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About Shodburrito

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  • Birthday 06/22/2004

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  1. I recently watched a video claiming that women's primary goal in relationships is to 'emasculate and control' men. The creator argues that women only feel genuine attraction/love for men who don't show them love back, and that being a 'good man' (loyal, loving, honest) makes women lose interest and see you as weak. He suggests that women are naturally drawn to 'bad boys' who create uncertainty and show they have other options, while they'll ultimately disrespect men who show genuine care and commitment. The video frames traditional relationship virtues (emotional availability, commitment, communication) as weaknesses that lead to losing a woman's interest. What troubles me is that I've experimented with being more emotionally distant and showing less investment - and I've noticed it actually does increase female attention and interest. When I act less available and more detached, women seem to pursue me more. This really depresses me because I don't want to be toxic or manipulative - I want to be genuine and caring. But I can't deny that showing less emotional investment often leads to more attraction. I'm struggling to find a healthy balance between maintaining strong boundaries and genuine care. How can I be authentic while still maintaining enough emotional distance to keep attraction? Is there a way to be both caring and maintain healthy challenge/mystery in relationships? I don't want to play games, but I also don't want to fall into patterns that kill attraction.
  2. Update. Clearly has mental health issues.
  3. I used to do drugs when I was a teenager and had no problems with them. As I got older I started getting anxiety from weed. Then it go really bad to the point where I couldn't do the smallest bit anymore Then I had a bad trip on shrooms. Then other drugs I started getting anxiety on/full blown panic attacks I haven't done anything in over a year, but occasionaly caffeine and getting tipsy will give me anxiety. I can still microdose on shrooms but no more than 0.3g otherwise I start getting anxious. I had a opiate a few weeks ago for a surgery, and did not have any anxiety on it besides the comeup. Is my brain chemistry changing and I am just one of the unlucky few who can't do drugs? I do not have any anxiety problems in the slightest when I am sober. I wish I could do psychedelics, but I just simply can't get myself to anymore.
  4. @Leo Gura I realized that if you are not conscious enough, psychedelics will twist your worldview to give you a heightened feeling of truthfullness to validate your biases. It's tricky, and that's why I don't reccomend them to beginners. If someone wants to use them, they need to be extremely aware of how they can deceive you even further by deluding you into thinking your biases are absolute truth.
  5. Just... wtf
  6. @OBEler After some more digging, on the ARC AGI benchmark, they say it fails the 2.0 version of the test with only 30% correct. It's interesting though, because at some point, we will no longer be able to create logic tests where it fails them. It is advancing at such an inredible rate I think we are in the singularity right now and we don't realize it. Next year this model will come out, and by 2026 a new frontier model will beat o3. I think the next model will truly be AGI. Already o3 is at the level or beating top mathematicians and scientists in their fields. We are only 2 years since the release of chatgpt 3. Incredible how far in 2 years we've come. A year ago video generation was barely viable: the models could barely produce videos that adhered to the prompts. Now with google's VEO 2, it is generating near-realistic videos, with some fooling me. And to think this is the worst these models will ever be. Exponential growth does not seem to be halted, if anything it just seems to be heating up. I think by the end of the decade we will have millions of fully embodied AGI robots across the globe. We are living in the most interesting point of human history. Buckle up.
  7. OpenAI announced their new frontier model o3 today. It's either at the level, or better than humans in a vast array of intelligence benchmarks. Stop pushing the goalposts and recognize that this is general intelligence. Witnessing history. (Starts at 23:00)
  8. @Majed God doesn’t need to experience anything to have wisdom about it. God imagines everything before experiencing it. Everything exists because he has no biases against any aspect of himself
  9. @stephenkettley all jokes aside midjourney is the best
  10. @stephenkettley
  11. The funny thing is how y’all miss my subtle point. I’m not advocating for becoming more loving. I’m just pointing out that you’re not loving people and that fact triggers y’all. I’m making a meta point that I or you can do whatever the hell you want and it doesn’t have matter if we’re loving or not. I literally started off this post by saying it’s impossible to be more loving. Everyone on this forum proves my point that no one here has really moved past stage green levels of thinking. Every post I make on here proves that more and more
  12. @caspex Lean into it. Stop repressing it. Become a stage red maniac
  13. You are not embodying love. You are not on a journey towards becoming a more loving person. You are not more "evolved" then the next guy. Everyone on here has this stupid idea that you can be a more loving person. This is simply false. When you say you "love" something what you are saying is that you are open and accepting of an aspect of reality (yourself) existing. The arrogance coming from this forum especially on political issues is hilarious. Most of you are liberal and think that it is more evolved and conscious to associate with those ideas because it is more loving. It's not. You are simply rejecting other aspcects of your infinite nature. You are rejecting the aspects of you that are right leaning. Like being a nationalist, fascist, racist, bigot, christian, muslim, pro-life, corruption, etc. These are all aspects which you are choosing to reject. God loves all aspects includig these ones which you don't like. If you were truly loving you would realize these other aspects are equally as valuable as expressing the one's you identify with. Of course, that's too radical for you to accept there are not better identities or belief systems to adopt. That's true love. Realizing Trump supporters are no better than Kamala supporters. They are merely different. They are different flavors of you. The fact that everyone on here hates the right so much demonstrates how unwilling you are to accept who you are. You are the thing you hate. Why not embrace it? Stop lying to yourself that you are more moral than anyone else. Morality is an illusion, a limitiaton constructed by a finite identity to maintain it's expression over other identites. Embrace the chaos. Stop resisting so much. If you were evolved you would realize this and embody it. But you don't because 99% of you on here are still at stage green. You haven't touched other levels of consciousness. Stop kidding yourself. I think Leo's blog post perfectly encapsulates this. "Trump is just a thief". And? Your point? Who cares? You're not evolved Leo. If you were, you wouldn't care. Your too biased towards your current embodied finite aspcect of your infinite nature. You're just as much as a bigot as trump, except in this case it's being a bigot towards bigotry lol. You are living in fear. Stop living in fear. You've convinced yourself that it matters if you fight for political issues. It doesn't. Your infinite nature will continue on. For every universe where Trump is defeated, there is one where he becomes dictator. In fact, there's an infinite number of universes where you experience yourself as dictator trump. TLDR: If you were truly loving and evolved you would not hate others as much as everyone on this forum does. You would realize they are you and would not have a bias towards which aspects of you get expressed.