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Everything posted by herghly

  1. Yes you can do it the next day with no problems. I've done that
  2. What do our dreams mean? I've started to keep a dream journal where i write whatever happens in my dreams. But how do i interpret the meanings? Any suggestions?
  3. I dont see a problem with this at all. I assume you are doing the Goenka retreat. A good way to structure this may be to do vipassana during the group sittings and when you have the option to sit alone do self-inquiry
  4. Thank you! This is pure gold
  5. I know you don't want to hear this, but for someone who spends a lot of his time study personal development you have missed one of the most important lessons SELF RESPONSIBILITY Stop playing the victim. You are much better than that
  6. TM is not as powerful as many other methods. Vipassana Do nothing Kriya these 3 methods all more powerfull
  7. I'd be willing to travel to America to meet you Leo. Hope you will also be going international too
  8. i got the same message from mescaline. First lightly from san pedro and then peyote hit me hard with the message. mescaline is very Masucline
  9. hope this is finally the video on dirty talk!
  10. I've tried almost every psychedelic. Ayahuasca is hands down the best for emotional blockages. You will purge years of pent-up emotions that are stored in your body.
  11. Many hidden gems in the booklist
  12. former smoke smoked for 10 years and 6 of those years a packet a day. I was always trying to quit smoking and was never successful. Now i have not smoked in almost 4 years. After I did an ayahuasca retreat i never felt like smoking again.
  13. I've read a few of the books on LEOS list on PSI. But, it still seems all vague. If they are real what can they really do?
  14. I assume you are doing the 10 day VIpassana retreat Commit to NOT leaving, regardless of how you feel Become mentally prepared that it is not fun or relaxing When you have the choice to either meditate alone or in the hall, meditate in the hall When i did my first 10 day vipassana retreat many people left and i think its because people go into it with the wrong intentions.
  15. Do you guys do the chakra exercises? I'm still confused whether or not i should be doing om japa
  16. I cant imagine something stronger than 5meodmt
  17. Has anyone tried this type of breathing while on psychedelics?