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Everything posted by Francis777

  1. Yeah, I meant more so on the comedown. I'm usually pretty exhausted. That's just me though. The after glow the days after is nice though.
  2. You cant really besides what I described with the taste, and the awful trip you will most likely experience. Best way is to get a test kit. I don't have much knowledge of them, I just know they are extremely dangerous. Many people have died from ingesting them.
  3. This is not my way of practising selflessness, if I am not doing it for the sole benefit of other people then I don't see it as true selflessness. But this is a radical way of acting, maybe I shouldn't hold myself to such a high standard.
  4. yeah, I have no problem with setting boundaries with people, I don't take any shit from people. I'm speaking more from a general perspective of people not so much directly as I just wont stand for it anyway. Its more from a macro perspective as in if no one else is bothering to change then why should I? I know this is just weakness on my part but its become really intolerable for me lately.
  5. @Princess Arabia yeah I get that, how you contextualise is everything. But peoples behaviour is just too obvious to me now. I feel like people don’t even deserve for me to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. regardless of how I contextualise it, I still know for a fact that outside of that, is the truth of their character and I can’t deny it or frame it any other way. This wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t care to interact with people but I do. I dunno, this is more of a vent than anything, I know how to get over it. I know it’s all me. I just have a hard time justifying whether or not people deserve it sometimes. And I can’t just be selfless for my own peace of mind as that goes against everything that it means to be selfless. It’s lesser evils, but still.
  6. Yeah, a massive disclaimer for this forum that everyone should integrate is to listen to themselves over everything said on here. And only continue to engage with it if they think they are stable enough. this shouldn’t be understated.
  7. It’s very unlikely you’ll have a significantly bad experience when microdosing, the dose is just simply too little. You just have to get use to the feeling. try starting with .25g of shrooms, I personally think .4 is on the heavier end for a microdose. You should aim to enhance your sober state, not experience any kind of “trip” I use to microdose a lot with lsd, and the most I would go is 8mcg, however 3-6mcg was my sweet spot. It’s a tiny dose but I think if you go much higher then you are defeating the point of microdosing. I will add though that I’m very sensitive to psychedelics and can notice a dose of even 2mcg, which is absurdly small. figure out what works for you. If you want to be able to sustain microdosing for longer periods, ie, multiple months at a time. You definitely need to keep doses as low as possible.
  8. I feel like this forum is not good for 95% of the people on it.
  9. Just because all distinctions are illusory does not mean they haven’t manifested and don’t exist. it’s just that their nature as illusory is misunderstood. just mentioning as I feel your tendency to explain everything in absolute tends to trip people up.
  10. Human mind exist within infinite mind, and is dualistic by nature, that’s why it cannot have infinite comprehension. Because to have infinite intellect your mind needs to become infinity. human mind only exists because it is defined by limits, if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be human mind, it would be infinite mind. Even what Leo talks about with alien mind will still be within limits, just less/different.
  11. I think the biggest concern with LSD is making sure your not buying Nbome, I've read that if your tabs taste like metal then it could be those.
  12. LSD can be very taxing on the body, I'm usually very achy after tripping and completely exhausted coming down. Might just be the nature of the chemical. I've also experienced jaw strain on LSD.
  13. You can’t have any kind of dualistic experience without creation/invention. You would just be forever experiencing infinity as nothing because they are the same. For you to experience something, infinity has to divide itself. That’s the moment in which something is created/manifested. Or in your phrasing “invented” although invention is a cyclical term as it assumes it didn’t already exist, which isn’t true. Btw I wasn’t busting your balls just trying to get my point across.
  14. You cant preach that everything is god, then go on to say this. Rape has only ever been gods doing. Every rape that has ever happened in the universes history has been committed by god. God is a rapist, let that sink in. There's nothing that isn't god invented. Actions have to be made by someone, you? but who are you? god.
  15. yes this is accurate. Its a good point for people that haven't realised it is imaginary to ponder.
  16. Lol I watched this a few weeks ago
  17. Can this still not equate to living a quality life? because you do still need a decent degree consciousness to master the human mind. Are you just saying that at some point your consciousness reaches an equilibrium where it can no longer be sustained in a human mind. So it has the adverse effect. Where was that tipping point for you?
  18. damn that's pretty good going, good that you stuck with it.
  19. gravity actually states that its not pulling stuff to the ground, but that objects warp space and that space pushes everything else around it.
  20. how many trips did it take? And yeah its probably not going to be a fun ride, but you can guarantee some kind of results.
  21. I think forcing yourself to stick to a schedule when taking psychedelics is generally a really bad idea. Like @Yimpa said, intuition is the best thing to tell you when you need to dose. However if your getting serious like you said. Then forcing yourself to stick to a schedule is a sure fire way to get you into some uncharted territory. If that’s what your after.
  22. It’s all because people will not accept the infinite regress “problem”. That anything that divides reality into 2, must have already been a distinction itself otherwise it would merge not divide. As such, what divided that prior distinction so that it became distinction? and so on to infinity. The sole appreciation of the profundity of this problem is what will lead people to expand their consciousness to the degree of solipsism. If anyone that was truly open minded came across this problem they would not brush it off and they would explore it so much that they would realise that they cannot disprove it. They acceptance of this insight is what will cause them to consider the alternative, at which point they will awaken to the truth of solipsism themselves, proving it only to themselves, as that is the best you can do.
  23. I'll try not to lol, wherever the river goes it flows aha
  24. id say let her roam about for a few years if she's 16, let her discover her mind and personality, young minds are easily swayed by political influence, there's no harm in letting her solidify her world view a bit before forming a solid political opinion. After which you could step in, and help her make her most selfless political view, if you think you qualify to give that advice of course.