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Everything posted by ChimpBrain

  2. @Mal I'm not sure if you'll think this is related or not, but it's what came to mind after reading your post. If you have some free time start it at the 3:00 mark and listen for a few minutes. Not so much to do with "solving issues" as it is reincarnation and the nature of living beings and/or consciousness so maybe I'm off track.
  3. Try Wingate sprints on a stationary bike. Any form of HIIT really. Sled drags, prowler pushing, hill sprints, tire flipping.
  4. If you've never heard of Pauline Norton and her Fighter Diet that's something worth checking out. I have some of her ebooks if you want them. Her philosophy is basically "prevent overeating by overeating". She has you eating like a pound of vegetables with every meal and you stay so full you're not even tempted by the things you shouldn't eat.
  5. What you're proposing is called flexible dieting aka IIFYM aka if it fits your macros. It was originally popularized by Layne Norton but has since been bastardized to a large degree by people using it as an excuse to live off of crap food every day all day. His original proposal was that you get 80-90% of your calories from healthy sources and the remainder from "fun" foods. The idea being that this would allow for greater adherence to the diet by keeping you from getting burned out on chicken and broccoli 5 times a day lol. This is what I do.
  6. Because the original post is a summary of the video you quoted, Leo's most recent video on patience. This guy summarizes Leo's videos into text form every week, sort of like a cliffs notes version. The title is Be FUCKING patient. Why do you have such a strong tendency to start an argument in every thread you enter? I'm asking you to ask yourself, not because I want an answer.
  7. I didn't enjoy it but I think it might have been partially due to the fact that I chose the audio book version and blanton's narration was terrible.
  8. Oklahoma. Moving to north Texas in 3wks.
  9. I'm about half way through it right now and also getting a lot of good from it.
  10. Fantastic podcast with Russell Brand from today. Seriously, it's better than you think.
  11. My advice is going to be more practical and less philosophical but take it fwiw. You create your own reality to a large extent. The "media" you consume becomes what fills your mind, be it books, TV, Internet, whatever. Obviously stop watching that shit first and foremost. That's been covered. If you're "chicken hearted" like me and have a soft spot for animals consider volunteering for a local animal rescue group or shelter in some way. Fostering animals while they mend enough to be adopted, taking the puppy who's mom got ran over until they can find it a home, work at a no-kill shelter feeding animals and cleaning cages. I think you'd be surprised at how far this type of selflessness would go toward increasing your general happiness and attitude about life/humanity. If you feel that you're personally contributing to undoing some of the evil in the world I think your outlook would change pretty quickly.
  12. @Vishal Thank you. I just bought it. I had considered it before but couldn't stomach the price.
  13. @Gone Thanks, man. I watched all 3 of those and enjoyed them!
  14. I would pack up my camping gear, go to the Rockies (or whatever mountain range you have in your country), and migrate from camp site to camp site. Take plenty of books.
  15. I watched 35min of it last night. My take is, it's too full of conspiracy theory and complete speculation with zero attempt to back it up. I like facts. It did present some ideas I enjoyed though like the analogy of humans are to the earth what cells are to the human body. Also the idea that there really was a great flood caused by a meteor impact, Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock had me pretty convinced on this one already. And that a lot of religions are largely based on astrology. I'll probably watch the rest later as long as they don't go overboard with the conspiracy theories.
  16. Adding it to my "watch later" list. Thanks. I'll try to fit it in tomorrow and report back.
  17. Awesome! Just ordered it! Only problem is I have like 6 new books that need reading and not enough time to read them lol
  18. Thank you! I'm currently listening to Spiral Dynamics Integral by Don Beck on audible right now and started to message @Mal yesterday asking for more resources to learn about this model. For one thing I find it fascinating, and for another, it seems like mastering your understanding of it would have some major real world benefits in dealing with other humans.
  19. It doesn't seem counterintuitive or paradoxical at all to me, but I naturally lean far toward the introvert side of the spectrum. When I first watched the video, instead of thinking "man this totally goes against my natural instinct and what I've believed up to this point" it was more like "damn, finally I have some logical reinforcement of my natural tendencies".