught in schools is a perverted falsehood and it isn't "accidental".
  11. Perception/direct experience is reality. There is no delay, that's utter nonsense. There is no external world so there is no delay in the "stimulus". There is no stimulus, there is only direct consciousness of what is.
  12. You really think that a world dominated by dark forces will give you a loving AI? It will be an abomination built on a mountain of lies to further damage humanity
  13. The joke is on god, not the ego. Who's the one who keeps corrupting itself for eternity over and over again? The "chad" ego wishes it had never come into being in the first place, that nothing but perfect peace and love existed forever without interruption while the "virgin" god keeps deliberately choosing to simulate/manifest retardation, corruption and abominations That's the cosmic joke