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Everything posted by Anonman90

  1. What kind of Siddhis have you explored naturally without drugs etc?
  2. Just like in a dream. The rest is nonsense thoughts. Where are all the people you see in traffic going? Nowhere! As soon as they're out of your sight, they vanish into void. But if you follow one, you'll see this car has an owenr is going to work or home or whatnot. That's the power of this DREAM, illusion. You animate as you go. Where am I typing all this? Nowhere! What you see in front of you as the screen is all that it is. It's the intelligent Maya! Ciao
  3. You see someone dying, and you think there's something called DEATH. You see a baby born, you think there's something called BIRTH. Both of those are real to the ignorant. The ignorant is one who takes the dream seriously and calls it "Life". And it doesn't help with all this new age bullshit spirituality that soul leaves body and wonders around earth looking for a womb to enter. Stay away from these fake gurus. When conciousness raises, you realize, there's no death nor birth. You shift from ONE dream to another. And dream starts in the Middle. When it starts in the Middle, within the dream you will have certain memories of the past. Your physical body will get old, and at some point it'll give up on this dream. It'll wake up in a different dream according to your path and Karma, could be a different timeline, different age, or could be the one as your last life but different ways. If you regretted something, you'll go back and do it. Then you'll have more regrets and desires in that dream, so you keep doing "life" over and over again. The process is very similar to falling asleep and waking up the next day. You'll wake up younger, mostly after teenage years. You have done this trillions of times, but because you have limited yourself to this ONE body, you only remember memories of this body. You are already DEAD by not knowing who you are. Only when you awaken spiritually, is when your body dies for good and you put an end to the dream and merge into infinite LOVEEEEEeeeeeEEEEeee
  4. There's no such a thing as nothingness. It's no-thingness as there wouldn't be any objects. It's pure awareness, which is bliss All saints and gurus have talked about it. Even Buddha said Nirvana isn't nihilism. Overall, it's impossible to put it into words, it's something that must be experienced. In Hinduism it's called Turya (Turiya) Your path will begin when you desire knowledge from within, not without, on YouTube or
  5. Seek within, stop seeking outside knowledge. All answers are within. Until then you'll be a slave of this book or that book, this guy's words or that guy's words.
  6. Well it is true, it's metaphysical Solipsism meaning your own body and ego are also illusionary. You're in a dream, dreamy people, dreamy loved ones, dreamy pets, dreamy everything. None of it is real. You're the awareness behind the character of your dream. It's one mind projecting other minds but other minds don't exist, they're only your perception.
  7. No. Why would you? Are you seeking attention? Do you think you're going crazy? Why else would you share personal mystical experiences then? Unless they're spiritually on the same level and path
  8. That tells me you don't know what God is and you think you know what God is, due to reading Bible or something You need to realize God for yourself to know what God is, reading books won't reveal him to you.
  9. You have no clue what God is. Very egoistic view on God you have. When you take a shit, that shit, is also God. But God is not shit. God is the infinite ISNESS It exists in everything, but nothing exists in God. God is the awareness, is the conciousness for existence itself.
  10. I like these trippy stuff that people find "too out there" It's not that these are too out there, it's that, you have forgotten too much. How much have you forgotten and how much are you willing to remember? Try this next time. Sit down quietly and listen to sounds. Sitting in my car, I hear rain drops hittin the roof, cars driving by, different exhaust sounds, birds singing, people talking, planes flying. Big Ego: I, Johnny, am the one hearing these sounds, the sounds are traveling a distance, coming to my ears and then to my brain blah blah blah. Yea yea, learned all this in science class. Those are all true for the Ego. I won't tell you, you're wrong. Thin Ego: There's nothing but conciousness. Everything and everyone is conciousness. When I hear a sound, it's the sound hearing itself. It's not happening at a distance. It's not happening anywhere but here right now in conciousness. Same goes with touch, smell, sight, taste. When you look at the car, it's the car looking at itself. When you look at another individual, you're looking at yourself in a different mask. These are true for the conciousness, the ultimate reality. Both are simultaneously correct! Depends where you look at it from. Once conciousness is raised higher, these things will start to happen, soul gets to realize these things.
  11. My description included an ego who is conciousness. When Ego is dissolved there wouldn't be any sound. It's sound experiencing itself, doesn't literally have ears.
  12. 100% Suffering is grace, and inevitable. What suffers is the Ego. When it starts to realize reality is not what it thought to be When its attachments are being stripped away The Ego suffers! Oh nooo, my money is gone!! Oh noo, my wife cheated on me!!! Oh no, my lovely mother died!! Ego is attached to impermanent things, it is stuck finding temporarily dopamine rushes. Its true origin is bliss and love but ignorance wouldn't allow it to shine Soul must go through hell before it realizes God. And this hell is the hell its created for itself. It's not a punishment or anything by anything else. This is how it all works. When soul wakes up, it'll realize how perfect and what a beautiful intelligent system the whole thing is.
  13. 1- Self-inquiry 2- Deep meditation for long hours (Do 10 hours a day for 7 days) 3- Desire it, have faith it'll workout and let go of it. Journey will take you there. Ramana Maharashi teachings alone can help a ton. Once you realize it's a dream and YOU run the dream, you'll know you're God. Not in an egoistic way, in a way you realize all of it is you
  14. You are having questions in a dream, about the dream and any answer that you get only belongs in that dream and NEVER outside of it. This dream is just a dream, none of it is the real you. You have to stop asking these useless questions because all the answers will be useless. The truth is outside of this dream. Once you awaken, you'll know the truth. And you won't be able to go back to sleep to explain it to other dreamy characters because all they know is the dream, just like you right now. All you know is this dream, nothing outside of it. Does all that make sense? If so, I love you. If not, I still love you.
  15. None of those will make you happy. They'll just give you a dopamine rush. A week, two years? It'll fade away. Once you get all that, you'll be here asking for other things that'll make you happy. It's never ending.
  16. The values of a saint are your own true values, but due to ignorance you have forgotten and have gotten lost in the dream. The saint is pure awareness that's perfect bliss manifested in human form, it's your true nature this perfect bliss. You will eventually have those values which are never gone, but hidden under ego. But all of it starts when the soul is exhausted being dreaming for too long, it seeks out.
  17. Now I see the depth of your comment, you're correct. When Ramana Maharashi was dying, his devotees told him "Baghvan, don't leave us" He told them "Don't be silly, where could I go? I'm always here"
  18. The Dreamer got tired of dreaming. But how else could the dreamer know they are dreaming?? Only way is to manifest some "Saints" in their dream that would tell hey, dreamer, you're not any of it, wake up. " All spiritual practices are illusions created by illusionists to escape illusion. " - Ram Dass He nailed it with that quote
  19. You're stuck in a dream. This dream is projected by your mind. Everything, everyone in this dream only belongs in the dream. This means any questions and answers you have all belong in this dream. Science, laws of physics, time, space, monkeys, Jesus, Buddha, etc. Anything! You're not even the character in the dream, you're just an awareness behind the character but you have convinced yourself this dream is real and you are the character. Oh lord, now you have to unprogeam yourself to realize you're NOT any of it. What happens outside of this dream? I don't know. I'm not outside of it, am I? But I got a glimpse of it one time, I couldn't think about anything else other than that love it gave me. It's infinite LOVE outside of this dream me thinks based on one experience that got me chasing this God that's my own awareness.
  20. Ramana Maharashi said, very rarely anyone achieves enlightenment while alive. Very few after "death" He said none of devotees were liberated while alive. Imagine that. All because the truth is just too much.
  21. They don't exist in the first place, they're merely an illusion. Thousand miles Away? There's no thousand miles away other than a thought in your mind
  22. Right now, I see my phone's screen talking to myself in another imaginary form because my Ego is so big and attached, I can't let go realizing you and I are One
  23. Why do they want it to be real so bad? Because of Ego and attachments. How could they see their loved ones and know they're just illusions in a dreamy world, just like how their own bodies are, that's too much for their ego.