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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. would we not consider a Wipeout to be a a complete non-dual experience? God consciousness with zero distinctions?
  2. Wouldn't this be expected though? As the body itself is just an extremely dense form of thought/imagination in gods mind? Such that it manifests itself as "material" because that's exactly what god dreamt it to be. Would it not be expected then that if you stop imagining the body the capacity for metaphysical thought would still be there, instead of assuming metaphysical thought to be locked into the body? I feel like a true realization of god's mind would render this obvious. Your coming from a bottom up approach instead of top down one. What do you think?
  3. @Ishanga sounds like you've been seduced by sadhguru
  4. Xander Budnick, good channel. How do I post the videos instead of just the link? Oh lol, didn't realise Leo already posted him haha
  5. ok doesn't matter, I was just asking if you yourself have had the direct experience of awakening to solipsism as being true.
  6. yeah that's fine, I genuinely asking though. I thought you might of been the person Leo talked about in his solipsism video when he said he needed to check himself during his own awakening.
  7. Have you become directly conscious of solipsism yourself? I trust you'll answer honestly.
  8. @Princess Arabia Your level attention seeking is diabolical.
  9. Because god isn't biased like yourself. basically, your corrupt. God isn't.
  10. cosmic reach-around.
  11. I second modafinil, it's sustainable most people can use it quite often without repercussions. Not overkill like mdma or psychedelics for just a chill vibe. Stop you getting too drunk as well.
  12. hmm, not sure then. I was under the impression he done some studies with quantifiable results.
  13. Pretty sure Joe Dispenza has done some actual studies with experiments on this. Might want to look into his stuff. He's a neuroscientist as well as his spiritual stuff, since your looking for something more concrete. I know there was a whole chapter on the pineal gland in his "becoming supernatural" book but I cant find where I put my copy.
  14. If you cant give examples your mostly likely full of shit.
  15. hahaha that explains it, was wondering how you could be perceiving that, guy looks totally normal
  16. ah, yeah i've read of lots of people just having memory whiteouts when they take massive doses.
  17. yeah on low doses maybe but anything moderate is lasting me 12 hours minimum.
  18. what was the trip like? I cant fathom taking a dose that high, even just 300 blows my head off.
  19. sounds like you just psyched yourself into a panic, personally I've never thought to redose acid on the same day. Seems a bit much considering how long it lasts.
  20. @Schizophonia nice, thankyou.