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Everything posted by Eskilon

  1. @integral I think a factor is that we don't see sexual violence outside the human domain. While we do see a lot of killing happening in nature. So for us that feeds into our minds that killing, while ugly, it's justifiable because to survive we need to kill(meat eaters and stuff like that), but we do not need to abuse someone sexually to survive.
  2. Skateboarding and consciousness !
  3. Watch this movie blind, it's great
  4. That might be what extraterrestrials looks like 👽
  5. @cjoseph90 I meant that if you are gonna watch it don't watch the trailer because there are major spoilers there. Just read a short synopsis and watch it. The movie has some revelations that you should get only when watching, otherwise it might compromise your enjoyment of the story
  6. Do you think robotics will help humans self-actualize more in the long run? I mean if we polish the technology enough we can offload brute force stuff to robots and build enough infrastructure so people can self-reflect and enter into higher domains of abstraction; and also increase their consciousness doing inner work and contemplation. Do you think this is to naive of a future scenario? Or maybe too optimistic lol
  7. Yes, I understand you. You are right in this, but we must not forget that this also assumes a certain state of consciousness and a perspective.
  8. Are you a Buddhist rat? How do you know that a thought is a thought?
  9. You are talented . Really beautiful
  10. I like Leo's post about New Age Fantasy. It is important to balance open-mindness with rigor. But, you can really favor rigor really, because you dont know if rigor is really true. Wheter the pyramids were built by aliens or by humans, you cant really know; you were not there. You need to be open to the possibility that the crazier theory might be true, whether it is more probable or not. You cant really just side with probability and discart the alien outcome just because it is more hippie or new agey and not grounded in anything reasonable. Because again, you don't know whether probability itself is true. You need deep not-knowing and open-mindness when investigating anything seriously. True rigor is when the rigor eat itself.
  11. This is a wrong assessment of Buddhism. The cessation of suffering(Dukkha) is the path one takes through meditation and awareness. This path of letting go of the ego, eventually will lead to the ultimate Truth. So is not that Buddhism conflates the two, is that the two are interconnected. You can't really suffer if you know the Truth, you definately can if you do not.
  12. But let's say it can be explained by something, in that case you would also need to provide explanation to that something and so on ad infinitum, otherwise you are just making stuff up(and you always are lol). So the answer here is yes and no. Its a strange-loop.
  13. The Book Of Secrets by Osho. Not just the best spiritual book, but probably the best book ever written.
  14. Can God trap itself in an infinite hell forever? Can God exclude itself from experience goodness forever? Two questions but yeah lol
  15. At the end of the day, its a model for sense making. And as such, because it is a model, it is limited and should be considered as another option/lense for helping you understand reality. You need balance and wisdom to be able to know when it is appropriate to use it and when it is not. Also if people are labeling and demonizing tier 1 stages, that just show you they have a lot of work to do to embody the model values and understanding.
  16. @LambdaDeltaReally nice stuff, impressive. Be careful though, you might end up getting hit by an arrow on your back if you explore too much
  17. Yes, I struggle with this, having a regular or high libido and pursuing spiritual work requires insane levels of awareness and letting go when the urge comes. It is an insanely all-consuming force, it must be, cause it is god
  18. Costly to whom? Will this super-intelligent AI be costly to the general public? Using today's AI prices as a reference, how much more will the average citizen will need to pay to get this AI? If it is really costly then Walmart AI will not go away since most people and especially 3 World country people will not be able to afford it . And what if the use of this super-intelligent AI is really niche and specified? It could be the case that if someone invent this AI initially it will be most useful in an industrial setting rather than home setting, like supercomputers and computers.
  19. for real, i've been noticing this too in some videos. In main cities and stuff, their infrastructure is decades ahead of Usa and the west.
  20. @Razard86 That video is insanely good. Thanks for sharing!
  21. @Leo Gura When are you trying Go?
  22. Assuming you want more than an one-night stand and stuff where do you find those spiritual girls?Let's be honest if you do pickup you mostly gonna find stage orange and below girls, which is kinda hard to relate to. Its just too boring talking about shallow stuff all the time, so where do you find conscious girls? Should I just do pickup until eventually I find some spiritual girl?