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Everything posted by Treewatcher

  1. Could someone who knows about the topic, tell me about trumps and his administrations policies for foreign affairs if he wins? Especially towards Europe, NATO, Ukraine and Russia. Thanks
  2. because you can't but YOU do
  3. Sounds like bullshit. There are very shitty environments that the person didn't choose in tge slightest, and that are objectively bad for a human. Would you say this to someone in a concentration camp?
  4. @Hatfort It seems like you´ve consumed some propaganda. First off Trump's word is unreliable. He lies, flip flops and speaks nonsense all the time. There´s countless examples like election denial while he was demanding people to cheat for him. Some fact checkers count his lies at a 1000 a month. Imagine that! Russia was actually offered a deal with Ukraine where they wouldn't join NATO, but Russia didn't continue the talks further and invaded. Stopping financial aid to Ukraine would only be best for Russia, China and Russia sympathizers in Us. Ukraine wants to remain sovereign and thus needs the weapons to defend itself. A big majority of Ukrainians have strong support for the war. Europeans want weapons to Ukraine to keep their safety for Russia and to stop them in Ukraine before Russia escalates further. Russia wants to stop aid for obvious reason and China wants a strong or at least capable Russia as they have stated. As for US, their alliance in Europe to keep Europe safe, Russia out and the western world unified needs Russia stopped in Ukraine and thus aligns US foreign policy in Europe with western Europe. Russia was proposed a deal even before the war, where Ukraine would stay neutral and not join NATO. Which Putin rejected. You can find proof here After this point both sides have negotiated for peace, but Russia hasn't given any serious offer that is acceptable to Ukraine. Ukraine for obvious reason doesn't want to give up it's territory, or put itself in a position, where Russia can consolidate and just invade again later stronger. It's obvious that the only stop to the war is either a white peace or Ukraine's defeat. This is because Ukraine can't capitulate Russia. It's also obvious that Ukraine wants one of these over the other. This is the reason why Ukraine made the Kursk invasion. To give more even ground in negotiations and for Russia to give a fair peace offer where Ukraine can keep it's territory intact and prevent a new war from happening later. However Ukraine hasn't gotten any peace deal, where it doesn't have to give up even more territory than currently controlled by Russian military forces. After such peace deal, Russia can just build up, re-invade and take over the rest easily. You also said that "Russia has been winning slowly but steadily". Is it slow and steady when part of your territory gets invaded suddenly and quickly? while you make meager gains elsewhere. It shows that western aid is working, and it's really working. Keeping this up can stop the authoritarian Russia war machine. you say "Since the failed counteroffensive, continuing this war is a mix of delusion and stupidity, with a high price to pay in lives and territory", but since Russia currently isn't open to any serious peace deals, this is the only way to make Russia agree to one. You say you are pro peace deal, but you seem to be pro Russian annexation of Ukraine's land. Also, Russia may very well conquer other nations, as long as it's able to. Russia's foreign policy and rhetoric points to it especially around it's northern neighbors. Also, there is no real proof for violence against Russian speaking population. Only Russian funded separationists, who've filled mass grave of people under their control of Ukrainian cities. I hope I've convinced you of some of the wrong claims you made. Your claims seem to align with Russian propaganda, so I would question my sources if I were you. Especially as popular US podcasters have been found to receive funding from the Russian federation. I hope you respond, since I would like to hear your point of view and for us to refine our understanding of the complex and deceitful topic. Also, I have an English finals test tomorrow, so any notes on my writing would be appreciated
  5. My fear is a Victorious Russia vs a Us-less Nato
  6. Yeah pretty solid. As for africa, people with interest like elon musk, or elon musk would definitely like the resources from there
  7. A police force is better than a mafia force IMO
  8. You will find even smaller minded people here
  9. Damn nice. I need to follow suit. Could you tell about what happened?
  10. I mean you maybe can look to move. It's definitely better here but not perfect and we have a lot of issues too specific to developed nations. And the future is uncertain in some
  11. Tldr: Got a psychedelic like trip from 1 joint hit and feeling confused/lost I'm looking for advice on a recent experiene I had. I was hanging out with my friends and I took one inhale of a joint. It resulted in a mild psychedelic trip or at least I would describe it as such. I had smoked weed before but I had never inhaled it properly. The first time that I did, I had an incomprehensible psychedelic experience. It began with my consciousness raising itself through itself to new levels. Then when I thought that it couldn't get higher, it just kept going further above itself through itself. Now, i'm sure it wasn't that strong of an experience as for what psychedelic experiences can be, but to me especially to my mindset starting out it was very hard to comprehend. After that I started to experience some coloured patterns around me. Not very strong ones but noticeable. Also sensations like a checkered vibration kind of like it was coming from the environment. When I stopped moving, it began to "burn" into my skin and then when I moved again it left an after effect. I also experience many more effects some of which I have forgotten. I felt introspective and processed some trauma. It was also kind of "messy". For example I had irregular twitches in my arms and legs especially. Not strong ones but still. Now mind you this was all from 4 inhalations of 1 joint. I don't know the strain, but I was smoking with friends and they had nothing different from normal weed effects. Now, 4 days ago some months after the first experience I decided to take 1 hit from a joint while hanging out with my friends. I inhaled fully in and fully out, and the effects hit me immediately. I had pretty much the same effects, but just a bit lower. Out of these effects, the most important one was the raising of consciousness to a new "dimension". It's hard to explain but it is also very incomprehensible. I have also meditated since I was 14. Recently I haven't much but back then I meditate everyday for many years. Once when I was 17 and doing self-inquiry meditation, I realized that I was just a thought. Like me, Teo, was a thought. Then that dissolved and in an instant I had no fear and I was experiencing reality with no self in a peaceful blissful state. Then in 5 seconds I came back. After that I continued life as normal. Otherwise in life I have some struggles with Mental Health. Nothing major anymore, but just some small struggles. I'm also struggling with meaninglessness. I also don't know what to do in life generally. I'm living a slightly unhealthy lifestyle and most of my days are spent generally playing a video game the whole day. For context I'm a man from Finland. I don't know if I'm a genetic specimen or if those experiences are normal. And yeah I'm looking to hear your experiences and to give your advice. I especially want to improve my normal life. I also have struggle with addiction to porn/youtube/etc. and when I try to not use them it feels awful and sometimes when I try to abstain, I "shut down" and just lay on something. If you can guide me in my meaninglesness and generally in direction or give some insight for this situation, I would higly appreciate it. For context I'm 18 and lacking in experience in this, or pretty much any domain.
  12. This is a strawman argument. Obviously he wasn't saying that
  13. @Raze It can aoready train on the etnirety of wikipedia and an almost infinite amount more including books by those experts from all of human history
  14. Isn't success in life? depending on the definition
  15. to share my perspective, I would tell you that it's not your fault. Today, especially in western countries it is very easy to get twisted in the head especially with anything related to social things. What I mean by that is that that for example 100-200 years ago, it would be much less common to struggle socially, have any social pathologies or face big adversity with interacting with fellow humans. I believe this is caused by isolating structures in society such as alienating work and single housing, over socialization of youth, generally an unnatural environment for many humans to be mentally healthy. Finally social media has become the crutch for society to cover up the pain of our isolation. With porn alongside it. I write this not to say that you should adopt a victim mindset, but rather to give you insight as to why you might be struggling with this. When I look at you I see a strong middle-eastern man who has been caged and grinded by canadian (or whichever) society. And freedom lies behind freeing yourself of the shackles in your own mind and environment.
  16. @K14N I don't have experience on this matter so I probably can't help that well. Seeking professional help from someone who you think can understand could help, but as you've been to mental hospitals this choice is probably exhausted. You probably can't stomach the incredible strenght and mental stability needed to go deep in the spiritual realm. If you want to live your life, suspending such activities and especially substances is paramount. Trying to live a more "low conscoiusness" life as recommended above might be a solution. Living more hedonistically, doing stuff just because you like doing it and connecting with people you like and just living your life just cause after getting some grip is probablt best for you. Also. Any strong feelings especially towards suicidality are usually fleeting. There is nothing rational or objective to them and any meaning you make out of your situation is arbirtary and can be reversed. As you are most likely human, doing activites and being in environments that makes a human not feel depressed should help that. Just my two cents
  17. @Carl-Richard @Carl-Richard @Carl-Richard I couldn't delete these 😖. But makes more sense. Actually. I can relate higly. I meditated regularly and rigorously for some years, which culminated in a sudden and short lived ego death about a year ago. After that I half consciously, half unconsciously strayed away from meditation exactly for the reasons you said. Wanting to live my life before giving it up. I think I understood it intuitively what would happend if I continued. Don't think I went as deep as you though. And funnily enough what you listed is exactly what I do to a T every day. I don't do it consciouslt but it might be a distraction mechanism to protect my ego. How have you lived your life after that forum thread?
  18. @Carl-Richard Is that sarcasm? Why would one do such things consciously if not?
  19. @Hardkill Lack of good education for all has led to masses of people that get indoctronated easily in the US
  20. Dan Koe would be amazingly interesting. He makes business and philosophy related content and is a fan of
  21. It depends on what you want to talk about and to what kind of person. Politics, self help, business/entrepreneurship, atheism/god...
  22. @something_else what do you do to pull them?
  23. @Ulax Not to mention: 1900: Bloody civil war in russia, facists start a world war killing millions, america nukes japan, 2 World wars in total 1800: French guy tries to take over a whole continent, Usa has a civil war, large famines in many countries --- 1300: A literal 100 years war!