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About shree

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  1. Because families are mostly source of trauma. For example, medicating kids and returning them to their dysfunctional families doesn't solve anything if the family doesn't change it's dynamics. It makes the problem worse by simply treating the symptoms of a bigger dysfunction. Now answer on your original post: From my perspective, you either emotionally detach and become non-reactive, or you distance/cut them off. I don’t think it’s possible to build an authentic relationship with people who don’t actively question themselves or engage in deep self-reflection, which naturally comes with higher levels of development on Spiral Dynamics.
  2. @Thought Art I agree. I use only e-mesh and find it awesome, but OP asked for advice related to pipes.
  3. This torch should do the job. Try not to burn the chem, but to slowly heat it up so it vaporizes. I never used pipes but if I would need to chose one of these, it would be the number 4.
  4. Yes. But I did months of very rigorous self inquiry, and had a several psychedelic awakening prior to this. My life is as it always was, but after several of such experiences it now has different flavor. It’s more like I take everything less seriously. existence, myself, my problems, and I draw much more joy from life.
  5. I just misread the title as "Joe Rogan posts dick of Leo on X." The internet has officially broken me.
  6. Mooooooar! We demand moar!
  7. @Davino Doooope. I love it!
  8. Hi-diddly-ho is always there to judge her when something goes off the script.
  9. Fair point. I imagine 20 simple meditators and you as a member, choking and rolling on the floor becoming aware of the construct. The group is watching and thinking, dafuck is wrong with you girl? We just came for a bit of meditation. @Letho Wait, what? Finally someone that addresses the real issue here. I though this is crucial part of my growth towards the stage Turquoise.
  10. Thank you. 1. The Infinite. Beyond time, space, and form. 2. For me now, with my state lowered again, other people are mostly a way to reground myself by sharing the experience and playing nonsense human games. The loop continues.
  11. I haven’t had a psychedelic awakening in months, but I’ve been going deep into healing core psychological wounds. Out of nowhere, lying sober in a dark room for 2 hours, this arose: -Psychedelics are like a needle that bursts the fragile bubble of what we call reality. But no needle is actually needed. The bubble could burst in the next moment. In fact, the moment never was. In fact, I am everything that is, and what is, is infinite. The bubble itself was imaginary. No psychedelics, just pure sober direct experience. I’m usually super-sensitive to psychedelics, even weed, but this came out of nowhere after several months of inner work. Pros of a sober awakening: no need for throwing up nor taking a shit mid-trip. (Psychedelic folks will get it.) @Leo Gura, I’d genuinely love your take on this. Does this resonate with your view of direct awakening beyond substances? Or is there a subtle trap here I might be missing? Would Love your input.
  12. @How to be wise I hope you never decide to became a therapist. Your patients will jump from a balcony right after the first hour with you.
  13. Well, that alone makes him a great candidate for a president - considering the times we live in. 😆