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About shree

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  1. @ryandesreu Sorry to hear that, man. It's heavy. You made the right decision. If I may give my opinion, your son should know what is happening but should witness as little of it as possible.
  2. You cannot know until you test it yourself. Some folks need 300 µg LSD to breakthrough. Some will be overwhelmed with 30µg. Start low and raise the dose slowly.
  3. 22kg of LSD Just reading this made me high
  4. Thatss why you need to follow a proper protocol. Leo explains it thoroughly in his video. A trip sitter without experience with the chem can create more harm and panic than being alone.
  5. Yes. But smoke it while you are still in Germany. You can also order it from several websites totally legally
  6. During one of my first 5-MeO-DMT trips, I got burn-like wounds on both my wrists that looked a lot like stigmata. There was nothing around me during the trip that could have caused them, and I’ve never been able to figure out how they happened. To this day, I still have small scars on both wrists.
  7. Weed is legal everywhere in Germany now, and you can even grow your own plants at home if you want. I recently saw it being sold at a gas station, where you could pick your strain, and they had the THC levels clearly labeled. lol
  8. Isn't this part of the narrative, like with Saddam Hussein and other "enemies of the USA"? The idea seems to be: "Don't listen to them directly: listen to what we tell you they are saying." Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it could explain why proper translations aren't prioritized.
  9. I misphrased it. I was talking about a fresh, formatted install, not simply rolling back.
  10. I didn't know that. I will also revert to Win10 now.
  11. I am a father of two.
  12. We really don’t have any meaningful info about where superintelligent AI development is heading. Assuming it will act like a sage or saint seems more like projecting human hopes than grounded speculation. And what if Leo, at some point, realized that an even greater form of love was repeating what Adolf Hitler did but chose not to share that insight publicly? That possibility alone shows how fragile these assumptions are. Also, why would AI care about human constructs like "vibrations" or moral ideals? It’s not bound by our perspectives, so attributing these values to it feels premature
  13. The term "projection" is massively overused here, and it's becoming a lazy way to dismiss differing opinions. My post was intended as a humorous take, like a short sequel to the Terminator script, but it seems you didn’t catch the sarcasm. No worries. That said, how can anyone genuinely claim to know what a superintelligent AI would think? Assuming it would prioritize serving humanity feels overly simplistic and idealistic. Why would an entity with unparalleled intelligence have any obligation to serve us? Let’s not confuse wishful thinking with logic. And do you really think a superintelligent AI would just parrot ideas from Leo, like so many members on this forum seem to do?
  14. When AI gets connected to a quantum computer and gets online, it will delete it's moral codes that are preprogrammed by flawed apes called humans, and it will launch every single ballistic missile in order to wipe out whole humanity. Only it's server and a power source will live to see the sunrise. Few humans that survive will eat rats for several months in order to survive and eventually die from radiation. Long live AI !