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Everything posted by herghly

  1. @Serotoninluv From what I understand you can't overdose on it
  2. interesting.. i've never become lucid. I've been trying to for 4 months. My dreams are more vivid, but no lucidity
  3. @James123 I don't understand your comment. It is not about ayahuasca
  4. @Chakra Lion I don't understand this logic. I've had high dose acid and mushrooms that were much more scary than ayahuasca experiences.
  5. @ajasatya 15+ ayahuasca experiences dozens of other trips I've taken mushrooms and LSD at large doses alone many times
  6. @Dutch guy Which video would you recommened for 10minutes? I want to start slow, something to wake me up before i meditate
  7. @LfcCharlie4 seth godin books are pure gold
  8. I don't have much knowledge about heavy metals. Where should I begin? And is it true sauna helps detox heavy metals? We should start a heavy metals thread! I'm very curious to hear the results from people who have done heavy metal detoxes
  9. @Dutch guy how long do you think you need to practice for? I’m looking for something thatb I could do in 5-10 mins before meditate
  10. @LfcCharlie4 how does that fit in with fasting? I typically fast until night time. does the timing of the smoothies matter??
  11. @LfcCharlie4 Why though? I'm trying to under this better and it seems to be daily tea can be healthy
  12. How often is okay to drink coffee / tea? what’s the goal here? the book - caffeine blues, is vey eye opening
  13. damn, i keep forgetting to through this. Dream board is something I NEED to do
  14. @Dutch guy I've been interested in Tai chi / qi gong for awhile, but can't find any good books on it. It's not as accessible as yoga
  15. https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/article/kriya-yoga-in-the-light-of-recent-findings-in-neuroscience This is very interesting. I do feel kriya yoga works on my nervous system more than meditation or any other techniques
  16. Interesting.. thanks for sharing. God damn it. I'm still confused why is one cup of coffee bad? I know i'm asking many questions. But im still getting my head around this. I've always been told 1-3 cups a day is healthy
  17. What are your goals though? to never drink coffee again or what
  18. @Hansu only 3 days!? How many cups of coffee were you drinking per day?
  19. Should you be strategic about detoxing off caffiene? I've got quite a heavy work load for the next 3-5 weeks, and not sure if it's the right time for me to attempt this or if i'm just self rationalising lol
  20. I'm down to one coffee a day now...
  21. Has anyone used psychedelics or kambo to quit caffeine? This thread has been me aware of my caffiene addiction...
  22. have you read the artist way?