De Sade

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Everything posted by De Sade

  1. Avoid processed food,try something more basic. And don't eat it too much,being too full can get/make you lazy.
  2. "Fear" is just seeing other things as a threat,but it should be understood that GOD is the true threat,then fear is no more.
  3. Exactly. God doesn't have any "personality",he's beyond it,also,his dog doesn't exist,never did,he just suffers because he was attatched to it (ego),which proves that compassion/empathy = ego (devil).
  4. When highfalutin words ends,what's left ?
  5. Love is the same as acceptance. HolyKael do not accept,that is LOVE,reality (which includes evil,torture,murder,rape,genocide). God created this for a reason,that is: Fun and Joy. God knows this sounds sadistic as fuck,but it is what it is.
  6. Through HolyKael's posts,is sensed depression and lack of motivation.
  7. Holykael usual posts proves he does not accept reality.
  8. @Yimpa Mental Disorders do not exist,they are a expression of Solipsism/God/Consciousness/Awareness,is been referred as 'mental disorder" is simply weakness (lack of solipsism awareness)..
  9. Epistemological Solipsism is useless,it's only a half - truth,at max.