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Everything posted by herghly

  1. Which tradition do you think had the most advanced forms of psychic abilities? Daoism Kriya Chan Gnostics And so on.
  2. @Leo Gura I've been. The backsliding from meditation retreats and psychedelics is almost putting me off from doing them. I've been tripping consistently every month and doing kriya every day. However, recently I feel like my development is back to what it was like years ago. It's disheartening.
  3. Do you find the more KP's you do the less monkey mind you have during the day? Is it sustained?
  4. Thanks for the recommendations guys, I'm curious if any men have used spiritual practices to channel their sexual energy. @Leo Gura Have you looked into this topic?
  5. @MountainCactus Do you practice before bed?
  6. SInce starting kriya have you found your dreams have become more vivid?
  7. @Nahm How often do you look at your board? I have a dream board image on my pc that I look at for a few minutes every day
  8. @Paan Depends on the yogi. If it's a kriya yogi then they are referring to doing kriyas too
  9. @moon777light He has a book on his booklist on shadow work. That's all you need.
  10. @GreenWoods .. How hard do you tense on the locks? I must not be tensing hard enough!
  11. @Leo Gura Not sure how you can say that. There are some psychedelics that don't mix well together.
  12. @GreenWoods Yep, thats what i meant tensing the perineum. I can remember which book spoke on teaching the perineum during pranayamas
  13. @GreenWoods I'm not sure which book i read it in, but i remember reading we should tense our butts slightly as we are doing pranayama. Do you do that?
  14. Besides kriya yoga, what other meditations do you guys do, if any? I've been considering to add in do nothing technique occasionally.
  15. Any tips for improving visualization during pranayamas?
  16. Does anyone have a link to a list of journaling prompts for stream of consciousness journaling?
  17. Tibetans have already been doing this. Study and practice Dream Yoga