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Everything posted by emil1234

  1. every time you're watching a movie, you're actually watching something that you'll get to experience for real in infinity. like precisely. you'll experience being darth vader excactly as it goes down in the movies
  2. yea i did, and agreed, sadhguru is too epic haha. however he is very cautious going too deep on the supernatural stuff, which is why i think a conversation with leo would be shallow
  3. dwight schrute from the office (rain willson) has his own little podcast, it has quite a bit of spirituality, consciousness and metaphysics. it doesnt get a ton of viewers, but it would be fun lol
  4. that would not work out. sadhguru is very mindful of his reputation, which is why he rarely goes deep into the metaphysics of existence. joe rogan attempted to drag some information out of him on his podcast, and sadghuru did not put up with it. he wants to maintain a reputation as a rational somewhat scientific persona, in order to reach a larger audience
  5. might be unrealistic, but joe rogan sounds like the perfect candidate. worth giving it a shot? sometimes he brings on lesser known faces. although im still in favor of the JP conversation, would absolutley love to see it.
  6. if you're talking logical theory thats correct. however yes, it does absolutley follow that ABSOLUTE INFINITY contains everything possible. you could have an infinite amount of the number 1 and that number 1 would be infinte. but thats not absolute infinity. absolute infinity has to include everything, including all other numbers. this is the name of god. absolutley limitless
  7. damn son
  8. to be fair he argued confidently for the existence of god before his psychedelic trip
  9. would LOVE to see this
  10. yes excactly the same for me. i worshipped him when i first got into personal development, and now i basically cringe every time i listen to him
  11. Spirited away, howls moving castle, and any movie basically by Hayao Miyazaki. his material is the closest movies has gotten me to an awakening experience.
  12. I agree haha, there actually is no depth perception at all. Everything is perceived flat. depth is just another angle of wideness. blew my mind when i first "saw" it
  13. i just made a post about this as well. i used to think syncronicities were new age woo woo, but at this point im fairly certain they're not. i have no fucking clue what they mean or how to handle them, but whenever i notice a syncronicity, i always get a strong sense / intuition of being on the right path
  14. in this post I am directing focus towards the so called "awakened" materialists, i.e people like daniel ingram, michael taft, artem boytsov, to a certain extend frank yang), with reference to my own subjective experience of awakening im not even nearing enlightenment, but after around 5 years of spiritual practice (2 years of intense practice), it is absolutley clear to me that materialism cannot hold. There are two aspects to this; subjective perception of reality, i.e state of consciousness. From my current level of perception, it is absolutley clear to me that reality is not material, and again, im not "enligthened" at all. The second aspect is the increasing undeniable response from the external world. This in my opinion is the nail in the coffin for the materialist, and the reason i dont understand how you can awaken and maintain materialism, because in my experience, it is undeinable that the "external" world communicates increasingly more intensively as consciousness levels increase, to the point where there is an undeniable interaction between mind and reality. some people call this syncronicities or law of attraction. i generally dont like these terms, as they pose a new age woo woo kind of style, which is not at ALL the intention i want to express, Since we do not fully know the full capacities of the brain, it follows that we are unable to definitively rule out spiritual experiences as a byproduct of brain activity, no matter how intense ones experiences might be. The key to debunking materialism in my opinion, lies in the interplay between mind and the external world, because in proving the oneness of the two (mind and world), materialism is evaporated. As mentioned briefly, during my spiritual journey, what has convinced me thoroughly is not only the obviousness of the truth of the higher states of consciousness, but more so the confirmation that the external world feeds back to you. again, the link between mind and reality is absolutley cruical. during my awakening period, i've experienced several supernatural phenomena such as telepathy, through the web of Oneness (hereby confirming its existence as an external phenomena and NOT merely hallucinated by the brain). This literally happened on my second psychedelic trip ever, and ive experienced it several times since, so how people can go through "Full awakening" and not have experiences like this i dont quite understand. But who knows, maybe its super rare. I've also experienced so called "syncronicities", to the point i'd also label them supernatural (stuff like thinking of a person i havent talked to for six months, and having them text me within the same instant. stuff like this happened MANY MANY times, and intensively increasingly during periods of increased consciousness). Putting the pieces together, i've been getting increasing "syncronicities", to the point where I notice they've been showing up all my life, ever since my birth. The obviousness of the design of life, and the message that life is constantly conveying is becoming undeniable. Stuff showing up in my life today, which is making stuff in my childhood make COMPLETE sense, in an extremely symbolic way, not necessearily in a logical sense, and not stuff like why i became the person that i am. but more so an understanding of an extremely symbolic and poetic, "hidden" communion between myself and the universe, which seemingly has been going on since the start of my life. I would truly love to elaborate on this, but this is the most precise i can get, since this stuff is extremely intricate. i guess you just have to take my word for it haha, there is an undeniable constant communion between oneself and the universe. I want to press that i am not easily convinced at all, and i was a hardcore atheist until 5 years ago where i had my first psychedelic experience. ive always been a proponent of believing in direct experience, and thus a God or higher power seemed illusory and fairy taley until i had my psychedelic experiences. Now, syncronicities and "responses" from the external world does not NECESSARILY mean that idealism is the case, since absolute knowledge cannot be genereated in a relative sense, but it is an extremely strong indication in my opinion, since it is proof of an interaction between mind and the reality that is generated.
  15. I just tried to write a detailed description, but it really does it no justice at all, and im not able to describe it in a way that replicates the sitiatuion in the slightest. In short, what happened, was that my friend had his back turned on me. I intensively directed my attention / focus / energy towards his energy, using the web of Oneness / universal consciousness as a medium. I was able to see how the energies penetrated his energies, and as a result of this, he turned around, looked at me intensively for about 10 seconds, and at excactly the same time we connected to the universal consciousness fully. Its typically a very distinct moment when you link up with the universal consciousness, its like you tap into the vein of the universe, and feel the heart beat of existence. I was able to both visually see and feel that my friend too tapped into the universal consciousness. right at the moment it happened, i instantly said; "Did you feel that?" he looked very shocked and answered "yes i did" Right after it happened, he was able to fully describe and account for the experience of becoming one with the universal consciousness. we had not ever talked about any form of universal consciosuness or anything like that prior to this, and i dont believe he even heard about spirituality and oneness in the slightest neither. Again, this description does it no justice. What i will say is that it was extremely obvious that this connection happened using the universal consciousness as a medium. It is extremely clear that we had a very real interaction, it is completely undeniable (from both of our perspectives) that this happened
  16. @Davino https://www.youtube.com/@stephensnyderdharma/videos this guy on youtube also has some nice lectures on cessation and meditation in general
  17. @Water by the River ur posts are always super valuable. ty <3
  18. the tao that can be named is not the eternal tao or something like that? but non conceptual existence literally is completely unfathomable and inconceivable. any label you put on existence, the opposite will also be true. words and concepts are just a part of reality, actual non conceptual reality is completely.... unnameable. the only proportionate description is ITSELF, and not conceptual, only existence can account for existence. its ever changing yet its presence is ever unchanging it includes both existence and non existence. it literally IS existing and not existing at the same time its a singularity that contains everything, and thus any description will be insufficient because it will always contain the contradiction to whatever description you attempt to apply it reality cannot be reduced to ANYTHING what so fucking ever, because it IS EVERYTHING. the realization that words and concepts are but pointers to actual existence as a whole is a deep revelation. all lectures on god, all philosophising, id even say all psychedelic trips are all pointing to the NON CONCEPTUALIZED NOW, which is the Absolute manifest, and all there is and ever will be. a concept is like a condom between reality and.... what?
  19. hmm i dont know. id say that even expectations stem from the individual, and can thus be eradicted through spiritual practice. life itself is completely satisfied with whatever arises. you might be right with regards to spiritual maturity tho
  20. @Princess Arabia given further thought, id add that spirituality has the potential to eradicate the actual desire for a good life, which ultimately grants the good life. the one who desires is the individual, life itself desires nothing. the death of the individual is the death of desire, which is the birth of the good life. out on a rant here but who cares