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Everything posted by herghly

  1. Look into tye dhamma, they have centres all over the world run on donations
  2. Hey guys any tips for doing mental kriya I can "feel " each chakra, by regardless of how long I stay in each chakra I don't feel any release
  3. this is something ive been wondering about too. Leo posted before on his blog he no longer takes the same stance on law of attraction, but does this mean some of his exercises in his life purpose course are now useless?
  4. I understand what you mean. I am going to try do kriya on the come up and then fully surrender to the trip
  5. Has anyone yet to try kriya yoga on psychedelics ? I have been trying to find some information about this online, but can not find any. I wonder what would happen doing kriya yoga while on mushrooms or ayahuasca.
  6. @Leo Gurawhat I meant is I've heard of ashrams in India you can go to and do kriya yoga most of the day . Have you heard of any type of kriya yoga type retreats ? Id love to do one
  7. @Solace @Leo Gura Do you think doing loving kindness / tonglen practice can train you to learn how to follow your heart?
  8. Thanks for much for the replies guys any good books about learning to access the heart chakra ? I want tk to make a daily practice out of this
  9. I do not have time to watch the video now.. I always feel frustrated when i hear the advice trust your heart or follow your heart. How do you do this? Any good tips
  10. What have you guy found works the best with Yoga? I only have 60-90 minutes a day for these types of practices. I've replaced meditation / self inquiry with yoga and now do 60 minutes of kriya. However, now i am wondering if i need to find a balance between all these practices Also in the book he suggests doing some of the exercises before bed. Do you have to split it up? I always have trouble doing the before bed routine
  11. @Leo Gura Do you know of anywhere that does not teach watered down yoga? I was looking to sadhguru inner engineering events, but i think that will also be watered down yoga
  12. @Leo Gura Same! The books you have mentioned are much better. I was just curious to experience the initiation to see what they teach.
  13. I went to an imitation was interesting . They don't teach many techniques , but rather say to master the basics for 1-2 years then progress They taught three exercises 1 , an exercise similar to om japa , locating the chakras kriya pranayama mah mudra They first want mastery over these. The teacher stressed less is more they also told us to not worry about any of the crown chakras and only focus on chakras 1-5. The teacher suggested this for the first six months
  14. This makes me excited! Right now i do 30-40 minutes of kriya then 30 minutes of noting and labeling ... i am thinking now to just do 1 hour of kriya
  15. @onacloudynight can you elaborate on weird stuff happening? I am still shocked what happened, part of me worry's that i am going crazy and its all in my mind
  16. sooo i am not sure if i am imagining this or going crazy. When doing Kriya pranayama 2 i feel like a jolt of energy when going from the 5th chakra to bindu. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and makes my body twitch... really was not expecting this. Not sure if its just my mind doing this
  17. Few questions Do you follow the suggest daily routine or make your own? I am on lesson 14 and find i take much longer than the duration the book has for the routine. Lesson 14 level 4 say minimum duration is 19 minutes, but it takes me 45 minutes - 60 minutes because i really take my time and focus. Am i working to slowly? The suggested routine often leaves out things from previous lessons. For example after learning mantra it is no longer in the daily routine for other weeks. Is it okay to make our own routine?
  18. Have you guys thought about taking kriya initiation ?
  19. Do you actually answer the questions or you don't ? For edample who am I ? I am X then keep question until no other way to answer ?
  20. How many days of semen retention does it take for you to notice anything?
  21. Good luck man. I assume you are doing with the dhamma. Follow the the schedule, do not make any changes When you first arrive and they ask you do you have any belongings you want to give in, give them your phone!
  22. I always inhale through nose exhale through the mouth What mantras do you use?
  23. @phoenix666 I focus on medulla juat keep consistently doing it, after a week you'll be able to do it took me 5 days to be able to do it
  24. I know most you guys are using the book Leo mentioned, but im still curious will you get kriya initiation or continue using the book?