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Everything posted by herghly

  1. @Jkris I only have a certain amount of willpower each day
  2. what i am currently considering to do is 30 minutes of Kriya every day and to stop using psychedelics. I have already had enough mystical experiences to know I want to purse enlightenment, but i need to be strategic
  3. @Jkris I am looking for actual suggestions
  4. You can use the sentence stem program at the end of the book. Should only take 5-10 minutes a day. I've found for the amount of effort and time i get good results. Brings more awareness
  5. It's very green. More value than netflix, but that's not saying much
  6. Yes, all the great traditations say that at the same time it’s still something that can occur while on the path. I’m only asking
  7. I assume you’ve still been doing spiritual practices. What practices do you do?
  8. @FoxFoxFox what happened before you had these experiences? What forms of meditation have you been practicing and for how long?
  9. That’s exactly how I feel during meditation retreats. Most people assume during retreats you have plenty time, but you are still busy meditating
  10. Same. I neee to make deliberate time for integration. Otherwise it’s just something I never get around to
  11. Great suggestions, thanks. I’ve had this idea to be more ceremonial with the things I do. After my next psychedelic experience I will have a “integration ceremony”. For this I will keep my phone at home and go 3-5 walk. Allowing my mind to wonder, but at the same time bringing it back to contemplate the trip I had the day before
  12. @moon777light how many pranayamas are you doing? I only started to notice real results when I did more pranayamas
  13. Try modafinil instead of microdosing. It is much better for meditation
  14. What practices have you guys found to be most useful for integrating 5meo (or any psychedelic) experience? I’ve got a lot of value from journaling meditating spsnding time in nature talking to friends about the experience I still feel there must be better ways I can go about my integration
  15. What about people who are in loving healthy relationships? sex 1-2 months a month will not sustain a relationship
  16. @Leo Gura Looking forward to hearing your experience with Bufo. I don't believe you have worked with a shaman before. As many of your followers are doing psychedelics with shamans we'd be interesting to hear you experience doing ayahuasca and bufo with a shaman
  17. @Leo Gura Why have you not tried smoking at least once?
  18. @DrewNows yes, but what are the benefits to semen retention? Besides the discipline
  19. Why has your view changed? I've read before you wrote masturbating is not a big deal, just don't watch porn or get addicted. Do you now believe men should be practicing semen retention?
  20. How many pranayamas do you do? For the pasted 14 days i've increased the amount I do from 72 to 120 pranayamas per session and already I am noticing a difference. My body feels, better and less monkey mind
  21. When you have the choice to either meditate in the hall or your room, meditate in the hall