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Everything posted by herghly

  1. I’ve been reading the psi books on Leo’s book list. has anyone witnessed a siddhi themselves in person?
  2. @John Iverson Ahh ok. The book by Dean Radin. Very eye opening stuff.
  3. Alex is an interesting person. I suspect what he needs (but does not know) is a mystical experience.
  4. @John Iverson If you have the booklist then it's easy to find.
  5. @Mada_ He's teaching yoga for the masses. You need to keep in mind the yoga he teaches is not strong.
  6. Strong discipline. This is what real spirituality is.
  7. @Gneh Onebar Have not tried it. Look at the risk to reward with nitrous. It's just not worth it. You're better off doing safe psychedelics
  8. @Leo Gura When will you do it?
  9. I have not heard Leo speak much at all on these types of meditation techniques. I've found tonglen meditations very heart-opening and transformative. Maybe we need a loving kindness mega thread.
  10. @onacloudynight @Leo Gura Thanks for the replies. I had a frightening mushroom experience a few weeks again and since then many of my habits have been gone. It's the first time in years I using snooze on my alarm. But I understand that this is all apart of the process.
  11. I'm going to spend some time reading through all the posts here. Thanks for posting this all together
  12. @Kalki Avatar Read the books on the book list.
  13. @Kalki Avatar Letting go of will is involved in kriya. After you finish your kriyas you drop all techniques. Let go of everything Witness
  14. @Leo Gura Do you not see any benefits from purging?
  15. I had a hard time relating to Bashar. Maybe I'll give him another chance.
  16. Works with shrooms too. In my experience, don't take over 1 gram otherwise it will weaken the effects from the psychedelic . NEVER take this stuff multiple days in a row. Be very careful with phenibut
  17. @Michael Paul Have you read that book?
  18. I've created a dream board, but i don't have anywhere I can print to hang it. Do you think it's as powerful if I look at it for a few minutes every day on my computer?