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Everything posted by herghly

  1. How does this practice look daily?
  2. Do you guys do your routine in the morning and evening? I never do kriya in the evening. I have hard enough time to do my 45-minute routine in the morning
  3. Where can we find more sentence stems? I've already finished the program at the back of the book and finished the self-responsibility sentence stems multiple times. I've been working with the book for the last 24 months, and now I'd like to find more.
  4. @Leo Gura Any suggestions for more sentence stems? I've done the ones in the book
  5. @SoothedByRain What did you get out of Eban's course?
  6. @Recursoinominado How long does hatha yoga take you per day?
  7. @GreenWoods How many mahmudra sets do you do? I've been thinking what's the optimal amount to do per 12 pranayamas.
  8. Have you read spiritual emergency yet? If not read that book as soon as possible
  9. @ROOBIO Just begin with the practices. No need to work yourself up to pranayamas
  10. Hey guys, how long are your kriya routines? I want to increase the amount of pranayamas per meditation
  11. Does anyone do fractal digital art? Any suggestions for software to use? Something beginner-friendly
  12. Besides kriya do you guys do other spiritual practices?
  13. Has anyone successful reprogrammed their beliefs through affirmations, visualizations or other methods? I'd like to hear about peoples experience with this.
  14. @ajasatya What are the ceremonies like? are you Christian?
  15. @Spacious Do you have a link for Osho methods? I'd like to try his dynamic meditations.
  16. Interesting, thanks for sharing. I've recently started doing Qi Gong before my morning meditations. Bioenergetics seems much stronger than Qi Gong for getting rid of body tension. I will give it a go
  17. How's your sleep? If you don't already start taking cold showers and using a sauna. Aim to sauna 3-5 times a week
  18. I'm curious what you think about this @Leo Gura. I had this insight on a psychedelic trip, it's not we need to learn how to become more loving. Love is our most true essence. We have to find all the barriers we have to destroy all the barriers we have built between us and Love.
  19. @Matt8800 Are tarot card readings real? I do believe psychic abilities are real, but I'm sure unsure about tarot card readings.