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About ranaya

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    Enschede, Netherlands
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  1. Relativity as well as truth when perceived conceptually are all equal. Because they are mind made, or at least a verbal expression of the absolute truth. Since truth is beyond our mind-body duality, it can only be experienced energitically. I explained it here well: https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com/2023/06/is-calling-eternal-self-wrong.html?m=1 https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com/?m=1
  2. Experience of god or higher consciousness or beyond mind is self validating and this validation more or less comes from our intuition, and the shift we feel in day to day consciousness through our insights.
  3. In my case it's a gradual awakening process spanned across 15 years. The final realization is transcending both mind/body duality and going through death experience, dessolving self in all. Links to the story: https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com/2023/05/my-awakening-truth-beyond-words-and.html?m=1 https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com/2023/05/end-of-darkness-appearance-of-light-and.html?m=1 Videos: https://youtube.com/@UniversalMindTraining Thanks
  4. My understanding is that the separation only cease to exist when we go beyond our mind and body limitations. Meditation is necessary for that. When we become merged with always present enlightening awareness and consciousness. Until that happens, we are still separate from god. Then only the true surrender can happen. Only through true surrender, the god can bring it's expression to the world. https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com
  5. Hello Everybody, I have been practicing meditation for quite a long time under an authentic spiritual lineage in Sri Lanka. Our lineage find its roots in Buddhist tantra. We find a lot of similarities and similar insights between different Buddhist traditions, despite the approaches we take towards the enlightenment. The attempt here is to share this story with everybody, so that the wisdom and insights will be useful to somebody. Moreover I can help people in meditation, inducing our meditative energies to raise their consciousness. Or bring you to the meditativeness easily. The story unfolds the awakening from Ajna opening -> meditative absorptions (Samadhi) -> leaving all subtle bodies -> death and rebirth process. This lead to the dissolution of "self" in everything. With that freedom, a new quality of witnessing arose. Quite distant from typical survival thinking. If anybody is interested, I'd love to share this light, freedom and insights with help of our lineage transmission. You may read the whole process here: https://incarnated-masters.blogspot.com Here we talk about: 1. The typical Bodhisattva awakening process. 2. Different kinds of Samadhis. 3. The dark night of the soul. 4. Transcending body-mind duality Thanks and Namaste ?