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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. I used the morning glory seeds when I tried LSA, they are similar but are a lot smaller than HBWRS and you have to use a lot more. I found it quite mild although I didn't take a big dose, however there was a degree of stomach discomfort. It seemed a lot more clear and tranquil compared to LSD, didn't seem to effect the ego as much and could string thoughts together a bit better than on LSD. Overall it was quite a pleasant experience, could be good for self enquiry. The difference reminded me of how Leo compared 5-MeO to 5-MeO-Malt in that its a less chaotic experience, you can map things out a bit better. Again though, only a mild dose due to possible stomach discomfort. Could behave very differently at higher doses, instead of just more of the same.
  2. Dakota wint is such a phony
  3. yeah, I just realised Leo has practically already made this video anyway with his "everyone acts from good intentions" video.
  4. As title states, this is something I think we all find very hard.
  5. This wasn't my point. I'm saying it can easily go unnoticed if not explicitly expressed. And that once you are conscious of your aura a selfless person will then decide to mold it and calm it for the sake of how it might make others feel anyway, for example you may have extremely pure intentions but have such a naturally eccentric vibe that it causes people around you to feel inadequate/boring/plain and generally self conscious. Of course this would take proper balancing to not then repress their own authentic expression for others as this would then be going in the opposite direction. But you get my point. It's like a child being unconsciously obnoxious in their behaviour, when really they are just being themselves. Obviously we wouldn't demonise a child or an adult for this however a conscious adult might take this into account and see how they can be a bit more accommodating of people in their company. and this is not mutually exclusive either some gifted spiritual people might be come off as complete creeps and insanely strange. But yes I will admit, authenticity is a powerful vibe if picked up on.
  6. Your aura is something you can control. If your not selfish then it wont be abused and therefore not noticed in a powerfully seductive way. Many spiritual people could easily build themselves up into a powerfully blissful/high energy conscious state then go out in public and dazzle people, this is what is typically meant by spiritual charlatans. But this is all selfish games. The more conscious you are, by default the more consciousness you are of your aura. Selfless people will choose not to abuse it. This is also partly a fantasy you are constructing about spirituality and what it brings.
  7. @Leo Gura should listen to To pimp a butterfly by kendrick, the one posted above. Generational album, I think most people who are not interested in rap would still appreciate it.
  8. I doubt you'll retain this mindset for 10 years. You'll want more.
  9. 1:46, does Biden's body language here seem obscure to anyone else? Combined with what he was saying at that exact moment. "inflicts terrible crimes on his own people" I don't know body language, if anyone here does, drop your expertise. My impression of it was that Biden knows he is/has inflicted crimes on his people and unconsciously expressed it with his body language in this moment. I also noticed a sudden change in tone and tempo in his voice. Seemed like the truth was accidentally seeping out about his own actions when speaking on others. (I understand how I sound, but what do you guys think? This stood out to me.)
  10. This does not mean that it is not an advantage, if a girl finds 2 perfect guys that are identical in having everything she wants, but 1 is taller, ON AVERAGE girls with go with the guy that is taller. This is a fact and the point Leo was making. This does not imply that the shorter guy can not still be wildly successful with other women.
  11. are you gonna make any more videos sharing your bad trips? I found your one on youtube very entertaining
  12. @Giulio Bevilacqua @OBEler I'm going to make a post in the future about my personal experience with it, too much to go into now.
  13. @khalifa sounds like you've activated your kundalini but don't know what exactly it is and therefore resisting it all the time. My symptoms are very similar to yours, I've been suffering with them daily for 3 years. Kundalini is not an energy, it is simply an expansion of your consciousness that when resisted can cause energetic symptoms, but don't think of it as energy. All expansion of consciousness happens in the present moment, you need to try and get out of your head and see how your consciousness is trying to expand into the present moment, then observe any resistance. Kundalini can reveal specific conflicts that cause symptoms however it can also be just a very difficult adjustment to your new permanent state of expanded awareness, something new that collapses your old way of being, which is why it is scary and intense 24/7 because the old structures of yourself are fighting to survive and causing backlash on steroids. @OBEler Might be right as well, its the same thing as what I'm saying essentially. Maybe you need to go back into to 5 MEO to rid your resistance to that expanded level of consciousness, as with 5 MEO it's so powerful it can create permanent changes. There's lots of stuff online about people having to go back in and "complete" their trips, there's lots of NN-DMT trip reports like this, look some up.
  14. stay wide awake is definitely his most fucked up song
  15. what does that mean exactly
  16. To warn everyone that its fake, that winning it has got nothing to do with how good your music is
  17. Because you were able to put on some music and start dancing to it, thats how your just inexperienced with psychedelics, you'll know when a bad trip happens haha and it wont include dancing.
  18. @Thought Art the grammy's is a publicity prize, Eminem's trashed them so many times because of it, that's why he doesn't get picked.
  19. yeah revival is probably my least favourite, in the scope of music I wouldn't consider it a poor album but from coming from Em its just lack luster and not why people listen to him. But when he goes back to his uncensored style like he did with music to be murdered by he created one of his best albums on par with his early 2000's work, except polished and mature. Its a 8/10 for me.
  20. @Danioover9000 Denzles's hard af, I initially dismissed his music for along time before properly listening to him, purely because I perceived him as "too emo" for me, I feel like a lot of people do this the first time they hear him. But after properly listening to his stuff, his beat production is amazing, lyrically he's got bars, flow AND substance. sirenz feat. JID goes crazy, pure emotion.
  21. @Danioover9000 how do you rate music to be murdered by out of ten? I'm curious as I think this is arguably one his best albums but seems to the most slept on just because of how popular his old stuff is.
  22. Basically he's best all-round rapper he's pretty much does aspect of rap to the top level and some it to higher than all others, but the reason he blew up so much is his fuck you take on everything. He didn't submit to anyone in his raps, he's the most uncensored rapper, that's why people love him. I guess you could say in essence he's the rapper that's most in-line with truth, that's why people resonate with him so much and why he's the goat. He says it how it is, and he's never let anyone change that about himself. But in terms of technical ability, yes he is one of the best EVER. However he himself has admitted that are other battle rappers and stuff that are way more barred up than him. They just lack in lot of other departments, whereas he doesn't. *also because he's selfless, all he wants is for rap to expand and grow, to help up and coming artists. I think this is rare in music in general. Most celebrities are assholes.
  23. yeah I get that, that's not a peak breakthrough non-dual experience though, that's just an integrated god realised ego self. Which doesn't that just make this a pointless word game? Its just another way of framing it, your still seeing form, you just know that none of those forms can ever truly be separate which ultimately makes them formless now AS A PERSPECTIVE. Its not true formlessness, its just a filter that you've integrated into your perspective of reality from your individual viewpoint. True formlessness doesn't even have perspectives.