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About Eskilon

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  1. Nice art! Very creative
  2. I see. This makes sense tbh. I wish I had a direct experience of it
  3. Very cool . Imagine a stage Turquoise game where you became the game itself.... Oh wait!
  4. @Leo Gura How do you view the 4 dimension based on your tripping experience? And also, is alien consciousness related to it in some way? how?
  5. Amazing stuff. I'm looking foward for social Leo
  6. One decent theory is... Humanity is not ready yet for a massive scale contact. If at least half of the contact stories are true, aliens are extremely awake. But their wisdom would cause more harm than good in the current state of society. I view this as the main explanation. Humanity simply didnt evolve enough yet for meeting them.
  7. My results. Seems about right
  8. Hmm, Didn't you hold you breath for too long? Maybe you pushed yourself beyond your current limit. Either way, that's nice to know. And I'll consider. Thanks for sharing
  9. Solipsism is true, and at the same time it isn't. Everything you experience is all there is, but at the same time it isn't, dont trick yourself thinking that God isn't hiding stuff from you.
  10. I dont think there's much point talking with awakened people that much. Like, they already got it. I think Leo should talk with people who arent awake, but has enough open-mindeness to listen to him and maybe investigate his ideas after the talk.
  11. HealthyGamer Donald Hoffman Teal Swan
  12. That's really nice. What about extraterrestrials? Did you mention the subject with him? Did he say anything that you think is worth sharing here?
  13. I've tried once, and everything was spinning and I was really dizzy. Lots of nausea too.
  14. I like this idea a lot! Looking forward to it. I'm curious to how will Leo tell Peterson that god is absolutely everything, including murder, rape, war, nuclear bombs etc. Will Peterson be able to stomach that? Will Leo show how radical spirituality and awakening is?