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About Sigrun

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  1. What is so baffling about God cosplaying as a brilliant fool?
  2. That is one path. Well, that's what happened to me at least. Is he hinting at you? If so, are you writing them down, if not, why not?
  3. Used to have pretty bad tinnitus for about 3 years, I thought it was just the result of years of working in loud environments like night clubs and factories and that I'd have to just accept living with it. One day I got some inflammation in my right ear and went to a doctor to get it checked out, she looked into my ears and noticed they were full of ear wax, which was the result of always wearing ear plugs and going to deep with the Q-tip when cleaning my ears, which pushes earwax in. She gave me some oil to put in my ears to loosen it up and told me to come back in 3 days, so she could flush my ears out with water. It was a pain free procedure that took 1 minute. Fixed my tinnitus almost completely, now I only experience very light tinnitus after I've had an extra physically stressful day or something, but it's barely noticeable.
  4. Just finished reading it, what an amazing piece of technology. It's a breath of fresh air to see it's not programmed to assume everyone is a moron who could interpret anything it says in dangerous and harmful ways. What really impressed me though is how well it understood what you were saying and how sharp and relevant its responses were, as well as its eloquent use of vocabulary without sounding overly academic. What shocked me was how it was able to understand social ques / humor better than most humans. Besides that. the conversation itself was a pleasure to read even though I didn't get any big political / psychological insights from it since I my meta-perspective on what was discussed was almost all something I've already arrived to, but reading it discussed in such a sharp and eloquent way with basically no fluff or filler definitely helped solidify my meta-understanding. Thank you for all your highly underrated contributions, Leo
  5. Can you dig up some examples contextually similar to this? Meaning ones where Kastrup insinuates that the person he's talking to has a worldview based on grotesque theoretical fantasies, time stamped too please, it's your claim so the burden rests on your shoulders.
  6. Be that as it may, to not expect it to be perceived as provocation is "just silly" Edit: You can go as much into semantics you want, but if you simply read the first post I made, you'll see that all I'm talking about here is the social aspect of this debate. Kastrup was a fool for not expecting Tim to see that as a provocation, and an even bigger fool in how he reacted.
  7. Sure, it's quite a stretch, but it can, just like Chernobyl could be described as "an oopsie"... However in reality it's much more fitting to use it when things like very ugly/disgusting just doesn't cut it, for example necrophilia/gore porn, hell, it's even the name of a horror movie where a sadistic doctor kidnaps a couple on a date and methodically tortures them to death with no explanation to them whatsoever, but I guess you could also use the word "mean" to describe his actions...
  8. @Carl-Richard What do you think "grotesque" means? As in, what context would you use it in, and what is it synonymous with in your mind?
  9. I agree, however in my mind there is still the possibility that Bernardo is just so severely autistic that he doesn't even have an implicit understanding of what an insinuation is and that he is simply unaware that he just made a very mocking and demeaning insinuation, however I'd put my chips on him just being a passive aggressive asshole with a very fragile ego.
  10. Be that as it may, how Bernardo behaved is equivalent to a kindergartner going up to another kindergartner and hitting him with a stick, and when he gets pushed away and falls on his butt, he starts throwing a temper tantrum crying injustice
  11. I can't but wonder how socially inept one has to be to not expect a negative reaction from the person one just insinuated who's worldview is founded in "grotesque theoretical fantasies" Whether Bernardo is right or not about Tim's worldview being grounded in grotesque theoretical fantasies, the fact that he threw a temper tantrum after Tim responded with "that was silly" really highlights Bernardo's social ineptitude.
  12. @jdc7733 Believe what you like, but politics isn't going anywhere anytime soon, certainly not in our lifetime. You can choose to accept it, ignore it, or just go join one of those anarchist communities. But whining about it isn't going to do anyone any good, least of all you.
  13. "Santa was imagined to make children behave, Satan (or Iblis in Islam) was imagined to make adults behave" - Someone on the internet No idea if there's truth to it, just thought it was funny