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Everything posted by herghly

  1. @cetus56 is that what we are calling it around here
  2. how about using Rapé to open the nostrils for kriya? https://psychedelictimes.com/sacred-tobacco/
  3. I've never heard of this before. Why do you think it is useful for you?
  4. @Adamg To get a complete understanding you need to read both
  5. you do 90 minutes of kriya day AND another meditation... that is a lot
  6. Contemplative prayer I have yet to hear Leo talk about prayer. Does anyone having experience using prayer for raising consciousness?
  7. @Leo GuraFrom what all the Kriya books say the main benefits is at the end spending time in the post kriya witnessing. That is the most important part, not the pranayamas
  8. The way of the superior man says a man should be conscious with his ejaculation and to use this energy onto the world. How do we transmute this sexual energy? I every day a strangle with sexual urges. If i go 3-5 days without ejaculating im constantly fighting the urge to not be horny
  9. Why don't you do Yoni Mudra? I've found it to be a potent Kriya
  10. @Leo Gurayou had posted your Kriya routine a few months ago what’s your routine like now? my goal is to be adding I not pranayamas until I get to around 48 per session
  11. How do you transmute the sexual energy to other things we do in life?
  12. Guys, I have had a few mind-blowing synchronicities in the past week. Last week at dinner with friends they were discussing after how many times of ejaculation do you start not having cum ( i know strange conversation). Anyway, later that night I get a random message from a friend who was not at dinner asking me is it normal after having sex 2-3 times in a day to not cum the 3rd or 4th time. Keep in mind these are not things that ever come up in my conversations with friends haha How do i make sense of them? Any good videos on this topic?
  13. @outlandish Interesting. I'd love to spend time there when i get my web business up and running
  14. For me it feels different. The chakras feel like subtle points the prana moves through and when moving through them I feel the prana more. I can't explain it properly
  15. @Serotoninluv Com[ared to psychedelics, yes. How long have you been doing this for? Before i had any experience with the chakras i could feel the prana going up and down strongly
  16. stillness is critical for any practice and while kriya yoga does involve movement that does not mean we should be adding in any unnecessary movements
  17. Would doing osho dynamic meditation once per week give similar results to shamanic breathing? from what I understand both are good for purging emotions
  18. @Ampresus this is what I’m planning to do. I only ask because I’d like to hear from others who have experienced both
  19. If you don’t know about osho dynamic meditation - http://www.oshomeditations.com/dynamic-meditation/
  20. How often can you trip on shrooms without building a strong tolerance?
  21. @PsiloPutty good. I'm considering to do a trip once a month this year..maybe two
  22. @InfinitePotential Don't worry about timing your inholds. Focus on doing this every day and you will progress. Remember progression is NOT linear
  23. Hey man, it feels like you ask very similar questions almost every week. Is it possible? Maybe Have people come from situations worse than yours and achieved material success? YES
  24. I've found doing the alternate nostril breathing at the start makes a big difference for me