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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. Agreed, although my point was more so towards the idea of a complete fabrication against him due to the colossal ramifications of what he is proclaiming to be true on his channel. But of course that’s not even worth discussing unless it gets proven.
  2. @Loveeee I haven’t listened to his solipsism video yet so I can’t comment. waiting till I’m over my kundalini symptoms to watch it, my direct experience is too unstable at the minute, can’t be contemplating that kind of content. I put my understanding of Infinity of the gods video in the other thread though if you want to read it, don’t know what else I can say about it, I’m pretty sure I haven’t misinterpreted.
  3. @Leo Gura mainstream media and other people in power retaliating against the stuff he’s been “exposing”. Not that, that negates from any of the allegations and doesn’t make them legit, it wouldn’t be a shock considering the person used to be. Just saying that the timing is impeccable. we’ve seen it 100 times before.
  4. @Leo Gura I was hinting at an alternative avenue people might want to look up, but I know you don’t want that kind of talk on here.
  5. cool, i've seen a couple of your videos before man.
  6. start with a short, non intensive hike, and then slowly build yourself, it's unlikely that you will run into any serious problems if you've taken the proper precautions.
  7. this is not what leo is referring to with his infinity of the gods video, you've misinterpreted. Everything he is talking about here in regards to communication, is within our own infinity, and is a different insight to what he is referring to in the IOG video. I don't think it will be clarified until he starts releasing his content on alien consciousness.
  8. @Yimpa nah, never tried any of them, you?
  9. yeah this is definitely over stepping boundaries, uncomfortable watch.
  10. infinite waters on YouTube has just put out a video discussing this. He gives a very non biased review with lots of different sources for perspective. One of which was a woman claiming, how she actually got reached out to by channel 4 to be in the documentary they were making about him regarding these allegations but that she then got told that she wouldn't be in it because her story "didn't fit the narrative". And then he goes over the opposite side of the argument as to why just because women with proclaimed direct experience of him treating them very well, does not mean that he didn't treat others very poorly. Other things the consider maybe.
  11. DO NOT meditate if you are going through genuine kundalini awakening, this is horrible advice. Meditation will exacerbate your symptoms massively. Do VERY LIGHT exercise everyday to calm your energy, masturbation without porn or sex with someone you trust daily is also a very helpful to calm your energy. The only meditation you could be doing are self love visualisations, not any no mind practises or deep self enquiry. I am speaking from nearly 3 years daily experience with my own awakening. Stay away from spiritual practises. Do not practise any form of “absolute surrender” you will excite your symptoms even further and will not be doing yourself any favours whatsoever. Your best course of action is to stay composed, in your emotions and thoughts until you can get an a further understanding of what your symptoms are coming from. it may just be mild and end up passing/releasing on its own, but until then keep your composure and do not try to force anything or “surrender” to anything till you figure out what’s happening. stay away from caffeine as well. Lastly don’t read stuff on the internet it is 99% wrong. Tara springett is the only person I have found who I can vouch for, she’s helped thousands of people through their symptoms and is a certified kundalini expert. @Romer02
  12. @SQAAD Think about it in the same way you would when trying to understand direct vs indirect consciousness. Direct consciousness can not be taught because the exact thing that you would use to teach it, is the exact thing that makes it indirect! All “methods” themselves are by nature, 2nd order consciousness. Understanding, realising, conveying, conceptualising, modelling are all indirect forms of consciousness. The realisation of this insight itself is indirect! The realisation of direct consciousness is the exact point at which that consciousness becomes second order! The moment you try to “understand” direct consciousness, you come out of direct consciousness. Direct consciousness is formless, to understand consciousness you have to FORM it into something. The understanding is the form itself. Do you get that? Then what Leo means when he says that two gods can exist completely disconnected from eachother, is that one god can exist completely sovereign to itself, so long as it stays “meta” to the other. So now using the analogy again think of our infinity as the indirect consciousness and the separate other infinity as the direct consciousness, They can only ever be META to each other otherwise they will merge and become singular. The moment that one god becomes DIRECTLY conscious of the other, the sovereignty of the two collapses into one. You will not understand what he means until you grasp this insight of “meta” consciousness. It’s vital.
  13. It actually goes “outside” of infinity, it’s the ultimate mind fuck. It’s like meta-infinity, which of course has to be possible simply because of infinity. wow this really fucks with your head when you think about it.
  14. He explains exactly how in the video, re watch it. it’s very hard to explain, but he does go over it. He says that they are able to be separate because the two infinities are 100% inconceivable to each other. and that if they were, or the exact moment to where that did happen, their individual sovereignty’s would no longer exist, and they would merge back into a singular infinity, where the 2 become 1, completely sovereign to itself again. Once it clicks for you as to exactly what he means, you’ll realise that it is entirely possible.
  15. Try it on psyches, ask yourself what is an absolutely definitive answer I can find to this question. I did this on 250mics of LSD, not intentionally albeit but my ego started dissolving and I could no longer get a firm grasp on who I was, so I instinctively started asking myself this question and ended up having my first complete non dual ego death. It shattered everything I knew in a single moment. A key insight to making it work that I realised from that trip, is that you having to ask it in the most literal sense. If there is one single thing that defines and encompasses my entire identity, what is it?
  16. @Tech36363 never ever in your life are you going to be able to verify truth for yourself simply by putting your trust in someone else. It doesn’t matter how much faith you have in them, if you don’t verify it for yourself, there is simply no point.
  17. you can still incorporate all the characteristics girls love, like being edgy and "badboy-ish" while keeping your good intentions. Maybe don't shoot for a such a serious relationship straight off the bat, have a few flings, commitment scares most people off if demonstrated too soon.
  18. @Princess Arabia yeah it is definitely a risky one
  19. @Princess Arabia lol I wouldn’t be so sure, I believe he’s got that kind of humour in him
  20. jheese, the delivery has to be perfect to get away with that one leo
  21. embrace you feminine side, you can't escape it so just accept it. might help you with surrendering. Women go crazy for it too.
  22. Rape is physically forcing the act of sex. Manipulating someone into sex is not the same. No matter how much try to manipulate someone into sex, they still have to physically allow the act themselves, at which point if they resist and you carry on, its rape.
  23. @Yimpa ah cool, I don't know why when someone says they've never tried alcohol I just assume they haven't tried any substances.