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Everything posted by herghly

  1. this stuff is interesting. Thanks for the info guys. Can anyone comment on the results from a heavy metal detox? What changed? Do you have more energy now? More mental clarity?
  2. @Hansu No problem man! I really want to get a heavy metals thread going. I have no idea where to begin!
  3. @LfcCharlie4 Do you use any other substances like modafinil? I thought caffeine (within moderation) is healthy? Maybe I will try switching to black and green tea.
  4. @LfcCharlie4 what is your goal? To stop caffeine for good or it's just a break? I'm interested in the idea of a detox. Not sure if I'd honestly be able to keep up my workload without caffeine. . .
  5. It's remarkable you do this. I don't think most people understand how much money you are leaving on the table. I'm very grateful you do what you do and share it for free.
  6. @Bittu How long are your shamanic breathing sessions? I think i will commit to once a week 30 minutes shamanic breathing. Also what are the sexual transmutation exercies? that's something i've got interested in.
  7. Has anyone successfully completed 52 weeks of shamanic breathing? Very curious to hear results.
  8. @Leo Gura It surprises me that martin ball does not mention mahasamadhi in his books. He's gone deeper than anyone else with 5-meo
  9. @Leo Gura Can you please provide a source or at least put the book on your book list?
  10. Did Leo ever release the name of the substance stronger than 5 meo? I thought he mentioned he found something better than 5 meo
  11. Happy birthday Leo. Your work has radically changed my life. I hope I can meet you one day and tell you how grateful I am for your work.
  12. @bazera You wont be able to control the dosage. But it's better than nothing and you might meet cook like-minded people.
  13. @Leo Gura Have you tried prolonged fasting 72 hours+??
  14. @DreamScape learn about the yoga sutras and do kriya
  15. I remember seeing a list of recommended movies to watch in the Life purpose course, but no I can't seem to find it. @Leo Gurawas it deleted?
  16. I find it difficult to be productive at home. Usually, when I don't need to go to the office I end up going to a cafe to do work instead of doing it from home. What are some good ways to create an office space or habits to do work from home? The problem could be I don't have much room in my apartment.
  17. @GrowthPilgrim just write. If you don't know what to write, then just write that. You need to push yourself to make this habit. Eventually, you'll reach a point when the writing just flows. But until then just commit to writing. Once your pen hits the paper don't stop moving your hands.
  18. The most life-changing habit I've built is morning pages. For me morning pages are beautiful. Every morning when I wake up I write 3 pages. Does not matter what I write or if it even makes sense. Through this, I'm integrating life experiences and growing. I can't recommend the book enough.
  19. Does anyone know? I'm still looking for those suggested movies in the life purpose course.
  20. @Vipassana Yes. I'm wondering how you schedule your day to fit in 3 hours of meditation while still being productive.
  21. @Vipassana What's your schedule like? Very curious to see