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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. @Aaron p think your missing the point of this thread, nobody needs this crap, respectfully.
  2. @Leo Gura Can I ask what qualities @NoSelfSelf demonstrated to you that made you think he was fit to moderate in the first place? How different was his initial character than to what is shown here? Because his toxicity has been evident to me since the day I signed up on this forum and I'm not just saying that because of my own personal run in's with him. What did you see in him that you no longer do?
  3. @NoSelfSelf hahahaha was only a matter of time
  4. Looks a lot like the Maui fires
  5. I agree he should've just got out the car he was testing them too much, however, like what Leo said, I don't think there were any imminent signs of aggression that warranted that level of tasing. The average person does not understand tasers, all they feel is immense pain and their body seizing up, 3 rounds of that would put anyone into retaliation mode, you'd be stupid not to defend yourself.
  6. They tased the fuck out of him, I wouldn't be surprised if he thought he was gonna die from a heart attack or something and subsequently reacted on instinct.
  7. @Tristan12 Did you grow up around narcissist's by any chance? You keep saying pain, pain, pain, but can't seem to pin down exactly where its coming from. Seems as if you have a deep distrust with yourself which is actually blocking you from seeing what the actual problems are. In such case no amount of "tough" effort to heal is going work if you still can't figure out exactly what your feeling and why. I asked if you have relationships with narcissist's because I've got narcissists in the family and I've noticed the effect on me of how difficult they make self diagnosing. Not always in the way of doubting yourself either, but in being too sure of yourself that you cut of avenues you don't even know your cutting off because their self-assertiveness has rubbed off on you, it can be very subtle. Not implying that's what's happening, just all this to say, you seem very set on how you want to live your life at the very young age of 24, how do you know that you can be sure that this is what you really want? Maybe the reason you cant move forward is because you secretly don't want what your moving towards and the resistance to that pursuit is the pain itself. Feeling torn can be a very painful experience.
  8. Your emotions given enough time after a psychedelic experience eventually settle down. Yoga when done properly ignites a process which never allows for your emotions to calm down and your forced to resolve all conflict the original expansion of consciousness presented you with. In my own experience and from what I can tell from others is that this problem is a lot less present when working with psychedelics, you can trip, sure it might be difficult, you might know you have to make changes but more often than not you come down and your entire body and state of just existing itself does not become completely dysfunctional, yoga (when done properly) very frequently DOES have that effect, forcing you to evolve. I.e walk your talk, face your truths.
  9. Yeah, yoga when done properly almost forces you to evolve, or more accurately I should say is embody. Psychedelics don't force you to walk your talk (edit: as much as yoga). I guess that could be seen as a positive and a drawback.
  10. So would Datura be a good taste of insanity then? Something very few other substances have the ability to do. Is that why it ruins people's lives so consistently, because it shows them insanity and because they have very little or no understanding of consciousness and awakening they can never integrate it?
  11. Ok, so sanity is essentially constructed by the safety of familiarity within consciousness. I suppose it's pointless to ponder insanity then unless you plan to go there.
  12. Is insanity just a way in which consciousness starts behaving if it becomes "unbound" enough? it's like no part of the mind can be correlated to another anymore.. each of what consciousness is one moment, is then infinitely "different" from it is in the next moment, a process of continually shedding all "set markers" the mind has on itself because of how creative its becoming. Like a dream getting infinitely more and more obscure at a pace so quick that it doesn't allow you to grasp it any more?
  13. @Leo Gura I appreciate you making that blog post, It's made me think that teaching people this "artistry of mind" as oppose to "mastery of mind" might be my niche. I discovered it and can access it extremely deeply through music as well, to the point where I cant even really listen to music anymore for any extended periods of time without falling deeply into it. Its a state of blissful, hyperactive intuitive creative love. Its the main reason I do spirituality, I live for these states. Do you know of anyone that already teaches this distinction?
  14. Is this still the case for you? I'm assuming your referring to your 30 days 30 awakenings experiment. If you done DMT again would you get sucked straight back into Mahasamadhi off of the first dose, or would you need to build back up to it over many doses like you did the first time?
  15. Yeah the blog is great, you should post more. I always check it before coming onto the forum, So many golden nuggets.
  16. @Leo Gura Is this all in part of movement towards your new course coming out about programming the subconscious mind? This for example would be along the lines of.. Polishing your work so that you can take pride in it, subtly training your mind to find fulfilment and purpose in whatever it is you do.
  17. So your telling me you don't think busting 10 nuts in a row, let alone near anything near 20, isn't unusual? I consider my sex drive to be pretty high and even I'm tapping out after 7-8. Just painful after that. You busting continuous little micro-nuts or something?
  18. Would cannabis help with fibromyalgia? Seems to me like it could be an incredible treatment for this type of disease? When I had shingles years ago I was in terrible burning nerve pain all over the right side of my body, I smoked weed throughout the duration of it and it helped A LOT. If fibromyalgia nerve pain is anything like shingles nerve pain then I couldn't imagine living with that every day, its completely debilitating.
  19. @Buck Edwards This video is a great overview of kundalini, very accurate and well informed.
  20. @Something Funny I was just pointing out on how someone could be so sure of something being a personal attack and then go on to openly admit their own mindset which directly corrupts that assumption. I'm aware that I do it. Just thought this example was so blatant that I'd point it out.
  21. Maybe this is why you just cant imagine/accept someone commenting truthfully/objectively on something without thinking its a personal attack on you, because that's all you actually care to do yourself. I mean you literally just openly admitted that with this statement, takes a lot of credibility away from your argument does it not? Comparing chess to politics is stupid, honest politics is never about winning, chess is, chess is a sport essentially, I don't know why you would use this as an example, unless of course this is the only reason you engage in political debates, is to treat it as such Its quite clear that learning is not your priority with these conversations.