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About BeLove

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  1. Hello Hyruga , l live my core values . They are , basically , treat all other beings they way l wish to be treated .. This involves empathy and kindness , of course . Which come from your heart-space , not your head .. We tend to think too much , and thoughts can be tainted by past emotional-baggage or conditioning . I write and engage with others from my heart . The way l feel is what guides me .. Feelings are the language of the soul , and feelings will tell you your inner truth about things .. Be loyal to your inner truth .. ( as long as that does not involve hurting other beings ) The authentic you will not be found in thoughts .. It will only be found in your core-feelings .. That's why some people are so much happier than others - if they have followed their heart into a career they love ( singing / dancing / teaching /whatever) and they are also loving ( being loved is wonderful , but being loving is the absolute best ! ) If you fill your life with as much loving and love as possible , you will feel full of purpose and delight .. There is a beautiful song called " Love is the Answer " .. And it is .. Take care of yourself , lots of love from BeLove .. xx
  2. Hi - this is an easy one for me . To find the authentic you and what you want in life , do not think about it - feel about it .. Go to your heart , not your mind . We are our hearts , not our minds . What do you feel you would like to do or be ? To ensure you are feeling the answer , rather than thinking it , put your hand over your heart and visualise yourself actually looking at yourself through this space .. Look at your life through this space .. Feel it - every time you notice thinking going on , consciously stop thinking and go back to your feeling space .. Try beginning with one particular thing , then feel what the immediate feeling is inside you about it - some people call it gut-feelings .. This might take some practice , because we are all taught that thinking is the way through life and it's challenges .. But the mind is limited and a lot of us have mental-filters clouded by previous experiences or emotional baggage .. The mind and the thoughts in it can be limited by what we think is expected of us .. The mind can be brain-washed by society or cultural traditions .. The heart , however , knows the real you - is the real you - Follow your heart , it knows the way .. Many blessings to you , from BeLove x