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About emil1234

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  1. ive been thinking this excactly. deep meditation insights is the last missing piece in leos game
  2. i use an oil burner, pretty similar to number 4. works perfectly fine
  3. this is definetely how i felt. but apperantly it can also be a gateway to the divine
  4. this will be an intuitive writing of recent discoveries / experiences of mine. the last years ive been extremely dragged towards eating food. an extreme craving for food. that being said, i eat only 3 times per day very conssitently, and i maintain an extremely healthy diet, consisting mainly of fruits and vegetables. yet the 3 meals are the highlight of my day. however when i eat my breakfirst, i only have lunch in mind. when i eat lunch, i have dinner in mind. its an eternal circle of craving, and i eat like an animal when im finally at it, filling myself without any break. recently ive felt the intuition to slow down and eat more mindfully. I take a piece of food, chew it, swallow, and wait for however long it takes for my body to require more. i feel mindfully into the sensations and urges in my body. i might wait everything between 15 seconds to 2 minutes between every bite. what i've discovered is that what im craving when im stuffing myself with food, is not the actual food, nor the physical sensations and pleasure that comes from eating it. observing myself, my reactions and the food mindfully, i experience what i can only describe as an existential, profound non physical bliss it is bliss that compells me to eat it. it is bliss that i require, not the taste or anything else. Experiencing the bliss right beneath the physical sensations, the food in my mouth becomes trivial and insignifcant, yet its become more rich and beautiful than any piece of food i've ever had. This bliss is not exclusive to the food. It is not exclusive to anything. it is right below everything. its in music. its in my computer. its in my eyes. my ears. my body. and yet it is not confined to it. It is unlike anything ive ever experienced. it cannot be confined. it cannot be located. it is absolutley unbounded, omnipresent, yet nowhere at all. and yet it is absolutley there, and its always been there. a constant. It is distinctly different from physical bliss sensations,since I experience those in my body simultaneously through eating the food. Physical bliss is arising and passing, fluctuating, non constant. This non physical bliss is non fluctuating, constant, non arising and non passing. it is however uncovered and once again covered by a shroud of physicality only, it is clouded by a physical shroud of what the mind thinks it requires. Is this brahman? God? I can only feel that this is a glipmse of the divine. just right beneath everything, there exists unbounded, unconditional bliss. and it is absolutley all-pervasive. alan watts comes to mind: "there is a universe, for the simple reason that it is ecstatic"
  5. wasnt your mahasamadhi experience basically an option to stay in that state permanently?
  6. @Leo Gura is there an experiental difference in the trips vaporizing vs plugging? i think ill just butt plug it
  7. @shree no a fucking oil burner
  8. this is very true
  9. I definetely think i will be plugging going forward. The experience felt too rushed and chaotic for me to comprehend what was happening
  10. i just had my most intense 5meo experience yet. i loaded 16 mg of synthetic 5meo vaporized, however Im a newbie and extremely bad at actually vaporzing it, so i would say i probably only consumed like 10 mg, probably less. The experience was very intense. However, just as I was coming out of the experience, i nearly instantly forgot all of it. What i do know is that during the peak i only had an extremely vague memory of being human. The comedown was beautiful as fuck. I saw how existence was absolutley inevitable, and anything that exists is absolute perfection. Infinite perfection. I didnt feel like the word God was suitable; while I did experience myself as the entirety of existence, it didnt feel like anyone was in control, not even God or consciousness. It was spontaneous intelligent perfection without any underlying mechanics. I dont know if i dipped my toes in the Godhead, I have a vague memory of feeling like the core of the sun. but only very vague, like a forgotten dream this was my second real 5meo trip. my question is; how much does it take to reach the Absolute states, absolute infinity, penetrating the Godhead completely, etc? And when you breakthrough, how certain are you that you actually broke through? I know from experience that with an NN dmt breakthrough, theres not even a question if you actually broke through. Sub breakthrough and breakthrough are like day and night While this undeinably probably was the most beautiful experience of my life, I definetely sensed that much deeper states were possible. I do not believe it was an actual breakthrough, comparing to how other people describe the experience. While I know the dose was relatively low, i also know that dose intensity varies dramatically from individual to individual. It definetely felt intense as fuck, i felt like i was about to black out in the beginning. i am however quite dissappointed that im unable to remember the peak of the trip
  11. @Misato Katsuragi yes i remember i thought i had seen something i wasnt supposed to as well haha, i thought i had glitched the matrix or something. definetely the most scary period of my entire life
  12. this is certainly what it feels like. transcending DRPR is basically being able to let go further into it thus embracing and transcending it
  13. i suffered from DR for several years. hang in there, it will pass
  14. @Leo Gura @Water by the River tbf ive always found that u agree more than u disagree
  15. @Water by the River what about leos god realization without perceived center observer?