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Everything posted by Chadders

  1. @Buck Edwards Don’t worry about it. These tests don’t factor in creative intelligence or emotional intelligence
  2. @integration journey Out of interest would you say you are more naturally introverted or extroverted?
  3. @VictorB02 This is very blessed. I need to do this sometime
  4. @Hardkill Stay in America and stand up for what’s right. America has the potential to be a massive force for good in the world unlike any other. In terms of modern culture, the US is dominant If moving you could move to a more progressive state? California? Countries go through this kind of turmoil. It’ll pass after karma takes hold. Even in Europe we are seeing a rise in right wing nationalism primarily due to migration
  5. I have had a conscious insight that this is actually how reality works. Sure, go through life taking action as if it was in your control, but ultimately it isn’t You can’t connect the dots moving forward only by looking back. For me this is not a belief, it was a conscious shift in understanding about the universe. If you contemplate deeply all the things in your life that were not in control they are the most fundamental aspects that have shaped you This is where the premise of letting go comes from and just doing what is in accordance with your heart. As for anything else, it’s up to the universe. Suffering and karma that is also up to the universe pushing you to awaken
  6. @Butters Yoof if you had any idea how hard I’ve worked you wouldn’t be saying that Anyway case in point is that having half a million from your parents does actually massively help. The majority of start ups fail because they run out of cash. This is how it is You have to get real sometimes. It is easier for some and not others. Does this stop me from doing shit? No else I wouldn’t be here. I am pretty senior at my place of work and have no problem with my financial position. I am also the director of my own company. Damn that’s a lot more than most people can say One thing I will say though is that working your ass off is not always worth it. When you get older priorities change and I am not as career orientated as I was. The corporate world is quite shallow actually and money does not fill the void. I’m not sure how old you are but as you get older you will realise this more Sure you need money but how much do you actually need to be happy? I can tell you not much actually. I’m just stuck with a commitment I made contrasted with the person I am today. My priorities have changed and they surely will for you too In rgds to whether you are in control over your own destiny. Yes and no. Mostly no. You are absolutely not in control of most of your life
  7. Well I’m showing vulnerability by discussing about something I am not so great at. A lot of men over exaggerate how good they are with women. Having a gf doesn’t make you good at hitting on women successfully. Actually few guys are good at that I find that women don’t like voice/video messages
  8. Anyone got any tips for getting better at text game?
  9. @NoSelfSelf I said projecting because you’re assuming I’m low self esteem. You still have to learn the techniques with the text game. Im not hiding behind text game because I prefer to meet the people f2f . As mentioned at the beginning of the thread I second guess the text game. I really don’t need advice on inner game that is always a work in progress. I have other bullshit that needs figuring out with my career, business etc more practical advice I am after but I appreciate the comments. Obviously I just need to trial and error into this to understand the procedure. I do have some theories actually I’ll figure it out with time no problem.
  10. @NoSelfSelf I can build more value in myself surely. That is a journey But I’m not that bad lol. You’re projecting a bit there. I’m just being vulnerable in this forum by mentioning all this. I perceive myself as high value. I don’t have self esteem issues. Remember this is over text not f2f. She might flake and that’s okay. I’m just understanding best approach. In hindsight I hadn’t secured an insta date and could have been more direct when I met her. Still might be game on. She is up for meeting Tbf For someone who has only just got back into the game and is actually very introverted so I have not socialised anywhere near what the average dude does I’m happy with my progress here. I’m changing
  11. @Heaven I’ll give it another year once we have the investment. I need to stick to that and not move the goal posts Yes has taken a hell of a long time. The last 5 years of the journey has been the pre start up so this actual start up stage has only been going for a very short period relatively. It requires a lot of development and brand building. I also have a developer who completely fucked it up so I had to start again. that was painful That moment was actually the last time I felt like walking away. It’s like I’ll find an investment or that’s it. I feel like I’m here again though for different reasons
  12. @Ramanujan To know, create and understand infinitely With infinite creation there is infinite knowing and understanding because of endlessly new manifestations
  13. @fabger I’d much prefer to have a wing man with me. Better to head out to meet-ups and meet the people who don’t mind going out
  14. @NoSelfSelf You might be right man. Maybe I should just text her and say you know I’m not gunna lie I’m in it for the casual sex if you’re up for it But you also might be wrong and that’s too strong at this stage. I’ve met her once, we flirted we brushed up against each other and I got her number. In hindsight I should have got an insta date when I saw her rather than just getting her number Because if you are right then that would be the strategy to deploy each time on dating apps to basically send a message and say look girl I’m up for sex. Maybe it works for some maybe others it doesn’t I’ll figure it out myself. I can only know through trial and error
  15. I have an auntie who is very negative. It’s almost like she wants it to fail. Completely different mindset. She’s achieved diddly squat in her life and is in no position to cast judgment on someone taking a punt at their ambitions. I just don’t speak to her lol aside from her the rest of my family are pretty supportive and understand the toll it takes
  16. I’ll assume she also wants the sex 😂 I’ll see how it goes. We can drink wine and make love if all goes well
  17. @Javfly33 Project management is pretty easy. You just have loads of meetings and delegate tasks
  18. If I was completely honest about my intentions with her it would be to say I’m up for casual sex. I think that’s a bit too honest at this stage in the game lol
  19. @Lila9 true there is toxic shit with some PUA but then it could be argued is that actually PUA? The PUA I see from Leo and Richard La Ruina is not toxic in the slightest but people would say that it is You can only do an actual pick up if you do it right and bring your masculine energy to the table in a confident and highly calibrated manner. If you aren’t doing that then you’re not really doing PUA What you need to realise is that PUA as a blanket thing is considered toxic. It does not matter if it actually is or not, society says that it is and that’s the way it is but this is not right actually. Men need those skills and this is why many men feel disenfranchised especially young men who are starting out in the world and not getting love saying all of the above spirituality is ultimately the cornerstone of your entire life. Men need to connect with the divine as an essential part of their life
  20. Actually rather than start a new thread here’s another way to ask Give me 5 things guys commonly do wrong when it comes to text game and 5 things guys do right So I feel like not staying in set long enough ie being quantity over quality is one of the common things guys do wrong i don’t like specific text examples of what you should or should not have said. You can only know yourself and through the context of the interaction. Every interaction and person is different so that doesn’t really help but overarching themes/principles do Wish we could just be old school and chat over the phone but the ladies do not like this at early stages!
  21. @Shakazulu Yeh just started a thread on this. Text game needs more attention Im one of those guys that’s just more comfortable with F2F or a phone call. I need to just get over that because texting is just the way it’s done to secure the dates and move to the next level. Feels easier to learn when you’re out in the field. Text game is harder because you don’t get that emotional side and body language to really see what is and isn’t work and importantly why I don’t second guess myself anywhere near as much in a F2F interaction with a beautiful woman as I do with text game. The dating apps make it worse as well I have a bias against the whole digital world we live in as well. It’s the source of so much dysfunction but just gotta accept it and play the text game
  22. I need to just get better at it and not worry about making a mistake and plough In person this is not really an issue for me I’m just far more sure of myself and I can fall back on my charisma and sexual intent
  23. @NoSelfSelf Yeh that’s it Ive actually just had a revelation what might be hindering my success. I’m not staying in set long enough Because I don’t like texting I’ll text her for a bit and then fuck off to text her a few days later. This is not right actually. I need to stay in set and plough it more and build a rapport (as much as you possibly ever can with text) Basically it’s a quality over quantity thing. When you text her and she texts you back you have her attention so stay in set and plough for longer. By texting for a bit and fucking off to then text again a few days later it’s breaking her attention and then she’s less likely to respond on the second or third time. She’ll be thinking oh he’s texting me again
  24. @Ulax 😂😂 That is essential listening
  25. @NoSelfSelf would prefer more general guidance. Just gets too messy with specific examples Or more to the point insights would be better Ultimate problem is I second guess too much creating inhibition which I don’t get F2F. I’m probs different to a lot of people in that respect as many I think prefer the safety of communicating through a digital medium