Hi! I apologize in advance for the giant text...
These days I've been reflecting on why some things don't seem to work out in my life...
I'm one of those people who can't maintain the friendships….. I have very few friends, only one of whom I'm pretty sure enjoys my company... I feel like people feels a litlle bit tired of my "observations". And I'm also very closed off, I can't bring up interesting conversations, unless the other person has a profile very similar to mine.
I'm a healthcare professional (dentist... no jokes, please, lol ), and I really like my work... it's the way that makes me feel a little bit connected to people, but it seems that my work isn't going forward… Sometimes I feel stuck, as if everything I do isn’t working... Many things are going wrong... I'm very anxious and think a lot about the procedure, but not so much on the patient... And I feel that this "energy" has always accompanied me in my life in other situations, and now it accompanies me at work...
So, I think I realized that the problem might be in the way I connect with people... I feel like I've improved over time (like a human being)... When I was a child, I remember being, perhaps, cold?... and very practical/objective for some situations. My older sister has always corrected me throughout my life on these issues... For example: to give more attention to grandparents; not talking about or questioning something that might be uncomfortable for the other person (but I had no idea that it was something uncomfortable... You know?).
However, I’m still feeling this "distance" from people... It's like as if I can't see others as the full human beings they are, and their needs. I still don't have much “common sense” in some situations. I'm a very sincere person, and sometimes I don't even realize that what I say can lead to a specific thought for someone else... I only realize it later, when I talk to someone close to me. I feel like people get me wrong sometimes...
Lately, I've been taking cases thinking about the money I need. I'm not a mercenary or anything, I’m just worried with the bills I have to pay... These days I followed a dentist friend's appointments, to learn a few things about behavior and handling with the patient, and I found very interesting the way she connects with her patients. Her patients have become her friends and have been treated by her for many years. She has a very special affection, it's something really impressive to see... I admired her work when I saw this, because I saw a real connection that I honestly don't have... She is very human... Sometimes I feel I'm just pursuing my obligations... despite I love what I do… Do you guys understand what I want to say here? Because it's something that I can't even describe in words, I'm so "rigid" in that sense...
While I'm attending, I try to be very affectionate with my patients, but I can't feel an extra connection, in the sense I mentioned above. Like, I'm not expecting to see them again (since the problem was resolved), or thinking about them, if they are ok, if the treatment went well, how is their lives going...
The question is: Does what I feel make sense? This is normal? How can I improve on it??
I know there is no "recipe" for this… But maybe trying to seet this situation in other perspective...? Any help?
Thanks for whom read this until here.