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Everything posted by oldhandle

  1. Literally never had that happen nor ever heard of it happening.
  2. Maybe because when you go up to a girl solo, she doesn't see any social proof. If you are a well-liked member of a group and approach women within that, surely it's better odds?
  3. What techniques do you use to divert your attention elsewhere?
  4. Am I missing something, why did you quote your own posts that you already said?
  5. I haven't fully understood the spiral dynamic stuff yet, but hasn't Leo left stage green yet still thinks this?
  6. This is totally true and I can also that I think dating apps for those recovering for porn, while at first the man can think "oh, I'm leaving porn behind and trying to find a real woman" - the constant feed of new and novel girls on the apps feels a lot like porn used to and to those men (including myself) I suggest trying to meet women through approach in real life instead. I know this is a bit of a change of topic, but hope it makes sense.
  7. Do you think it's innate that some people just get bigger dopamine rushes with sexuality and therefore have more likelihood toward getting addicted? What causes such variance?
  8. This is a fun post, I am entertained, but I don't know if I understood it
  9. Could you please break that up into paragraphs? People will be more likely to not dismiss it immediately, which I already sense people doing.
  10. Yea, I have to say, it's REALLY surprising. Almost every spiritual traditional that Leo has an entire video on advises against lust and has people in it that practice celibacy. Really confused but maybe his mind can change in time.
  11. This explains it all pretty well: https://andreian.com/nofap-flatline/#:~:text=The Nofap flatline is a,while quitting masturbation and pornography.
  12. Dismissing all peer-reviewed research on porn related topics as bro-science seems unfair, pretty sure the links here are actual science https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/ybop-articles-on-porn-addiction-porn-induced-problems/effects-of-porn-on-the-user/porn-recovery-and-the-mysterious-flatline-2013/
  13. Not fighting, simply asserting what I know to be true about the dangers of porn and masturbation.
  14. anecdotally you'd find over 1,000,000 people that contradict that experience through this link alone https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/tools-for-change-recovery-from-porn-addiction/external-rebooting-blogs-forums-threads/
  15. What? lol. It's the website of the late Gary Wilson 16 mil views
  16. I just don't think anyone who is intellectually honest could spend some time on this website and genuinely leave with the conclusion that porn is healthy/good for you/not a major societal issue *shrug* https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/research/
  17. Dunno man: https://www.everydayhealth.com/erectile-dysfunction/pornography-habit-is-linked-to-erectile-dysfunction-research-suggests/ "Pornography Habit Is Linked to Erectile Dysfunction, Research Suggests Survey says more than 50 percent with erectile dysfunction problems during partnered sex don’t have a problem when watching porn."
  18. Good response, I'm trying not to let my discovery of Leo's stance on this topic, in stark contrast to my own, diminish the legitimacy of his Life Purpose Course, which I paid for and am finding useful. I will just agree to disagree with him on this.
  19. High speed internet porn is a new phenomenon our brains aren't equipped to deal with though. It hasn't been a problem for many decades, it's new. How can you not notice the obvious correlation with youth ED rates as being associated with high speed internet porn, for example? https://publichealth.jmir.org/2021/10/e32542/
  20. It's a disappointment because I agree with Leo on so many other things and have found tremendous help, but porn and masturbation has absolutely destroyed my life in many negative ways and I'm pretty shocked one cannot see this. I think he should look into Noah Church, Dr. Trish Leigh, Gary Wilson's work, but it seems his opinion is pretty set in stone. He does say to not trust any person blindly though, and, while I agree with most of Leo's teaching, I'll never be on board with "porn is natural, harmless" thinking.