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Everything posted by oldhandle

  1. Will she be the first president without biological children? https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/kamala-harris-childfree-childless-no-kids-us-president-b2585071.html
  2. I expect something different to happen because it's absurdly higher than every other developed nation.
  3. Sorry for calling out a guy who posts nothing but outlandish Israel glazing as being a possible fake troll because it doesn't seem possibly genuine to me
  4. My life is honestly fucking awesome lmao
  5. What a thing to do with your one life
  6. I'm not going to take that user seriously and I suggest everyone does the same, it's blatant Israel glazing his entire post history, that's not a genuine person.
  7. He has to be trolling, just ban him lmao
  8. Daniel Shaver is honestly one of the reasons I'll never live in USA again and am immensely grateful to have left.
  9. Nah some things just are. I'm typing this on a laptop that is on my table. The table exists. I can make up some dumb shit about it not existing and it being a figment of my god imagination or whatever the hell you're on about but it's still just a table that exists.
  10. Yea I agree with you there, not sure why it's even being brought up. Let's say she obviously tried to do that, it wouldn't be the proper procedure to head shot her, would it? Honestly half way through typing it, it probably is in the USA the proper procedure, I don't even know, American cops and the system protecting them is fucking just insane
  11. I looked closely and didn't see anything that indicated she was attempting to throw boiling water at two armed cops *shrug*
  12. I don't come to the forum often but it seems like he can't be serious with the unbelievably hard to buy Israel glazing
  13. Is this like a troll or what's the deal with this user
  14. Have you seen that video recently? I definitely think this is bad but George Floyd's was just unbelievable.
  15. Damn, really can't believe you're defending this cop who has 2 DUIs and was kicked out of 4 other departments who headshotted a woman in her home for no reason lmao
  16. I'm looking for opinions on what I'm thinking about my life purpose going forward, and the business I'm now envisioning having just finished the life purpose course. So after Leo's course I define my life purpose statement as follows: "To bring people together in a recovery/self-improvement community creating meaningful music and applicable advice content." I myself have recovered from 5 major addictions, I don't want to list specifically what all of them here, but lets just say I had completely crippling, potentially life ending addictions to 5 major things, all of which I have completely rooted out of my life. It took time and struggle, but I did it without traditional "12 steps" meetings and from a secular lens, both of which I think are uncommon, as the default responses when it comes to recovery from behavioral or substance addiction is always "go to a rehab", "go to 12 steps meetings" and "seek god". Therefore I think I have unique insights on this topic and I feel I can share a lot about my traumatic past that led me to develop the addictions and how to help others get there. I'm also a musician, I'm skilled at actually making music, however, I feel a lot of the music I made in the past isn't true to who I am anymore, and a lot of the lyrics in that past music even glorified substances and activities I'm now completely against for the rest of my life. I would like to create a community and provide coaching for people who are struggling with similar issues to what mine were. However, I have no "degree" in this, but I'm not sure how much that matters, Leo doesn't really have a psych degree or anything as far as I know as well. I think what matters most is my personal experience in dealing with these issues. So I'd like to do these tangible things: - Create a community, maybe on Discord or its own forum of individuals trying to specifically work on their addictions - Coach people about these addictions - Create very personal videos about my life and talking about particular subjects related to addiction, some being long form like Leo's (I've always been impressed how long he can talk without relying on "cuts") - Make music that echoes and specifically bolsters the validity of the topics I'm talking about in those long form videos. So my songs going forward might dealing specifically about one topic I faced in addiction, and then there would be a paired "Leo style" long form video discussing that same topic It might sound lofty and like I can't make money doing this, but I think as long as I realize for a while I'll have to do some of this for free before it returns dividends, I can make this a rewarding career in time. What do you guys think? Any advice or pitfalls you see me getting into? Thank you.
  17. My struggle right now is making four hours a day to work on my life purpose, and putting it before over things. Sometimes I have time, but I feel like unless the house is perfectly cleaned, unless I've gone to the gym, studied language (moved to a foreign country and it's necessary) - I cannot start on it. I mean, not to mention I have a full time job teaching, and I am the leader of a social group once a week. In the books Leo recommends after you finish his life purpose course, a few of them talk about the importance of this, time blocking four hours a day to work on your life purpose. I'm finding this really difficult to achieve. I know in theory this is what I need to do to get things going, and not have a mentality of "work on it when everything else is done" but easier said than done I suppose. To complicate matters more, I also have to come to terms with the fact that my body and soul aches to date but I know I don't have the time to create this business and also be dating women - as that is a big time and money expenditure. Anyone been here before? Any advice for me? Sorry if it comes of as a ramble. I know what I want to do, my life purpose is clearly stated. The issue now is creating the habit of working on it, for a substantial amount of time daily, when I have so much else going on.
  18. I'm struggling with this so if anyone doesn't have personal advice, maybe a link, video?
  19. All I can say is I'm 34 and not giving up on my life purpose.
  20. My life purpose is to create a recovery/self-improvement community creating meaningful music and applicable advice content. I KNOW if I go all in on this, I can make it something.
  21. What do you consider your life purpose in a succinct statement like how Leo instructs us to come up with?
  22. Thanks a lot Leo, what do you think specifically about the parts where I talk about making a song on a subject related to my personal addiction struggles (like, detailed topics, such as how I could not talk to women without Alcohol, or how I feared quitting substances because I thought I would lash out and lose friends in the quitting process) and then expanding on those in long form videos?