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Everything posted by Chadders

  1. I just hate the way I second guess more with texting. It’s just so far removed from normal F2F interaction and you can’t get that emotional connection going. Like 80% of communication is non verbal or something like that which I’m better at I think for me it’s developing a skill that’s almost imagining the person in the room talking to you and then responding so it’s as if you are there in person But yeh biggest problem I think is I second guess it too much. In part because of these dating apps that are all about the text game. Fucking shit. Sometimes I hate the digital world lol I’m a very emotional person so the disconnect with the digital world I really hate
  2. @Yimpa yeh gifs are pretty good
  3. Loads of good stuff. I really like the ones on love and god consciousness. Also psychedelics.
  4. @Lila9 There’s a lot more social norms to navigate now in being a ‘modern man’ so having to be emotionally sensitive but also strong and confident. What a man can and can’t do. What a man can and can’t say it’s more complicated now creating a kind of mental burden rather than going with the flow of your emotions Of course a lot of this is ultimately to do with sex and relationships. Men are told one thing but then when faced with reality they must do another. I feel that a lot of the language and social norms have emasculated men. Some of that is fair game, but much of it has over compensated and inhibited direct intent In addition men are deeply disconnected from spirit. Women have more of that emotional connectivity that men need also The final thing actually is that modern capitalism sells us junk and men like women consume that junk effecting performance
  5. @Consept That is understandable. A lot of people just don’t have the consciousness to connect the dots with hypocrisy and consider the impact of racism. There’s a lot of generational trauma Okay to get pissed off about it the only thing is that people are the way they are because of their upbringing and the people who influenced them. Nobody is born a racist they just become one through poor conscious development
  6. @Alexop yes no need to get pissy
  7. @enchanted Loads of things One of the biggest is capitalist exploitation of children and I’m not even talking about extreme cases because they’re obvious. Fast food companies for instance selling utter trash to our children and marketing it like it’s fucking healthy. It’s quite disgusting actually Same goes for energy drinks, vapes, aggressive casino games etc. all marketed deliberately to children
  8. They say women tend to have messy cars whereas guys keep their cars tidy and then it’s the reverse for your digs. No idea lol Probs more down to what you value than any inherent quality about being a man or woman
  9. @Dodo I have no idea. There is only one reality with an infinite number of perspectives What they might be trying to say then is to reframe reality through a different perspective. Your perspective ultimately contextualises reality but it doesn’t change the ultimate truth that reality is one. You are one with the universe
  10. @Alexop Hmm that is a very biased view. I think men can be just as tidy as women lol I have known messy women when I lived in student halls It’s just a stereotype for the most part
  11. @LastThursday my conscious shifts have mostly occurred through suffering. Just over two years ago now I experienced a pretty bad case of burnout and after the initial trigger and breakdown I struggled with sleep for the next 7 months. Horrible time But through that I moved house and radically changed my lifestyle. I started cycling, went deeper into psychedelic, stoped watching porn, started doing cold showers, regularly do high intensity exercises and socialise more. My god. So much has changed since then Before this time I was too complacent in my comfort zone. I would not socialise that much, played too many video games etc. nothing wrong with playing video games but it was displacing time that could have been spent doing more holistic things like cycling or going to yoga class It reminds me of this episode by Leo. A part of me clearly died. I had to let go of that way of life. Too comfortable. Too convenient but not satisfied
  12. @Bobby_2021 You gotta plough through it sometimes. If it was easy everyone would be an entrepreneur I’ve reached a critical point with my business. We need investment or I cannot do this. The hardest thing for me is actually having to keep a job down as well as be founder of a start-up. Sometimes this is not feasible Lucky for Bezos who had half a million from his parents to start Amazon. Probs a million or more in today’s money. Or trumps small loan of a million dollars in the 70s
  13. Okay I need feedback that is specific to the points I made and whether they are better or not Just for context the convo about if someone is a psycho due to nurture or nature was just a way to involve her in the conversation and get things moving. Of course it went on to various different things but I can’t explain an entire what she said what I said thing
  14. Went out Friday night and chatted one of the waitresses up. Was pretty happy with the outcome even though it didn’t lead to anything. I know it’s one of the staff but she was hot and I was attracted to her. It’s practise for me Basically I was chatting with my mate about psychology stuff and whether a psychopath is born or made. Just as she walked by I got her attention and asked for her opinion on it and we just got chatting from there I was pretty strong with the eye contact and one thing led to another and I ended up telling her that she was beautiful and asked for her number. She was flattered but said she wasn’t really dating atm. A bs response but still the interaction was decent and I felt good and so did she In hindsight I feel that this could have improved the outcome: More intense sexual eye contact (I was pretty decent but still looked away on the odd occasion when considering the next thing to talk about or speaking with my mate bringing him in so it could have been more intense - I am practising this) Rather than tell her she was beautiful maybe I could have said she was sexy - dial up the sexual tension more instead of asking for her number I should have either arranged an instant date or said I’m heading to this place tomorrow it’s amazing and I’d like you to come with me - was also thinking I should have asked her are you a spontaneous person in the lead up to that. I think that by saying specifically you wanna take her out somewhere like tomorrow it’s concrete and has a sense of adventure and spontaneity rather than just what’s your number I’d like to meet you in some unspecified time in the future I did no physical escalation. I was sat down and she was stood up so I think it would have been a good opportunity to have done like a palm read on her hand This is just some reflections on it. I’m getting better. My state was pretty decent as well at the time which isn’t always the case. Mostly meh because of my current situation as I mentioned in a previous post on here. I am breaking out of my introverted style so getting out more to be social. Tbf I’m pretty confident and can be very social in a good state. Really enjoyed the Friday night probs the most I have any night out for a long time Anyway, feedback from people who are genuinely successful at game would be appreciated especially with those points I mentioned in hindsight - am I right or wrong?@Leo Gura your feedback would be good here Again I know she was one of the staff so more likely to be nice and accommodating but still it’s practise for me! I was happy with it. The city I live in the night life is just not what it was so I’ll take the opportunity when it comes and she was very, god dayuuumm
  15. I had an insight recently on LSD but I feel it is incomplete We can pretty much all agree that the past and future is imagined since it is only in the form of thought and thought is ultimately a product of mostly unconscious manifestation that is illusionary However, I feel there is a difference in quality and understanding between saying that the past doesn’t exist and the past never existed. So I never actually went out to the shops a moment ago. It literally did not happen This was along the lines of the insight that I was getting but again it wasn’t complete as I was coming down from the trip. Because on the one hand your life is infinite moments so in this respect, that moment did exist as a moment? Or did it if as my insight seem to be eluding to, that actually that moment never even existed. Perhaps it’s like saying it may as well never have existed because it only remains as a thought but that is different from saying it actually never happened Hope this makes some sense. Spiritual guidance from the wise needed
  16. Some useful perspectives to digest. Thanks
  17. @josemar Vast bulk of people who trade lose money. Making money on stocks I can’t even imagine is that satisfying as you have not added value to anybody or anything. I can’t stand trading ads it’s all based on the premise of easy money but you gotta work for it unless you get lucky I’m fine for money yoof
  18. @Basman because drinking is social and if you are not drinking it spoils people’s fun
  19. @FlyingLotus amazing yoof
  20. @Ima Freeman Energy is deeply intertwined with all things. To cultivate more energy is by giving your body more life force and capability ultimately by living well Though there is another way and that is to release existing energy within. We suppress so much that we have pent up energy that manifests as anxiety. There’s a resistance then diminishing your energy potential. It’s being able to freely liberate that energy that is the greater challenge. This is personally a thing that I am working on. To let go of inhibitions. I’m quite a high energy person when connected with the divine
  21. @Dodo In my eyes crypto is bullshit. You’re not creating value in the world just making bets on artificial nothingness I would extend that to stock trading more generally which is mostly bs too. I have a very low approval of the whole trading game. It’s all bullshit. Share prices are at an all time high and it has nothing to do with the actual real world economy but the people fawn over it
  22. @Ramanujan it’s hard unless you a real playa
  23. @Ryan M Trump would ban it and keep it all to himself the seedy bastard