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Everything posted by Shodburrito
@Genius100x solve philosophy and then realize you don’t need to philosophize anymore.
@Carl-Richard @KoryKat I think I have thought of many novel ideas and an entirely new framwork for understanding the human condiiton. I have never seen anyone come close to vieiwing the world I do. It is hard for people on this forum to understand what I am saying, not because it is difficult to explain, but because it is a completely different way of vieiwing the world that people have not yet considered. When I contemplate anything I operate from 13+. I've had insights which approach 14+?. But I am not familiar with this model so I may not be sure. I can give a short breakdown of my "philosophy" of the human condition. I think understanding human motives rather than ethics is an underrated area of philosophy. Basically I view the human condition in terms of identity... do not misunderstand what I am about to say because it is not merely as simple as non-duality enlightenment about no self. This goes way beyond that. Most people including 99% of enlightened gurus operate from a level as a slave to an identity. I believe transcending limitations of beliefs and indentities may be the key to understanding human history and psychology. What do I mean? People make decisions based on what they undertsand and believe to be something that they have to do. A simple example: Religious people operate from a level where they believe they have to worship a deity. But this extends far beyond religion. The entire framework which most people operate life from is from a belief in the need that they must do certain things. They must go to work, they must raise a family, they must be nice to others, blah blah blah. All these beliefs form identities about who they are and what they must do. It is a self-reinforcing cycle. Enlightened people who realize no self think they escape this trap. But they are just as lost too. Enlightened people don't realize they are operating from an unconsious belief that they have to do certain things/exist in certain ways. For example: They believe that letting go of ego/becoming unnatached to desires is better. But this belief merely forms a bias around that concept and then creates a new identity whereby they would rather pursue spirituality/enlightenment than do other things like acting "unconsciously". Where am I going with this? Right now I've explained pretty "surface level" stuff. I want to introduce the concept of limitations. Any of these beliefs, aka, the belief that one must do something/exist in a certain way is what I define as a limitation. Why do I say these beliefs/identities are limitations? What if what you truly are and want cannot be undersood or known unless you remove limitations about what you believe you are and what you must do? See, even if you reach a non-dual enlightenment state, you still are operating from limiting beliefs. As an example, there is a bias by these spiritual gurus that enlightenment is better/more desirable than existing in a low state of consciousness. I'm not talking about relativity here... I'm saying something much more profound which is: what if any belief in what you must do/what you are is a limitation in itself and is contradictory to your true nature? What if trying to develop yourself and "become more conscious" is merely a trap? What if all paradigms and concepts about models of human consciousness are traps merely limiitng you from your potential and true state of being? And what if these contradictions and limitations to your true nature is what drives all of human motivation, suffering, biases, anger, wars, conflict, etc. I am really understating the complexity and profundity of my philosophy, simply because I have to build up to its conclusion. It's difficult to summarize in such a short text. I would be much easier to do it over vc in something like discord if y'all are interested. I think it would be fun to shoot the shit and bounce ideas off with real intellectuals...
Drop below your favorite podcast episodes you have ever listened to. I am trying to build a repository of the highest quality personal development content. Thanks!
I know this may sound weird but I noticed that I am losing compassion for others the more I become succesful. I used to struggle with many problems in life, depression, dsyfunctional habits, no socialization skills, no drive, etc. Just think of pretty much any negative quality and I had it. I used to want others to help me, and I used to have a lot of compassion in this time for others because of this suffering. Now I have had a lot of material success in my life. In addition, I have developed my perspective on life so much I rarely ever suffer. I now see my old problems as almost entiely my fault, and through my efforts and thousands of hours of dedication, I have solved them. Looking out at others, I tried to help them and give them practical and effective life advice that transformed my life. But, most people just don't care and continue to live in their same bullshit. I could hand them a button that would solve all their problems and these idiots out here wouldn't press it. Since I have taken a profound level of responsibility for my life, I believe that others should have this level of responsibility too. If they want their problems solved, they have to put in the work. But guess what, everyone is too lazy to make any meaningful change no matter how much I guide them. They blame everyone and everything else for their problems except themselves. So guess what, I don't care. I am done giving a f*ck about 99% of people. I will be kind and respectful to you when I meet you, but if you show no level of personal responsibility or drive to better your life, you're nothing to me. I am SICK and TIRED of the victim mentalities infecting our society. The fact of reality is that most of your problems are not only easily solvable, but they are probably your fault they exist. I'm talking about basic shit, like getting in shape at a bare-minimum level, learning to be half responsible at manging your finances, developing basic emotional regulation skills. I'm not even talking about achieving anything significant here, I'm talking about the bare minimum, 95%+ of people can't even do the BARE MINIMUM. It's embarassing. Helping these people is a waste of my time. They are helpless. I am tired of the media, society, and the cultural zeitgeist acting like systemic problems are somehow my fault or any group of people's fault. No, it's the individuals fault. Everyone has a sob story, but guess what, for every sob story about how your shitty life isn't your fault, there's 10 other people who went through worse shit and are now 10x more succesful than you. Because of this I have now become cynical. I see how success is not luck based. Lazy, unmotivated people with victim mentalities argue that success is luck. Bullshit. How the hell are you going to claim that when you can't even get in shape or clean your damn room? How do you expect to be succesful if you can't even handle the bare minimum? These are the same people that have no clear vision for their dreams, don't research how to be succesful in that area, and then cry about how life's too hard when they fail the first time. So, I don't care. The world deserves the amount of suffering that exists. Most people are selfish, nasty, and entitled anyways. The world deserves to rot until people can fix their own shit. I don't care if that sounds mean, it's just my perspective. TLDR: People are helpless. It's not my job to help others, it's the individual's responsibility. Most people are too lazy to even do the bare minimum in life, and everyone is a victim of their own sob stories. Success is almost never luck based. The world deserves ths suffering that exists because most people are selfish, nasty, and entitled anyways.
@Joshe yea… I resonated with that. Most people just weigh me down. Im constantly lifting others up in life while no one is there to lift me up. Not that I need others to lift me up but I feel like I’m always reaching down to others to feel connection. I have to socialize about stupid shit I don’t honestly care about. I care about creating profound change in the world and bettering my life and I can’t talk to others about what I truly care about. I feel like I’m so much smarter and wiser than everyone else, because I honestly am. That’s not coming from a place of arrogance. I don’t relate to other people, I operate from a whole different level. I don’t feel like I was born for this world. All I want to do is help other people but no one seems to want help so I am developing apathy towards others. Someone I know recently called me a douchebag and said other people she knows said the same. I swear I’m not, I just treat myself with a profound level of respect, and I believe everyone else should treat themselves the same way. When I talk about my life and what I do, other people think I’m making shit up or they think I’m just boasting. I swear I’m not, I’m just being honest. My normal life is crazy to other people. So guess what, I just end up not talking about anything in my life. So then I just try to help people and talk about how to better their life but they just think I’m a know it all. People want to complain about their problems but then get fucking angry when I try to give them advice. So then I blow them off when they don’t take my advice because I don’t associate myself with lazy unmotivated people. I have a lot of friends, but to be honest, I don’t really relate to them at a deep level. You made me realize that I am faking who I am 90% of the time. I don’t give a fuck about their bs, all I want to do is help them evolve, but they dont care about that. Fuck it, maybe I don’t even care about other people, maybe I just want other people to evolve so I can relate and connect to someone on my level. Maybe I’m just selfish. I don’t know.
@Nilsi Where did I say acquisition or domination is what I wanted out of life? I have profound levels of satisfaction and peace that goes beyond surface level happiness. I am trying to give. I’m trying to give the most life changing advice I could give. How could I be more giving than that? What better gift could I give? But if others don’t want to receive it, why bother?
@Fadl Where did I say I hate myself? Lol I am neither. I don’t get your point… if you even had one
Addendum: I used to care more about social programs like free college, universal healthcare, UBI, etc. Now I just see how selfish people will take advantage of these things and it will be more of a detriment to society at its current level of development. People just don't deserve these things. They need to develop to a bare minimum level of decency before getting handouts. The last thing society needs is handouts, we need massive personal responsbility. I think victim mentalities are the single biggest crisis in the world today, and possibly throughout all of civilization's history.
I really don’t know how Kamala’s going to win considering she’s far worse than Hillary. The fact that she made trump look good on the debate stage is a shame. I don’t know what her path to win is but if Hillary lost this will probably be the same result.
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson Oh so you’ve lived in an inner city? How nice was it? 🙂 -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson bro you want to vote for democrats? Go live an inner city where the democrat policies are and let me know how much you like it. Then we’ll see who the dummy is. See, people like you LOVE democrats until you actually go into places ruled by them. Go to Newark and tell me how nice of a place it is -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Forestluv the same ones that said Clinton was up by 9 points? 😂 -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson why? Because you don’t like what I have to say 😂 imagine being you. I couldn’t. -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Forestluv 😂😂😂 stop bro 😂 -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integration journey oh yes. The only president to never start a war. As soon as Biden gets in we’re now involved in 2 wars. -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Forestluv the lady who was claiming the economy was great for 4 years and now claiming she is going to fix it? -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson yes. I’m literally shaking. -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integration journey I don’t know, the Ukraine war, Israel, the economy, the border, she did terrible in the debate on every one of these topics. -
I just read through the recent post about Meta announcing they were pressured by the U.S. Government to censor information on their platform. I see a lot of people making stupid arguments about how that's a good thing but you're so blind to what you are advocating for it's hilarious. No one gets to decide what should and should not be allowed to be spoken about on the internet. Just because you think others should be censored like extreme right wingers does not make it ethical in anyway. See, because you're so biased for the left, you think censoring alt right accounts is good even if it means reduction of free speech. But, if those same right wingers got into power and tried to censor you, you would cry about how oppresive they are. The hypocrisy is glaring. Y'all are so arrogant to think you can be ther arbiter of defining what is "safe" and "acceptable" free speech. But what you don't realize, is that acting like anyone or any organization can properly decide what speech should be censored is ludicrous. You're completely forgetting that how corrupt and morally bankrupt the average person is. 99% of left wingers in America are only sightly more evolved than right wingers. Y'all act like they are so much better, and therefore, should be able to regulate free speech. You don't get it do you? Those same people are just going to end up using regulations on free speech for their own egotistical agenda. Nearly 0% of the population is evolved and selfless enough to wield that kind of power. It's insane that you think giving comapnies and the government the power to regulate internet speech is a good thing, when 99% of the politicians in government don't give a shit about you. For a bunch of people who constantly claim they are so evolved (I'm looking at you Leo) you seem to get completely trapped in this idea that the left is so much more ethically better and evolved than the right. We need to be moving beyond right and left because both sides are rediculously corrupt. No one at these corrupt levels of development should be able to regulate speech. At a minimum a stage yellow person or above, but even then, it's not worth it.
The influx of Haitian immigrants is causing detriment to a small town in Ohio where the immigrants are eating cats, seagulls, wild ducks, geese, and other things. Coming to a town near you! “But immigration is awesome guys and these people definitely can integrate into western society!” 20 more years of this and America will be a shithole. https://x.com/npeanut630/status/1833142984793034852?s=46
Mcgregor announces his plan to run for president of Ireland in 2025 https://x.com/mick_o_keeffe/status/1831770147356602751?s=46
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@manuel bon well considering there are plenty of people on the left defending this behavior using the argument you just posted, I thought you were being serious -
Shodburrito replied to Shodburrito's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@manuel bon wait till you hear about the cannibalism in Haiti! If we eat cows, why not humans too! (sarcasm). Your point is stupid. cannibalism coming to a town near you! -