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Everything posted by emil1234

  1. yea i guess so lol. my point was more so that our thoughts can act as filters on top of physical reality, which can make it seem not perfect
  2. you dont understand my point. the overarching design that allows existence to flow perfectly from moment to moment is absolute perfection. im not talking about perfection or bliss from a human point of view, but rather existence as an objective entity. it is utterly flawless, total alien in level of design and harmony.
  3. i just had a god realization on ayahuasca. i promise you everything is infinitely perfect. god is not lonely lol. god is definetely not bored lol. i love you all to infinity
  4. title pretty much sums it up. personally ive experienced a telepathic form of communication. My mate was standing with his back turned on me, I focused my energy on him, he turned around and looked at me, and we connected to the collective consciousness together. This was his first trip ever, and literally the second after he was able to explain the experience of the collective consciousness to the point, and we had excactly the same perception of what happened. im not even close to articulating what happened excactly, but me and my mate knows for a 100% fact that we connected through something energetic/non-physical, with roughly 2 meters of distance between us.
  5. im having a very hard time accepting that existence is ultimately a good thing. i mean it just seems too good to be true that i just get to play these awesome games for all eternity, and loving it throughout all of eternity. ive come to realize that all "problems" are ultimately created by my mind or my "ego". I recently awoke to unconditional love through meditation, and it was the most beautiful thing ever. it felt like an ecstatic childhood memory. it lasted for about two days in pure ecstacy, and now ive experienced for myself that everything is literally pure self love. and yea, now im kinda in this state where my ego does not want to accept that everything is ultimately GOOD. everything is okay!! no matter what happens man. it doesnt matter, because in the end everything truly is good. my mom used to tell me this as a child. and now i know it is true. im crying as i write this. But i fucking cant fully give into it and accept it, it goes against my human nature to accept that everything ultimately is good, that there is nothing to fear, that i dont have to become anything.... i cant grasp it i love you all for existing
  6. yes excactly! this is so life changing. Just allow life to take charge, sit back and observe without resistance.
  7. yea excactly!! fully accepting the whatever is, I believe is what lead me to experience unconditional love. accepting the moment under all conditions is such a power, because it makes even "bad" situations "enjoyable" to some extend i would say. theres joy to be found in all aspects of experience
  8. So I made a post about a week ago regarding a bad trip that I had. Basically I got the message that god doesnt want to exist and that consciousness is basically an inescapeable eternal prison. I had a similar trip about two years ago, which rattled me pretty bad, and ive been struggling to let the insight go. So my question is; how do i best integrate this? The way I look at it, is that I have to let this message go. The message has been haunting me for the past two years, and ive been trying to disprove it to myself in my head everyday, coming up with reasons for why it cant be true and so forth. However the trip kinda threw it right in my face like "haha how are you gonna disprove this?" So in a lot of ways the reasons i decided to take the trip a week ago, was very much in order to disprove this former insight that I had. So yea, my interpretation is that what I have to do is let it go, i dont want to take the trip literal, since walking around everyday looking at the world like an inescapable eternal prison is not good for me lol. Would really like some feedback and interpretations, so thanks in advance and lots of love
  9. so its been a long time since ive tripped, since it rattled me last. since then, ive been doing really well, meditating, excersising, eating well, and really living a good and healthy life. So i was in a very good mindset, so i decided to take 100 ugs of lsd. Because I wanted to disprove my prior realization. Appearantly everytime I trip, I come to the conclusion that I am god bored and stuck in existence, forced to experience, longing for non existence. Everything is a joke, and god does not want to exist. im pretty sure this isnt the ultimate truth, because i hear so many people speaking of infinite love and all this, but man. I really cant get past this realization. The past two years of my life has basically been about disproving this realization through living a good life, and ultimately having a trip in a real good mindset. But i reached the same conclusion. pls tell me this is not the ultimate truth
  10. @kamwalker how are the other parts of infinity that you've experienced? id love to hear
  11. @Snader Yea I've never really had that loneliness aspect. It goes without saying, also as you point out, we're definetely biased when it comes to these experiences, which is also why we all have slightly different, in some cases extremely different experiences. I've only experienced the oneness or aloneness part as self loving, like a deeper connection with other people.
  12. @Osaid well the way i perceived is that consciousness or god was stuck inside of it itself, trying to escape itself essentially. looking back, this could be interprated in a number of ways, but during the trip, when I looked people in the eye, I saw the consciousness inside of them hating itself. It's like consciousness was disgusted by itself and the fact that it had to exist.