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About shree

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  1. @Salvijus I understand your point about needing a sense of self to function in the world, but you're limiting how deep non-duality can go. In deeper experiences, the "I" as a separate self can drop, but awareness and functioning still happen without needing to cling to a personal identity. Non-dualists who experience this aren’t necessarily deluded. They have realized a state where separation fades, but they can still act through the body and mind. You can still relate to others without the ego being attached to the idea of a separate "I." Awareness flows through experience naturally, without needing the ego to control it.
  2. If his actions contradict his teachings, it raises doubts about how practical or genuine those teachings are. But I’m not looking for a big discussion, his talks were always amazing. I will leave it there.
  3. Osho’s teachings about life having no purpose and living in the moment sound good, but there's a clear contradiction when you look at his own life. He often said we shouldn’t have goals and that everything is perfect as it is. But in reality, he built a large community of followers who took care of his every need. If life really has no purpose, why did he work so hard to attract followers and turn them into sanyassins? Why create such a big movement if everything was already fine as it was? It’s easy to talk about having no goals when you have hundreds of people looking after you. This raises the question: were his actions really in line with what he was teaching, or was there a hidden purpose behind it all? ..... Don’t get me wrong. I've spent a big part of my life listening to Osho, and I deeply admire his work. I’ve experienced the sense of purposelessness enough times to understand his teachings on it. But I don’t see why we should talk about these absolute insights in the relative world, where they can sometimes do more harm than good. It’s like teaching a child an Old Testament quote, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." It just doesn’t fit in certain situations. Similarly, speaking about absolute concepts in a world where people are dealing with real, practical issues can feel disconnected or even harmful.
  4. Leo never existed. he is an AI. When he shuts down, his cat (also an AI) will became new admin.
  5. It looks OK. Try testing out a small dose. Use something like this instead of keeping it these plastic bags.
  6. Okay, thanks for clarification!
  7. @Thought Art That moment when you ask about a tech product and get a philosophical rant about why monitoring your health is bad and what you should prioritize in life... enough of this forum for today.
  8. who can really say what's right or wrong when you're in tune with the flow of the universe? 😂
  9. That sounds awesome! I am considering buying one eventually. How long does it's battery last these days?
  10. I never really thought much about it, but your comment just reminded me I could actually read his book. Cool that you're testing it for 25 days. I'm super jealous! While choosing the right size - Keep in mind your fingers can change a lot in size with cold, warm water, training, and rest, so find the right fit. You definitely don't want to lose it swimming in an algae pool because your finger suddenly got thinner from cold exposure. It's not really necessary. Any $100 smartwatch can probably do the same things. But like the Remarkable 2, if it helps you stay motivated, adds a cool futuristic vibe, and gives you that extra push, then it's awesome! But don’t listen to me, I just secretly want some Borg tech!
  11. Sneaky Spending 2k for anal and not even knowing where you are? Dude needs a GPS!
  12. This is why I have trust issues… and why I double-check that “new” label on eBay! 😂
  13. I heard rumors that Marilyn Manson removed a few ribs so he can suck his own dick. It might be a the thing to consider lol Jokes aside Why overcomplicate such a simple process of using your hand?