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Everything posted by emil1234

  1. emptiness leaves absolutley no room for an external physical world, because it is infinite
  2. thank the lord theunborntao came along and cleared up the misunderstanding
  3. ur basic dispute comes down to this; does existence imagine non existence, or does non existence imagine existence? im good with both tbh. im still digesting the "actually we are meeting right now".
  4. @What Am I couldnt agree more, i need to find myself an arch nemesis as well
  5. @Leo Gura @Water by the River i dont understand why you two have developed an arch nemesis type relationship. ur views are very similar
  6. this post just made me instantly appreciate not being in pain right now. the existence of pain makes for appreciation of comfort
  7. lets assume the materialistic paradigm for a second. assume that what existence is, is two eternal voids, in between which you happen to exist for what, 70-80 years, and then you go back to the eternal void. the statistical chances that you are conscious only right now, and then never again, are nearly infinitely small. Why didnt it happen a 100 years ago? why didnt it happen 1000 years ago? Why didnt it happen a million years ago? a billion years ago? this is an infinitely small slice of eternity, and this happens to be the only time in all of eternity, that there is a conscious experience? thats literally infinitely unlikely Before you existed, what was the case? Eternity. What will be the case after you're gone? Eternity. Whats the case right now? Eternity. and apperantly eternity is experiential in nature. THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE NATURE OF ETERNITY. eternity equals experience, this moment is the proof. when you die you go back to whatever got you here in the first place lol. have fun trolling around for everneverever
  8. @Breakingthewall i agree with this. reality is infinite potential, and consciousnes is just part of that potential. but everything that can be has to be conceived by consciousness, to quote leo, so in that sense reality is consciousness
  9. all organic matter or even all physicality are bound by one unifying property; change or decay. notice how your body is changing literally every second. you may lose a couple of hairs, your skin cells are getting replaced, stuff like that. NOTHING in physical reality is unchanging, change is a law of physical existence. Notice that your senses have decayed during your life time. Your sight might have gotten worse, maybe you use glasses by now. Your hearing may have gotten worse, likewise with your taste. but your consciousness IS EXCACTLY THE SAME as it has always been. it hasnt decayed one fucking bit. I honestly think this is an extremely strong indication that consciousness is transcendent of physicality
  10. @Leo Gura yes, the only objections i have to this are semantics. but i think the fact that something exists which doesnt decay, is a very strong indication of its transcendence of the physical, since all physical is bound by decay and change
  11. @Princess Arabia i dont resonate with the idea of "low" or "high" consciousness. i think what people mean by this is level of comprehension, understanding and involvement with existence. what i mean by consciousness is simply the fact that existence is. and that fact has never changed, i dont claim there is anyone who claim to be conscious, im saying existence is. it doesnt need an owner. im curious whats your definition of consciousness? because this is pretty much mine. @Sugarcoat pretty much answered ur question here as well
  12. @Sugarcoat i reject this, it doesnt account for why consciousness doesnt decay. you could apply the same logic to the senses. your brain constantly replaces cells and that stuff, yes, to maintain the sensory functions such as hearing or sight. you could argue the neurons responsible for your hearing has been excactly the same your entire life, however even so,your hearing is still subject to decay, just like your skin cells are, they are decaying and being replaced all the time, and when you get older, your skin might start to get wrinkles consciousness has 0 decay and 0 change
  13. @Sugarcoat but thats the point. YOU ARE in the video
  14. i resonate. the day after i had my solipsistic awakening was the day after new years eve, and i was reading the news about all the people who got injured from fireworks, got limbs blown off and stuff, and i thought; fuck, thats me. ill have to endure that shit
  15. I like the idea here, that EVERYTHING exists, infinity. and the brain is sort of a limitation upon the infinite. were it not for the limitations of the brain, infinity would be. so given we all have different brain configurations, neurons and stuff, when we ingest psychedelics and alter our brain chemistry, we are able to access more of infinity, because we soften the limitations of the brain. this theory accounts for the connection between the brain (physical) and infinity (non-physical)
  16. this is a question ive been wondering myself, to what degree genetics / biology / brain activity influences psychedelic trips. ive definetely had experiences where i was 100% sure i had left my body entirely, at which point the brain wouldnt really have any impact, id assume..but dont know man. breakthrough on dmt definetely feels like seperating entirely from the physical, meaning genetics and biology would have a limited relevance. although some ordinary cognition still seems to be there. i was able to think quite clearly. so yea i guess the conclusion is i have no idea just my thoughts
  17. yea i like frank yang however i think hes metaphysics are pretty off. but this artem guy man. narcissistic is the perfectly fitting label to be honest
  18. i couldnt resist and i watched some content with this artem guy. he seems very dreadful
  19. @Bufo Alvarius i mean i can confirm this artem guy is straight out wrong. he says during the interview that the universe is not one, that its just a projection of the mind. now this of course comes across as a personal anecdote, but i have experienced a non disputable interaction with my friend through the web of the universal consciousness, so i know for a fact that unity is an ontological truth. this is also why the yogis abide in the universal consciousness, because miracles happen when you do. read autobiography of a yogi, when you master the universal consciousness you can literally manipulate reality. i dont know if this artem guy is straight out lying, or if hes just wrong. neither way hes not speaking the truth lol
  20. damn this forum loves a good bit of solipsism HAHA. all solipsism posts get heated
  21. @enchanted imo its a depressing approach seeking to reduce suffering, when you should be seeking to maximize joy.
  22. @Water by the River no he literally said several times post his final shift that hes not even sure that the universe is one
  23. @Water by the River i mean frank yang doesnt even experience oneness, which is VERY typically induced by psychedelics. so its not that his state is already that of a classic psychedelic experience