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Everything posted by emil1234

  1. ive recently come to appreciate the beauty of strange loops. i love how the absolute is so reflected in the relative. traces of infinity are laced all throughout the finite. the universe has such a poetic design lol
  2. i agree solely from personal experience (which is ofc limited in the overall picture), that 99% of people i talk to seem to not give a fuck about the mystery of life. its fucking irritating cus i have like 3 or 4 people in real life that i can talk existential and metaphysical stuff with, literally everyone else look weird at me and quickly process the conversation when i try to hint them towards the mystery of life
  3. i dont think so. heres why. so first off we gotta establish what is meant by non-existence. heres how i would explain non existence from an individualised subjective point of view. Say you just drove home from work in your car, and went into your room. you are sitting in your room looking at your wall and nothing else. literally everything which is not in you direct experience while looking at the wall is non existent. the car you just left is non existing from you point of view. notice that the car is not some sort of a "blank",or are an empty spot. the car is simply not existing. another way to describe non existence would be the current visual perception you're experiencing through for example your feet. notice the absense of visual perception everywhere except through your eyes. thats non existence. its not a blank, or an emptiness, its simply not there, nothing at all. i dont think i was able to explain it very well lol, but if you understand what i mean,i think this definition of non existence is pretty good. and i dont think sleep applies to this definition of non existence. when we are sleeping, theres still something there. its not non existing the same way that literally everything not in your direct experience right now is. i would rather describe deep sleep as a blank, emptiness, or a lack of all sorts of apperances, here under physical objects, emotions, sensations and thoughts. i think if we remove all of these from the equation, we arrive at deep sleep. furthermore id argue that the experience of deep sleep is actually also present during waking experience. it simply gets clouded by apperances, sensations, emotions and thoughts.
  4. @James123 haha yea i see where u are going. ultimately there is absolutley nothing which can be known for sure, except that Being/perception/consciousnes is the case. and this thing seem to basically BE Being
  5. @James123 well i would define eternal as the lack of time. and time doesnt seem to apply to this thing, yet its there = eternal
  6. @James123 no, its literally eternal, i cant find a beginning nor an end to it. time literally doesnt apply to it. its just there LOL
  7. @James123 its like i can literally remember it being there pre birth, because its outside of time. im having a mini awakening right now wtf. is this really what people mean when they talk about the nothingness that never dies?
  8. @James123 wtf is that really it? it seems too obvious and simple lol. but it definetely doesnt seem like something that was born, since it is literally NOTHING
  9. ill put this in my tinder and insta bio and yea, although i would say that human definitions rarely hold ontological truth. i do agree however holy shit i just had an epiphany. the deep sleep state existed pre birth
  10. @Davino yea i do like that perspective, of sleep just being a time skip. and id agree that time is non existent during sleep, since there is a lack of all apperances, including time. however i dont think sleep qualifies as non existence. there seem to still be something observing the lack of apperances
  11. yea i agree with this alot. i suffered from pretty severe derealization that lasted for 2 years after smoking weed
  12. found this one the other day, one of the first guided meditations ive tried, and it was actually pretty powerful. much more effective than i thought guided meditations were
  13. i've always felt extremely connected to nature, i fucking love trees and forests etc. the first time i did LSD i literally had the secret of life transfered through an interaction with a tree. lol. it happens every time i trip in nature. when i touch the trees and bushes, i can literally feel their life energy and shit. its literally alive furthermore i find that meditating in nature enhances my sessions significantly however none of my friends seem to experience the same level of interaction with nature, with or without psychedelics
  14. salvia is one psychedelic ill never try
  15. hahahha being no one is the most liberating thing ever. when u realize noself:
  16. @FourCrossedWands i will say yea you get used to it, but that doesnt invaldiate the effects at all. an alcoholic gets used to feeling like shit, that doesnt mean you should become an alcoholic if your body and mind functions more optimally your life will always turn out the most optimal
  17. i love it. i did 165 days of nofap last year. however i had sex 3 times during that time. and wet dreams are unavoidable imo. but overall; an reduced dopamine addiction. not just in terms of the need to fap / watch porn, i also find it easier to stay off junk food and unhealthy shit, easier to stay off my phone, social media etc. A drastic increase in my energy levels overall incredible feeling of well being in my body. its like the cells in my body are cheering and dancing. more confidence, easier to approach girls i dont know what it is, but eye contact seems so much stronger as well. nowadays i do nofap as much as possible. however i find that when i drink alcohol, i always end up fapping if i dont get laid lol. so alcohol is the killer for me, it makes me screw all my good habits
  18. ive been researching this quite thoroughly lately, since it presents a contradiction to my current views of reality. all of my mystical experiences have been pointing towards Brahman, and ive even experienced a telepathic interaction through the universal consciousness, so from personal experience i am more or less convinced of the existence of brahman / universal consciousness. however buddhists claim to go the notch further, that brahman is NOT the ultimate realization, thats its possible to transcend it, and in doing so realizing the untruth of brahman Now I know that original buddhism did NOT teach any negation of the soul, and the later scripts of buddhism such as theravada (which do actively deny the existence of an eternal soul) are based on apperant faulty interpretation of the original scriptures. however i cannot easily dismiss this, since people like frank yang and daniel ingram claim that it is possible to actually transcend the universal consciousness. what are your thoughts on this? philosophically the theravadian / ingram / frank yang metaphysics sound like near nonsense to me, however they claim that the realization of "No-Self" or anatman is deeper than god realization / brahman. i recently saw leo commenting on this, claiming that ascribing "levels" to realizations above infinity is nonsense, since infinity by definition has to include everything, which i think makes good sense
  19. this resonates a lot. i contemplated the other day, and i realized the phrase "I am god" is not actually correct. god is simply what is. it doesnt need an owner
  20. @Inliytened1 yea that sounds powerful, i cant speak of solipsistic awakenings to that degree. did the feeling of aloneness stick, or was it more like a temporary state due to the shock? personally ive had several experiences of oneness, however not solipsistic oneness on psychedelics. More the "we're all connected" type of oneness. it has always felt like a much deeper connection to other people to me. i've never had the feeling of aloneness that people talk about, only during my contemplation work as a result of my conditioned thoughts
  21. @OBEler this was actually one of my only sober awakenings, however arguably also one of the most profound. i will definetely say that pre awakening, contemplating solipsism definetely felt like total aloneness. My view is that solipsism is not at all a bad thing in itself. notice that for solipsism to be bad, you first have to attribute negative thoughts to it. it only gets bad when the ego decides it doesnt like to be alone. it doesnt have any inherent negative qualities, other than the ones we attribute it. if it were inherently bad, it would be inherently bad even before you realized it
  22. i have to disagree. i spend months contemplating and fearing the possibility of solipsism, however when i had an actual awakening to solipsism, it wasnt ugly AT ALL. i literally wandered around in the middle of my city crying, knowing that I was everyone. it was so damn beautiful. i never felt so connected to people before in my life. now of course awakening experiences can differ, and the way you interprate them definetely also can differ. but from my perspective, the actual awakening to solipsism completely obliterated all my fears around it, and i konw that whenever i have negative thoughts about solipsism, the thoughts are not at all an accurate representation of solipsism. now whether solipsism is an objective truth or not, i cannot say. i have far from completed my work, but i can say that my awakening to solipsism were one of the most beautiful things ive experienced, and the thoughts i had had about it were completely wrong.
  23. @BipolarGrowth i was looking through my profile and noticed i never got around to answering ur question. i found this guy on yt, he made a whole series about the matter of anatman in original buddhism. seems to really know his stuff. in regards to the question of cessation; i don't think it necessarily contradicts consciousness as an absolute. if consciousness really is unlimited potential, it shouldn't limited by our default definition or even understanding of consciousness as an AWARE PRESENCE, or the "ground of experience". its simply pure potentiality, and thus it has to include "non-existence". another argument is that of an infinite scale. if you can scale consciousness up infinitely, which can be done experientially through for example 5 meo dmt or deep meditation, then it would be weird if it were not able to scale down infinitely as well. but yea there are many ways to look at this subject
  24. @Princess Arabia well you can achieve states of consciousness, where there is nothing but consciousness. pure awareness. so i guess that implies that awareness/consciousness needs nothing to be conscious of except consciousness itself
  25. @Schizophonia its just a pretty standard breathing excercise, which is healthy for your blood circulation. it also has potential health benefits in regards to anxiety, stress, etc. done intensely it can also induce altered states of consciousness @Yimpa yea im almost 100% sure thats how i got mine. its not uncommon for the practice to induce temporary tinnitus, which happened to me every time i did the breathing. however it would usually go away after a couple of minutes