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Everything posted by Chadders

  1. @The Renaissance Man I have a mate who knows a mate that has some wicked charisma and confidence so I’m hoping fate will create the conditions for friendship Another way is to become friends with people who are older than you. They will likely have more wisdom
  2. @Javfly33 Ask to do some work experience in another dept as part of your professional development
  3. I believe there are three key dimensions to attraction: personality, physicality and availability (I.e. being less available) I believe the first two make up authentic attraction where there is a synergy (a universal match between two people) and both can be developed to reach the fullest potential e.g. personality wise is being your most authentic self and physicality is good diet and exercise so your body is in the best shape But the attraction of availability is different. It’s a kind of inauthentic attraction because it’s not based on a synergy but approval seeking. Often this third aspect can override the other two if you are that desperate for approval, which leads to chasing emotionally unavailable people that are not right for you. It’s not a surprise that younger men and women have this issue to a greater degree. I think it’s important to watch out for this in yourself and other people that you’re dating as I am doing. Are you becoming attracted to this person because there’s a genuine synergy or are you getting taken over by desiring their approval once they become unavailable? It’s a mark of how mature you are A lot of these toxic dating gurus are basically teaching you to be more attractive from the third dimension of availability (gaming women) which I see as a reflection of how the population has generally pretty poor levels of self esteem. We all ultimately want connection but we’re too busy seeking validation and approval
  4. @Butters Treat women with respect and like goddesses Yes in sex you want to fuck her brains out. I agree be honest about your sexual desire in a loving way. I’m working on being more direct and honest about that
  5. @Buck Edwards The masculine desires freedom grounded in consciousness
  6. @cjoseph90 I’ve never been in a relationship with a woman I met over dating apps and neither has anyone else I know. They’re bullshit A person will value a 10 minute face to face interaction with you 100x more than a random dating app match
  7. I really like the blog. I think your analysis politically is spot on and it’s good for showing interesting stuff I haven’t thought about Would be cool to see a video update. You haven’t done that in awhile
  8. @Atb210201 very true
  9. @enchanted I find its recommendations as there are so many. Leo mentioned this guy called David Deida and so I bought his book the way of the superior man. Very good. This forum is a good source
  10. @Thought Art I’m more interested in the one Leo is working on for his next course I have actually figured out a few things recently and feel more aligned. Just have to wait until the new year to be fully back on track
  11. This sounds like a call to get Leo’s life purpose course as I feel like I’m not quite hitting that feeling of being in alignment and connection with my life purpose Saying this I know I am doing exactly all I can do at this moment in time in regards to my career, business and personal life. It’s not like I’m sitting on my ass. I’m really pushing it actually in terms of radical changes but I don’t feel aligned Is this because I should be identifying with the awakening side and the journey? Rather than think about this at the surface level of career/business I should be connecting with the deeper spiritual purpose? I’ve always felt I’ve wanted to change the world for the better and again I’m doing all I can on the path to that. I’m just impatient It feels like impatience is my biggest enemy in connecting with my life purpose
  12. @Alex4 As I mentioned your financial status is a secondary consideration. Raw attraction is emotional synergy I didn’t say that women will be attracted to guys with resources only that it is a consideration. Women have a lot of choice! They want to know you’ve got your house in order financially even if you’re super attractive
  13. I’m not saying this is always the case but typically I’ve noticed how women are driven by money out of survival and men are driven by money out of social status It’s like how in a relationship women tend to be the one that budgets for the household because men don’t really worry about survival so much because men are inherently more geared up for survival than women. It’s only from a social status standpoint that men will worry more about money as men still have that pressure of being the breadwinner and having more resources than the woman
  14. It’s hard brother but don’t give up completely on your passions. Do the practical stuff but keep the flame alive
  15. @Alex4 in terms of dating and relationships you are right to a degree. A synergy between personality and physicality is the key to attraction but women do consider a man’s resources too in the same way they do your age or height in relation to her. It won’t come into attraction so much though so it’s a secondary consideration
  16. @Lyubov That sounds more like a full time freelance job than a side hustle. Good on you though. Sounds a great thing
  17. @Nemra LinkedIn is very good if you want to get recognised by recruiters. Having a professional profile pays dividends. Connect with recruiters and the people you work with You need the right set of the people to take your career in the direction you want
  18. @Butters I can never be bothered with these side hustle money schemes Just focus on getting a better job or developing a business to earn more income. You can start to make the side income when you have enough capital to own property
  19. @Buck Edwards We’re all inadequate at something. We all have insecurities. It’s what makes you human How you deal with it is by allowing yourself to feel however you feel in any given moment giving the emotion space to emerge. We suppress emotions that we see as a threat so letting them out tells the body and mind there’s nothing to be afraid of An insight I had on mushrooms was that you’re never afraid of a situation you’re only afraid of a feeling so just feel as deeply as you can. Get better at opening up in those tough situations. Get better at feeling into your body You'll get there
  20. @Basman You gotta do what you see as right and sometimes it’s good for them to hear it You misunderstand. When I have spoken to my parents I have never done so from a place of judgment or blame only that I felt they needed to hear it and yes it is for me personally and to reconcile my own shadow. However I think it is healthy for them to hear it as well because it may help them come to terms with their own background. There is no right or wrong you have to go with your gut For me it is about being honest. The truth hurts but it’s better to live honestly than not. As the child my job is not to make their lives convenient but to develop and grow myself and if it means giving it to them straight and you feel you have to do that then do it but make sure to consider their feelings too. They are only human. I come from a place of understanding that they had their own difficulties and challenges In the end do what feels right the universe will decide the rest. The key is to bring up the truth in the most conscious way
  21. @Basman Interesting that you have mentioned this I I have been reflecting on my own insecurities and how best to integrate my shadow. I personally feel that if you have something you feel you need to say to your parents you tell them. It’s not about blaming or judging them, just telling them how you feel about whatever hurt you had as a child I will say that yes they may feel hurt and they may not accept what you have to say but I’d rather live in truth and honesty. I don’t like living a lie. Ultimately it’s about you not them and what you feel you need to do to grow yourself and develop Sometime people have gotta feel the pain
  22. @HMD It’s tricky as I have a lot of things on the go The key is discipline. Make the absolute most of the time you have to do what you need to do. Set a schedule and stick to it
  23. @jacknine119 I wouldn’t think too deeply about it. You just don’t like social occasions. If you’re introverted that will explain why If you want to enjoy social occasions more start making a conscious effort to develop yourself socially. That’ll give you a purpose for engaging in such occasions
  24. In some industries you might notice that but in the places I’ve worked I’ve never seen any disapproval of women who lean into their masculine side I work with a lot of women who are strong and assertive leaders. On the whole I think women are more comfortable leaning into the masculine than men are around leaning into the feminine because I see so many women very comfortable in their masculine energy To an extent I think it has come at the expense of women’s feminine side. Society overall is more masculine with the world of work and capitalism, data and analytics but we need the feminine The feminine will be more important for creating a better world to nurture and heal. Women shouldn’t dismiss that side and try to replicate the masculine man - masculine traits are valued more highly in society but this shouldn’t be the case. It’s equal but with all the shit going on in the world atm the feminine is needed
  25. @Leo Gura I need to check out David Deida. Never heard of him Only in the fires of mount doom can man be forged