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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. This is your own life purpose though? Your not only here because its all about us? What else would you be doing if not sharing your development with us. It's for you just as much as it is for us. You say wasting your time but your not giving us your time purely just for us? Or is that not accurate? Would your happiest most productive life purpose not be in helping us? You said it yourself, what else is there to do? How can it not be about you "as well" when your deliberately choosing to do this because its your highest purpose, even if causes you backlash and suffering, you get the greatest "meta" satisfaction from it. Which is what YOU want. I'm not trying to catch you out, but is this not true?
  2. @integral bro's got a gaming mouse
  3. @How to be wise You can guarantee nothing.
  4. @MsNobody I think studying Leo's video "What is Gaslighting?" would be very appropriate at this time. With trauma like this and your family in particular, your going to need to learn how to trust yourself before you can navigate through any of it. I too have very little memories from my childhood and I think this is reason, I was constantly manipulated and gaslighted so I never learnt to trust my own experience, and as such, it became a blur. I would advice against rushing into confronting your family about this, even your mom. If you don't build some kind of solid foundation of trust for yourself which you can rely on first, then you might find that bringing this up with them will just make everything worse for you and you will start to feel helpless again.
  5. I'd appreciate you not doing that in future please, I was hardly demonising you. How is it fair that you can wipe your footprint off of other peoples comments but we cant?
  6. @Leo Gura Did you just edit my own post? I know you edited yours, but its taken the original quote out of mine as well as says edited by you, is this a new feature? It normally keeps the original quote?
  7. How is this not a deflection of my question, when were we ever not talking about hypotheticals? I'm hypothetically asking (because of your claim that you would walk down the street with devil horns) if you would risk traumatising people? How is it not realistic to assume that doing this "transformation" in front of them might potentially derail certain people from reality and ruin their life? I'm questioning your attitude when you said that nothing humans understand matters, when I think if this scenario did play out, then it in fact would matter?
  8. This the is point though, are you going to just disregard people's current state of conscious (ie, them being at a stage where such a thing would freak them out). Just because you deem it to be petty and irrelevant? Just because your intention itself is not to harm but knowing that harm will most likely be a side effect, your saying this doesn't matter and you would go ahead with it?
  9. seeing that you edited your response, I'll reply to this as well, would you happily be the biggest freak in the world if it meant scaring the shit out of everyone around just to show them what's possible? Because I remember in an old blog post you said never to use truth to hurt people but even knowing that this would frighten people, you would still go right ahead and do it, since "nothing humans understand matters". Humans currently understand that this is not possible, and doing this in front of them would shatter everything they know be utterly terrifying, but that doesn't matter, is that what your saying?
  10. Would you sit in front of all your family members and transform into this right before their eyes?
  11. What brand do you use? I fear I'm deficient in vitamin D but haven't found the time to research a legit product yet.
  12. embed working now for some reason
  13. Thanks, you too.
  14. Not working, doesn't transform. Tried the URL link and the HTML insert code option. Tried on chrome and firefox on computer.
  15. Can someone tell me how to properly embed please? I cant figure it out, thanks.
  16. studies have shown fasting boosts testosterone and improves ED, of course if your doing it to the point of starving yourself then this would make anything worse. OP should still consider this approach imo.
  17. @Daniel Balan Have you tried fasting before, seems like it wouldn't be very helpful but when the digestive system completely shuts down for extended periods of time the body starts to heal it self in miraculous ways. Worth a shot? Maybe consider starting with a 7 day water fast just to see if that triggers any spontaneous erections. I'm pretty sure I read a while ago that some studies shown lower level's of erectile dysfunction in men that regularly fasted or practised intermittent day fasting.
  18. I see, and yes this is what I meant by perfection, not any kind of pleasant human notion of it. But being okay with being tortured for example because you can see that it is gods highest good and in that way you align with gods perfection, by embracing that.
  19. @Leo Gura "the only thing your ever supposed to do in life is be intelligent". Is this because if you were infinitely intelligent you would always know exactly what to do in every second of every moment, which would mean you are living life in perfect flow, aka living life perfectly. Which is the ultimate goal of life? And that cannot be accomplished without perfect/infinite intelligence. The goal of life is ultimately to live perfectly and that requires perfect intelligence. As such, intelligence is all you should strive for in life. - ?
  20. @Aaron p think your missing the point of this thread, nobody needs this crap, respectfully.
  21. @Leo Gura Can I ask what qualities @NoSelfSelf demonstrated to you that made you think he was fit to moderate in the first place? How different was his initial character than to what is shown here? Because his toxicity has been evident to me since the day I signed up on this forum and I'm not just saying that because of my own personal run in's with him. What did you see in him that you no longer do?