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Everything posted by emil1234

  1. ive been delving into the subject the past few days, and the term has very different meanings depending on the tradition. from what i gather, the theravada buddhists believe you just merge into vast Nothingness / for ever non existence / deep sleep. Then there are people like Osho, who take the term Nirvana / Mukti / liberation to be a complete merging with all of existence. Existing for ever as the universe itself. This is much aligned with leos teachings. I can't quite decipher what someone like Sadhguru means with the term liberation. I stumbled upon this article, and isolated it seems that to him Liberation is simply non existence https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/article/samadhi-to-go-beyond-existence It can be interpreted in different ways. there are other articles where he clearly states that all that is lost after Liberation is the individual identity, and that life itself goes on just being Life. Quite generally this seem to be the Hindu understanding of Liberation, and also other variants of buddhism, such as mahayana to be fair im pretty mindfucked atm. seems like quite a bummer if the purpose of existence is to get rid of it lol. My take is that ultimately, whereever we end up, it has to be the same place that got us here in the first place. Say you dismantle your karma totally, and end up in non existence - whats to prevent that non existence from popping into existence again? it must be the same thing that spawned you in the first place whats your guys' take on this?
  2. i like this and agree largely. however if nothing cant exist, what is deep sleep?
  3. read the article i linked, it could be interpreted as total non existence. specifically the section on mahasamadhi although given sadhgurus other statements, i believe its to be interpreted as non existence in terms of individual identity
  4. yea that was basically my point. i think us being incarnated right now is proof that eternity equals incarnation
  5. yes, im fairly certain that Sadhguru means that after Mukti you exist as pure consciousness / the universe forever. i recall him saying in videos "the buddha is just as alive today as he was 3500 years ago. hes just liberated from physical bondage" or something like that. he also uses the analogy of the soap bubble, where you blow that bubble, and the air inside merge with the air around. furthermore he also explicitely says that life goes on, its just individual existence that ends. so im fairly sure that hes view is that of a continued existence
  6. the boat can always be turned around. always. though you may get other lives, THIS specific life will probably never come back. the things you want in this life, you'll never get to experience it excactly the way you do in this life. your favorite songs, your favorite meals, your favorite movies. your family, your friends. all that is completely unique to your life. even if you were to experience the life of one of your family members, their perspective on the same things would be completely different. this makes the individual life immensly precious. and remember; death is certain. life is impermanent. its only temporary. this means theres a limitation to how wrong life can go. so what the hell, why not try to make it through it, even through it might suck and you might suffer? maybe you would end up turning your life around, and you'd get to experience the precious value of your unique individual life. in the end, you will be released from the cage of the body anyways.
  7. @Keryo Koffa hahahahah i was just thinking the same. epic
  8. this mahasamadhi-like experience i always found quite fascinating. were you able to enter that state at will with 5meo? and do u think what you experienced is actually what the yogis experience when they do mahasamadhi?
  9. +1. notice that solipsism only feels uncomfortable in virtue of the thoughts you have surrounding it. actual solipsism is not negative, thoughts make it negative
  10. this conflict has been looming for decades in northern europe. my guess is this only will be the beginning unfortunately
  11. no fap has been completely life changing in my experience. sexual energy is completely magical when experienced in all of its power. when you get this you will not want to waste it ejaculating to porn watching porn and fapping once in a while doesnt really affect me that much. however being in the habit of fapping / porning regularly is what sucks out your life force
  12. yes, the way i see it there is no way in hell this is what the buddha actually taught. all other religions amased followers through the promise of an eternal life. Buddhism allegedly amased followers the direct opposite way, by instructing people how to end an already eternal cycle of life definitively. no way the buddha could have gotten followers by preaching a spiritual suicide tutorial
  13. i'll make sure not to cleanse my karma then. i dont want this party to stop hehehe
  14. @CARDOZZO yea man i fucking love the existential dialoges. i know few real life characters who engage in this kind of talk. its something so different than all other topics imo <3 <3
  15. its just different facets of the same holon the way i see it. same level of complexity, different aspect. in my experience nothing in creation is any more or less complex than anything else. its all pure genius
  16. @Breakingthewall the way i see it atoms are made of empty space (dark matter / dark energy). you wont be able to find the essence of the atom, since any attempted division will yield only emptiness. so theres really not anything to divide, only empty space, which is infinite. if you zoom far enough out, our world will appear solid and unified as though it were an atom. if you zoom in again,it will appear the way we experience the world right now. and notice the gap between all objects. its just empty space. dissecting atoms would work mechanically similar to this example, id assume damn existence is baffling as fuck
  17. in my opinion contemplation is only useful when it comes to integrating insights accessed through spiritual practice. it is possible to logically contemplate you're way to spiritual truths, but without the experience of said truth, its basically worth nothing. the thought of the truth is not the actual truth. you cannot access higher states of consciosuness through thought. this is why so few philosophers without a spiritual practice have proper insights into the nature of reality
  18. I have to agree. ive been meditating intensively for the better part of 3 years now (1-2 hours a day), and while it has yielded magnificent results and insights, and a dramatic increase in baseline consciosuness, its fucking childsplay compared to psychedelic states. although i would say it seems meditation does allow for different kind of insights than pscyhedelic states, due to the longevity and consistensy of the baseline increases