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Everything posted by TheGod

  1. For now, I have 2 goals: overcome fear & destroy my unrealistic expectations towards women (idealization). I feel less fear with every approach, as well first scratches on my rosy glasses that I'd been using to look at women have appeared. After I approach a 1000 girls I'll change my goals. I'm not in a rush,
  2. The difference is you assume that women are the same and I know that they are different. How come? Because I lived in different countries. My experience or your assumptions, what is the valid source?
  3. Bro we are definitely on the same page about this issue! My ex was from Rio! I can't compare Latin women to European or Canadian women, they are on a different level! I actually miss the time when I worked on cruise ships in San Paulo. I met so many beautiful women. Thanks God, there are some Latin girls here, in Toronto. When I talk to them it’s not a feministic nonsense. On the other hand, they are not trying to please men easier. It’s a perfect balance. I could write a book about different it is to flirt with Latin women in Spanish. I’m planning to move to Latin America at some point in my life. Not only for the girls, I like their night life it kinda suits my personality. The only reason why I’m here in Canada is because of the war in my home country. Spiral dynamics mambo-jambo is irrelevant here. People who want to be at the ultimate stage don't even need women, because it's a distraction.
  4. Not really, I realized that they are not what I thought they were. I had stupid, naive and idealizing ideas. On the other hand, I still lack a significant experience. But “the perfect girlfriend” was a part of my imagination. This one is hard. To be honest I think that different women need different things from men and vice versa. Value is a subjective therm.
  5. Sorry bro but I don't understand why you're giving me a pick-up advice when the topic isn't about it. I didn't ask about what women prefer or how should I behave myself around them. Anyways, thanks for the advice
  6. You can't talk about quality before approaching at least 1000 women. It doesn't matter how many pick-up advice you read, watch youtube videos about it. What matters is direct experience in the field. With experience comes expertise. You've got to find your authentic style and it takes lots of practice. After you've approached a 1000 now we can talk about quality and change the aim of approaching. I won't comment on this because it's too obvious
  7. I finally grasped how to feel more at ease when approaching women. The key here is understanding that chances to get laid if you are a newbie are very small. Which is why approaching someone just because you want to have sex is a low-quality reason. For myself, the main reason why I need to approach women is one - get rid of the fear. I was bullied in school so from childhood I had self-esteem issues. I used to put women on pedestal (I was raised by my mother and grandmother). I tried to lie to myself saying that I don’t need to approach women making a lot of excuses, but recently I really realized all of my bullshit. I have to approach women. I need to start seeing them for who they are otherwise I’ll be one of those guys in their 50s standing at the bar with a bottle of beer looking at women but too afraid to approach. Lay count is nonsense and people who show off with the amount of the girls they have slept with derive their sens of self worth from it. Deep down they still weak, baby men. For me what’s important is the approach number. As long as I have balls to approach a women it’s a win. It’s irrelevant how she reacts. My plan is to approach a thousand women by the age of 30 (I’m 27). Even if I don’t get laid it’s not important. If I want to get laid 100% I’d go to a prostitute or watch porn. I want to make my weakness into my greatest expertise.
  8. Women and expectations are two words that can't be used in one sentence ;D It's seems to be that women don't know what to expect even from themselves. Childhood issues, but I'm working on them and very soon will transform myself in the domain of dating.
  9. I'll try it someday. I'll buy 2 pens one DMT and the othen one 5MeO and I will vape the at the same time.
  10. Yes my friend, I’m acting now. The more rejections I get the less I care. The end of my women problem will die soon.
  11. Someone who is superior to me and more worthy than I am. Someone who I have to please and pretend to be like. It sits deep down in my subconscious mind. I’m approaching women to: get rid of the fear, put them down of the pedestal, improve my social skills.
  12. I reached the point where I don't understand what God is. I used to think I understand but now I'm very very puzzled with it. I did 50+ trips on mushrooms for the last 4 years, around 20+ DMT and 15+ 5MeODMT trips. I used to have only good trips before I started doing 5MeODMT. Sometimes I'm tripping and I feel great that I'm God but recently I've been having a plenty of bad trips where I have a lot of fear and negativity. My question is, should I trust bad trips or good trips? Also, I never tried 5MeOMalt so I might be missing out on some important aspect. On the other hand, even if I tried 5MeOMalt how can I trust the experience? I'm sure that in 50 years I will imagine new psychedelics that will be as powerfull as 5MeO or even more powerful. I have a theory that I can't be understood completely as God
  13. No only that! They also don't know how to have a wild and hot sex. Neither do they know how to stay sexy during the sex. I remember I had sex with a girl and the way she stand in the back position turned me off. She was like old lady picking up some veggies at the store.
  14. I can't agree on that! With my ex I had sex as good as in my fantasies. I really miss sex with her. But you are also right, the rest of the time when I had sex it was just mediocre or okay.
  15. It's been two years since I broke up with my ex. Ever since, I've been going to night clubs, trying to approach women. I've been doing some day game. But all in vain. I've got a friend who has multiple girlfriends at the same time. The more I talk to him the more I realize what I'm doing wrong. I'm way too needy, direct and too pussy with women. What my friend does is he tells women lies constantly. He tells them what they want to hear, not what he really thinks. I realised that most of the women don't actually appreciate honesty. It's what they say they need, but in reality they are not attracted to it. All my life I've been trying to be gentle with women, trying to respect them, treat them fairly. Now I see that I was wrong. I'm going to become an actor when dealing with women. My goal is to have 3 girlfriends at the same time. I'll be using lies and manipulation. Before you try to comment something, let me do it first. I'm conscious that I want to do it because I feel bitter and I'm also conscious this won't make me happy. On the other hand, I know that I won't feel worse than I feel now, because now I feel lonely and tired, I don't want to feel victim anymore. Survival is unfair but it is what it is.
  16. In November 2022 I bought my first 5MeO-DMT pen. I vaped 40mg of it and reached a very radical state of consciousness when I woke up for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I had had profound god realizations on shrooms, but they were not so clear and profound. I realized that I'm singular and eternal being. I exist beyond time and space and there is nothing but me. I'm nothing, pure love and magic. Unfortunately, there is no one to explain this to and it's not possible to convey what God is by using words. God can be properly understood only through experience. Anyways, I realized what I really really want as God. I want to be an actor in this movie called life because once you're awake there is nothing else to do. Everything is pointless. Meditation, spiritual teachings and all survival looses its meaning. Which is why I had created myself in the first place. I did it because I wanted to. I love my shitty life and I enjoy creating problems and solving them. I love suffering and pain. That night I realized all of it and re-created myself. The next day when the ego was back I couldn't understand how it's possible that I decided to go back. Ego will never understand why God gives up eternal happiness and bliss for devilry pain and drama. I decided to verify my decision. By October 2023 I've verified that decision at least 10 times. I even filmed God talking to itself. The result is always the same - God wants to play the game. It couldn't care less about ego's suffering and pain or problems. Ego wants salvation and peace, but God simply do not care. You must be wondering why? Well, because life is the illusion. God is just imagining things, nothing really happens to God. I'm going to immerse myself in the illusion really fucking deep, but I will never forget that I'm God nor will there ever be a person who will disprove it. I will come back to psychedelics after 10 years to see if my decion has changed, but I don't think it will be different.
  17. Yeah I'm human just full of shit haha But honestly I like and appreciate women, I'm bitter about them because I don't know how to relate to them due to lack of experience. Often I miss the time when I would go to sleep with my ex. I used to watch her falling asleep, she was so adorable. You know you right, I need intimacy it's not only about sex. It's everything. Conversations, watching movies together, holding hands, kissing. I've been lying to myself saying that I don't need this things. Psychedelics revealed that it's pure lies. Women are such precious creatures of mine, pure beauty.
  18. Nice investigation! Yeah I said a lot of words, but I was so bitter that day hahah. All those statements were emotional rather then rational
  19. Now I only have sex with prostitutes once a month whilst learning the game. So yes, of course, I'm using sex workers for sex. Once I find a girlfriend I'll stop doing what I'm doing. I don't want to play a victim and crying now when I can't find a girlfriend due to lack of dating skills. I would rather have one cute and interesting girlfriend then fucking sex workers. It's obvious. The problem is my standards very high and my game is not up to them yet.
  20. Stop making stupid assumptions and saying things that I didn't say! It pisses me off. I had one Brazilian girlfriend and I didn't use her for her body neither did I fuck other girls.
  21. Well, I'm not a stupid gringo I was born un Ukraine so I know how the game is played and how women fuck foreigners over to take the advantage. A lot of gringos think that latinas are waiting for them which is so stupid. They go there without knowing basics of their language assuming they will have luck there. These guys end up being scammed, poisoned, kidnapped etc. I used to work in Brazil and I experience their culture and I love it sooo much! Now the more I talk to people from Colombia the more I realize how different they are to people here in Canada or to people from Europe. I'm not saying they are better or worse they are just different.
  22. i want to move to Latin America because I'm attracted to Latin girls. My ex was Brazilian so this desire comes from my direct experience. I will learn the game there.
  23. You make me feel stupid no self self ;D I can't get your point!