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Everything posted by Shodburrito

  1. Right now in my life, I really feel drawn to exploring any and everything life has to offer. I am not talking about just traveling, I mean any diverse experiences that would get me out of my comfort zone. I am very inspired by Leo's video on gaining massive experience in life and I think this was his single most transforming practical life advice for me. I want to begin traveling a lot this spring and summer, but I need a good list of ideas of experiences that are unique, transforming, or just generally would help me gain new perspectives/get out of my comfort zone. I would also like to meet new people and make new connections along this journey Any Ideas?
  2. @Karmadhi This is not true. The most uneducated people in society vote for Trump and Republicans. This is a fact. Just because people want trump back doesn't mean he did a good job. Most of his supporters couldn't even explain one thing Trump did that was beneficial for the country. "BuT tHe GaS pRiCeS" Actually, the president has very little control over the economy and price of gas, AND it has been proven that mega-conglomerates like U.S. Oil and Gas artificially inflate the prices of gas during a democrat presidency because republican presidents are more lenient on tax policies against gas companies. AKA gas prices are up due to PRICE GAUGING.
  3. Why would I ever get married in the modern age? I mean seriously. The reason marriage even has been a thing for thousands of years is because it is a survival strategy. A man wants kids, so he marries a woman so that he knows that his genes are being passed on and the woman isn't being knocked up by another guy. In the modern day, if I don't care about having kids, I don't see a point in getting married unless you're a broke woman or an ugly guy. If you're a broke woman, especially a single mother, there's an advantage to marrying a man who has money and provides for you. If you're an ugly guy, finding a mate is much harder and therefore you want to justify marriage because of a scarcity problem so that she won't leave you. If you're not ugly and have money you will never run out of options in the dating market, and thus by marrying you would just be limiting yourself to potential better partners. Now some will argue to marry for the sake of "love" but this is a human BS concept that I'm becoming more aware of by the day. Let me start by saying that what people think is "love" really is just an excited emotional attachment to something new and fun aka a partner. I see it all the time when in the honeymoon phase. For the first year or so every relationship seems amazing for the two people in it. Then, once the novelty wears off and people realize that each other has faults and issues, they start detaching from that person. Especially in today's hypercompetitive landscape, once that novelty wears off both partners will usually start looking subconsciously or consciously for someone else, almost always the person who has more options. My third point is that all too often have I seen guys who have gotten into relationships who have just turned into purposeless blobs. These people had goals and things they were working on in life before, but as soon as they found "the one" they sort of slowly gave up all of that and just turned to the average 9-5 NPC. I think this comes down to these people not having any emotional grounding or self-awareness of what they want out of life so they just get pushed around by whatever way the wind blows. Now this gets me to my fourth point which is a highly conscious person would never even want to attach themselves to a single person anyway. If you only love yourself then you're a narcissist. If you get married then you're only loving one less person away from being a narcissist. (Besides your family or friends but you get my point) It is selfish to only love one person in this life when in fact you should love everyone and everything. If you truly believed in infinite love then you would never attach yourself to a single person. It would be inherently selfish to do so.
  4. I will be 20 this summer, and I am attending a community college. One of the things that I feel like I am lacking in my life which I would benefit from is a more diverse group of friends who can help build me up as a person. I am a very social person and I do have a good number of close friends, however, since I have been out of high school for almost 3 years many of my friends are away at other universities or no longer in the area. I have a hard time finding high-conscious people who I can relate to on a spiritual/intellectual level when it comes to goals and desires. I am not trying to sound pretentious, but I feel as though most people I meet regularly just do not align with my highest purpose in life. Most of the time they have so many dysfunctional problems, emotional issues, or just generally have no long-term vision for their life. I am not saying I am perfect by any means but I feel like all I am doing with most people is having to baby them along by providing advice to get their basic shit together. I don't need some "enlightened" guru friend I just want to meet new people and make new deep connections with others that are at a minimum stage green or higher. I want to meet people who want to explore a diverse range of experiences in life and are adventurous. The people I have talked to and become "friends" with at my college are just really normal boring people who don't have any ambitious goals or want to explore life to its fullest extent. I know it seems like I am asking for a lot, but I know there are people out there who share the same ideas as me, however, I can't seem to find any. Any advice on places I can go or things to do to make new friends like this?
  5. I know prank channels are pretty stupid, but I thought this video was funny because of how attached people are to their identity of a gender, and how angry they get when it gets attacked.
  6. @Parallax Mind that’s a really good question I’ve never thought of that
  7. Not only is the video poorly researched, but of course, we see the classic mistake of nearly everyone in the comments overestimating their abilities to judge what level of personal development they have achieved:
  8. I have a theory that ascending past a certain level of consciousness would require one to not be a biological creature because, at these higher levels, even just your survival needs are holding you back.
  9. I like to read and listen to a lot of trip reports I find online. I have been noticing a weird pattern popping up with bad trips mostly with salvia, although I have heard it with other drugs too. The weird thing I am finding is that when people have bad trips, specifically when they feel intense emotional pain and fear, people will report that this pain comes with a sensation/awareness that they have done something terrible and they feel this pain because they deserve it. Many times it will feel like they have done every bad thing in the universe and now they are being punished for it, or they are being punished for just doing heinous things in general. The weird thing is that I also have experienced this, but on a bad mushroom trip of 2.25 grams. I felt that I had done something really bad and that I felt extremely guilty about doing the evil thing. But I had no idea what that thing was, and everyone else who reports this also says they don't know what it is either. Do y'all have any idea what this could be caused by? My theory when I sobered up was that I had some trauma coming out during the trip, but after I started hearing about the same experience from others I started to think something else was going on here...
  10. Let's do a thought experiment. Say I am God. I have infinite wisdom and understanding. I have also unlimited creative potential. I would and could instantly know anything that I wished to. With this infinitely wise understanding would I not create the best thing for me? Now what is the best thing for god? As having limited intelligence and understanding I don't know. But living my life I can tell you that there are definitely experiences that are better than other experiences. If I had the ability to create whatever I wanted, I certainly wouldn't create this life or in general a life where I got sick or could have debilitating injuries. Would I create a hedonistic life full of pleasure? Maybe, maybe not. But I definitely would allow myself the freedom to explore all opportunities that I would deem as fun, interesting, or new, and wouldn't create a life where I am forced to work most of my life away. Now let's consider the average human life. It's full of misery, hardships, long working hours, physical suffering, as well as mental. Yes, there are some beautiful things and great experiences but considering how much better things could be... this life isn't really that great. Why on earth as God would I create a reality and incarnate in it living this life when I could literally create infinite pleasure, love, and happiness for myself forever? And don't say it's because "you would get bored" because as God I could just transcend that limitation, because after all I am all-powerful. I'm sure love, pleasure, and happiness isn't even the best thing an infinitely wise being could create, but it's certainly a step in the right direction compared to physical suffering. Also don't say that physical suffering can make life more interesting because I'll tell you getting sick even with a minor cold for a week sucks and I find absolutely no value in it for any reason imaginable, considering how much better things could be. Now I've seen Leo's videos about god-realization and have also read into many spiritual ideas about enlightenment about all this, but I am starting to seriously doubt the idea that I am God. I can't reconcile the fact that this life can be very painful at times and sometimes can be generally crappy for many years, when if I am God why would I ever force myself to experience this? I mean I could think of hundreds of simple ways that this life could be so much better not even mentioning creating infinite pleasure forever. But no, we are all stuck in this generally shitty life, and I am not even from a third-world country, so it probably is so much worse for billions of others.
  11. @Leo Gura Thankyou. Im not trying to offend anyone here. I’m just pointing out something that I’ve been thinking about recently. I don’t know why that seems such a problem. I just providing another perspective
  12. @Yimpa I’m not being petty. I’m pointing out a legitimate possibility. How would you know that this isn’t true? You don’t and you would be lying if you said you did. This is just a thought experiment pointing out the fact that I don’t see any real practical value in understanding the truth about God.
  13. @Princess Arabia That’s literally pointless because if I knew the lesson I wanted to teach myself then that means I already knew the the lesson and I wouldn’t need to teach myself it? That would mean I would have to forget the lesson to learn it, but why do that in the first place when I already knew it??
  14. @Princess Arabia That sounds great and all but as soon as you start suffering or have physical pain spirituality goes out the window. Spirituality is so easy when you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. When you get sick next time with a severe case of strep throat I’m sure you’re going to be begging your doctor for medicine to relieve your symptoms. “The dream seems real but it’s not” Tell that to the any person with chronic pain. This is tone-deaf
  15. @Leo Gura Of course I’m selfish I’m literally designed and constrained by my environment and biology to be so! If I’m not to some degree I’m going to suffer? I’m sorry I don’t like to suffer? It’s impossible for me not to dislike it. I’m just making the point that the truth really makes no difference to my life. Yea it might be cool to understand it, but at the end of the day it’s not going to drastically change how I live my life. Sure I can be more compassionate, and open to helping others, but Understanding these concepts don’t stop me from getting sick, or having to pay my bills so I don’t go homeless or starve, getting bored, suffering mentally, or a plethora of things that suck. That’s great and all that god creates everything out of love. But if I am stuck in a universe where I am doomed forever to exist as being with limitations and the ability to suffer, the truth of god isn’t really going to change anything. I’m sorry that offends you but you aren’t immune to this either. You’re here stuck like the rest of us, and who knows maybe you’ll end up in a shitty existence for eternity. You don’t know and can’t. If you say you do you’re just assuming. I’m not whining either I’m just challenging the practicality of teaching truth. I’m actually a fairly happy person who went through a very traumatic childhood full of abuse. I had to work through that for years to get where I’m at. But even though I generally enjoy my life I can still point out that this still is nowhere near as good as it could be, and I am designed to want certain things and not others. Understanding truth isn’t drastically going to change anyones lifestyles because at the end of the day we are still capable of suffering and we will avoid it.
  16. @Leo Gura If this is the Truth, what is the value in it for me, or for most other humans? Think about it. I could be living in a reality where I could be doomed to live in eternal suffering for eternity. If everything exists, a reality where when I die I am tortured by a malevolent deity (not infinite God), forever exists. There also could be one in which the opposite is true, and obviously there is an infinite number of possibilities. Heck, there is a reality where I never die. How are spirituality and love going to help me if I could be living in a reality, that God created, where I may go life after life suffering and the only way is to have biases forever? When I die I may not experience infinite love. I may go to Valhalla for all I know lol. This legitimately could be the universe I find myself in and I am not able to escape it. Why even care about ultimate truth, love, or conscious evolution when I may be doomed to an existence forever that contains suffering? After all, if God is everything, this reality is just one of many that God is, and he can't change that...
  17. @Leo Gura Do you mean love? How would you also know what the highest good is considering you don't have access to unlimited intelligence? I'm very open-minded and trying to understand this. If you mean love then I can understand where you are coming from but hear me out. From an infinite intelligence perspective, I understand why God would have no biases for one thing or another because it is everything. So if one would go by that logic, by saying that is why God created everything because it loves everything and has no biases towards what exists and what it is, then I can understand, BUT I am not experiencing infinite consciousness. I am experiencing a very limited slice of what one could possibly experience. I am hardwired to experience certain things with a negative bias towards them such as physical pain. If I put my hand on a hot stove accidentally, no matter how much meditation on love and acceptance I have done I WILL automatically, without thinking about it pull my hand away from that burner. I can't help myself, there are too many things biologically and psychologically that cause me suffering that I really have no control over no matter how much I wish I could just love them. Even if I let go of my bias toward survival and maintaining a finite identity, if someone starts torturing me I am going to naturally scream and writhe in pain, and try to stop that pain from occurring. Now here is my point. If one is infinitely conscious, love and having no biases is great. But as soon as God gives up his sovereignty to be in a limited form like my body, unconditional love, and unbiasedness go out the window. I am PROGRAMMED to seek out and be biased toward pleasurable experiences and against pain. How is it practical at all to be unbiased and try to love unconditionally when there are experiences I am driven to seek out and avoid with virtually no control over? And on top of that even if God creates everything, why not stay infinitely conscious? Why would he incarnate in a limited form like me?
  18. I've been seeing a lot of videos recently about the war in Ukraine. It seems that Biden is sending long-range missiles to Ukraine. I know this video is very right-wing leaning, but I just thought it was an interesting update to the war. I think that supporting Ukraine is the only option. We can't let policies like appeasement happen again. We saw what great stuff that led to in World War 2. Hitler didn't stop at Austria. Putin won't stop either. But now in an age of nuclear war escalating a proxy war is very risky but what other option do we have?
  19. This reality is about teaching you lessons. It is about developing yourself. If you hate it this much maybe question very deeply why. Question everything about this life for 10s or 100s of hours. Then maybe you will find the answer you are looking for.
  20. No, you are not perceived as lesser, but you may be only by people with a spiritual ego trying to appear better than you. Most of the people on this forum just preach what others say and have these half-baked ideas in their brains that they haven't fully fleshed out yet. They spew all these ideas but really have trouble answering any questions when someone starts poking a stick at them. If you're confused by their answers don't feel like you're dumb because you're not. Most people type low-effort responses that they don't really understand anyway. I encourage you and everyone else to think for yourself. When you have a question about life. Spend hours thinking about it and then questioning the supposed answers your mind comes up with. Don't immediately go online, or on here, or to your spiritual teacher, to find an answer. I really only recommend doing so when you actually need to spice up your spiritual life to provide an opposing fresh perspective to help you grow more. Also who cares about what other people think about what you say? You just need to get over your fear that some people won't like what you have to say. Much love
  21. @StarStruck You have trauma from a child/teen that has not been reconciled with and integrated into your life First of all, you need to take more accountability of your life instead of praying to a deity that it will change it for you. I understand that you were a kid but relying on a god or others is doing nothing but making you a slave to them. Second of all you need to learn why you feel negative emotions on a deep philosophical level. Clearly you have not emotionally developed deeply. You probably have no idea about why you feel angry/sad/anxious. You need to do research on this and self-inquire about why you are attached to certain outcomes in life and why you get upset when they don't occur or don't go how you wanted them to. If you did understand the deep intricacies of emotions then you would understand how to not let them control your life. Finally, the whole reason why you cringe at the word god is that you are subconsciously projecting deep-rooted anger from not getting what you wanted from this "god" as a kid and still are attached to that anger. You need to learn to let it go.
  22. This is such a low-quality post with broadly interpretable definitions but I'll try my best. If you define effort as some force you can apply to an external reality to change that reality then yes effort clearly changes things. Try sitting on a couch and see if that pays your bills or cooks you dinner. If it does, then you will have proved your theory that effort is indeed an illusion
  23. Hi everyone, What would be a good video/videos of Leo to show to some of my friends who are stuck in stage orange? I want to help spread more openmindedness and alternative ideas to help them spiritually evolve while not being overly radical and scaring them off. Thanks!
  24. @VictorB02 I honestly have a different opinion and experience compared to what you're experiencing. A few months ago I would've agreed with what you are saying; that it is natural to jerk off and release, and that were just biologically horny creatures. I had tried stopping jerking off many times before recently and I had always relapsed due to either being too horny and it messing with my attention or sleepless nights from too much energy. But, I just always felt like a slave to my desires. I understand that jerking off isn't an unhealthy habit in moderation but I just couldn't help compare myself to a helpless addict unable to give up his need for a dopamine hit. It angered me that I couldn't give up this one thing and that I just always seemed to be helplessly addicted to running off and stroking my dick for some short-term pleasure. I've always dreamed of myself becoming someone who has mastered my emotions, desires, and ways in which I reacted to life experiences. I really viewed jerking off as this part of my life which I had no control over and which I was just a slave to. When I finally committed myself and accepted that there would be times that I couldn't sleep because of this, and that I would feel too energetic at times, I have finally been able to break my addiction to this thing. Tomorrow morning will be my longest streak of nofap since I started way back when I hit puberty. I know the ego likes control and you could say that this is just me trying to "beat my nofap streak" as some goal, but to me I really don't see it that way. I view this as finally being able to let go of something which I feel I have needed to function normally for the past 7-8 years of my life. Ironically now that I am breaking this long-term addiction I have never been more mentally clear and stable in life, more on track to what I deem as "my purpose", healthier and more fit than ever, and many other things as well. I see nofap as a clear marker in my self-development journey in life that I have been able to work on myself and my emotions enough to break this habit that I have NEVER been able to break, compared to any of the other many attempts in my life. On a side note, personally, I do believe that jerking off does lead to an addiction to it. (Although it may not be a very bad one). There is something called P.A.W.S. in psychology which stands for post-acute-withdrawl-symptoms. Many long-term drug addicts to hard drugs sometimes take several years for their brains to rewire back to a "non-addicted" functioning state once they go cold turkey. I do believe that the strong urges that people report after weeks and months of nofap is still just the brain rewiring. If you have been jerking off for years it may take some time to reset to normal for your mind. Additionally, people who report "nofap" being too difficult, don't realize how sexualized our culture is compared to previous generations, The average male is bombarded on a daily basis with soft-core porn like instagram and tik-tok girls in sexualized outfits all the time. I have taken a serious break from social media for the last month and have found it SIGNIFICANTLY easier to do nofap and I have found myself much less horny. I have also put the increased energy I have felt into other creative projects and hobbies and have found my mind rarely thinking about sex and jerking off much less. Anyways I just think it is what is best for oneself, and if you do not think you can give up this thing right now in your life do not feel guilty because only when you are ready will you be able to. Much love