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About oldhandle

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  1. I'm an American who moved to Italy, home of my ancestors, so I'm safe on this one. But why is Israel doing that if they're recognizing as you just did in this post how fucked that is lol
  2. I really don't understand what Israel is trying to accomplish.
  3. Why do Israelis even want Israel so bad it's like the worst land conceivable.
  4. But I'd like to see some proof of that - I believe for sure that r/worldnews is compromised but would like to see someone show that definitively.
  5. Seriously, can someone like Leo or someone else comb through the top posts and the comments in the last few days and tell me if they think that site is full of propaganda and is compromised or if it's just me? I kinda feeling like I'm going crazy every time I look at that subreddit
  6. I'll point this out again, a super obvious example of their deception is the fact that literally nothing bad is every posted on https://reddit.com/r/worldnews about Israel and anything condemning their enemies is upvoted to the moon. That's not normal, that's not the actual consensus opinion of all people - that's clear censorship and bias going on on a major news aggregator website. Just go check it out for yourself.
  7. As usual, buried completely in https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews and no one seems to care even though Israel killed freaking 6 UN workers, they really can just get away with anything, imagine the outrage if Palestine killed 6 UN workers, it would be top of every news website and would be used to justify more violence against them, but Israel does it and literally no one cares https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clyn400rm68o
  8. On this thread about Hamas: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1fary3f/hamas_piles_on_new_demands_for_ceasefire_deal/?sort=controversial The original poster wrote: " Israel is the good guy. University cos play jihadists are moral imbeciles." 19 upvotes. Wtf man, this shit is fake as fuck.
  9. Just how much money does Israel spend on propaganda? Israelis killed an American woman who was peacefully protesting in Israel: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0l8rgz7rn4o And you can't even find this event at all on https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews - the only discourse allowed there is pro-Israel. I think this is pretty fucking alarming and telling, though I expect, especially, the pro-Israel users in this thread to completely skip my post as if they didn't read a letter of it. Just how much money do you have to spend to get the main world news subreddit to completely hide anything bad about Israel and completely promote anything bad about Palestine?
  10. Why does the US support them so much I've heard explanation after explanation and it still just does not add up to logical sense
  11. I mean just scroll this, there's ONLY posts that paint Palestine in a bad light and nothing about how many killed in an Israel bombing and the comments are literally just one direction. https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/top/?t=week
  12. Do you think it's realistic https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews is compromised? Like it's just fake accounts upvoting and supporting Israel only?
  13. I just have a question. Is there any reason every single post regarding Israel and Palestine in https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews is 100% pro-Israel? It seems really suspicious when every other online space is quite the contrary.
  14. I'm talking social life which I spend a lot of time on, reading news, watching Netflix, all other distractions. How do you just decide to put them away for a while to go all in on making your life purpose a reality? It seems easy but it's not.