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Everything posted by herghly

  1. Does Anyone here have experience with prolonged fasting? I've been here a lot about the health benefits and considering trying a 72 hour fast. Any tips and advice would be appreciated
  2. I hate to repost the same question but my question above did not get answered. What do your routines look like and how long does it take? My current routine looks something like Mahamudra x 3 Kriya Pranayama 1 X 12 Kriya Pranayama 2 X 12 Yoni Mudra x 3 Supreme Fire x 3 As i progress should i still keep doing Kriya pranayama or just do more of pranayama 2?
  3. @molosku Stick at it for 6 months. You wont regret it
  4. Has leo changed his views on shamanic breathing? That is the only reason i can think of as to why he'd delete the mega-thread
  5. Commit to doing at least one meditation retreat a year
  6. How about practicing tonglen or loving kindess?
  7. What do your routines look like and how long does it take? My current routine looks something like Mahamudra x 3 Kriya Pranayama 1 X 12 Kriya Pranayama 2 X 12 Yoni Mudra x 3 Supreme Fire x 3 As i progress should i still keep doing Kriya pranayama or just do more of pranayama 2? Also should i do any of the chakra techniques?
  8. I mean do you count how long your breaths are ? otherwise how do you know if your inhale takes 10-20 seconds
  9. A couple other questions. Id really appreciate if someone can answer. in Gamana's book he has a different technique for doing yoni mudra he says to apply the three locks. Which way do you do it? and should i be doing navi kriya or om japa ? I've replaced any of these chakra type work with more pranayamas
  10. Are you counting in your head as you are doing the pranayamas ? I mentally count and focus on the prana flowing up my spine. I'm up to 15 seconds
  11. I can't find any type of silent kriya yoga retreats. I am considering doing a silent vipassana retreat, but that will mean i wont be able to practice kriya for 10 days. Do you think it will have much of a negative effect? I actually think it will be positive.
  12. I've been doing the shamanic breathing the way Leo teaches, bu today i tried something new Shamanic Breathing: - Lay down in the same way with your head in alignment with your chakras. - Breath as aggressively as possible for 10 to 15 minutes. - Every 10 – 15 minutes you will stop and hold your breath. This I usually do on the inhale, as opposed to the last one the down breath. - Then after you can’t hold your breath any longer let it out slowly and start again. I found doing the breath retention made the practice much stronger. Anyone else have experience doing it this way too?
  13. Which orders of the Kriyas do you guys do ? I've been doing Mah Mudra - Kriya Pranayama - yoni mudra - kriya supreme fire. I was review one of Leos recommended kriya books and the author suggests experimenting with when you do kriya supreme fire. Now i am considering moving it from the end of my routine to the start
  14. i'm really not sure what i make of this. I keep hearing about it though, people into spirituality are getting a boner over the lunar eclipse
  15. After i start doing KP1 and KP2 x 24 should i start doing KP 3 ?
  16. I have had a handful of psychedelic experiences mushrooms, lsd and ayahuasca. Most recently I've had a few what i thought at the time were life changing ayahuasca trips, but I have not changed much (i know its my responsibility). It almost feels like I learned too much and i dont even know where to start with to embody it all.
  17. @Leo Gura Visusalization already embodying what i learned during the psychedelics?
  18. @YogiLogan Why is it dangerous? I've tried researching this and i cant find any reasons
  19. @Arkandeus how did you go about integration though?
  20. in almost all the books i see it written as mahmudra x 3 and yoni mudra x 3. Can i do more of these? I enjoy both of these exercises and im cosnidering adding more
  21. @YogiLogan Can i also do more yoni mudra?