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I ReaLIZED I AM GOD!!!!!Congrats. You have beaten the game and get 1,000,000 points plus access to bonus content. And you'll be reeling for weeks. The part i found hardest was sliding back into the ego again..because now your lucid. Things can be the same again, but only if you forget you beat the game. Kinda like watching Breaking Bad a second time. Go into it completely new and fresh again and you'll enjoy it even more this time.
Two questions regarding sleep and dreams
Two questions regarding sleep and dreamsWhat is deep sleep but what you are imagining it is RIGHT FUCKING NOW?
Leo, how can you have no trauma?
Leo, how can you have no trauma?Please help me resolve my confusion. I read this comment that @Leo Gura made in a thread regarding Teal Swan's work:
Trauma has many definitions, but it's generally defined as: Severe and lasting emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience
Being born, being hit as a child, being sexually abused, being forced to go to school, your parents going to work and leaving you, waking up in a crib alone in a dark room, the experience of your mother being disgusted by your poop when changing your diaper, being weaned off your mother's breast, having your umbilical cord cut off, being shamed for being naked, the experience of your mother smoking while pregnant with you, etc. are all examples of experiences which traumatize children worldwide.
Given that children can be and are traumatized in so many ways throughout their childhood, and given that those emotional wounds affect who we are, what we do, what we strive for, which diseases we contract, which partners we attract and are attracted to, what we are afraid of, what we get angry at or depressed about, how can somebody claim that they have "no trauma"?
Wrong Insight: 'Nothing exists outside of MY mind' - Leo's Greatest Pitfall
Wrong Insight: 'Nothing exists outside of MY mind' - Leo's Greatest PitfallBookmarked
Very nicely worded. Any timeline for the course that will cover that in more detail?
There is only God - thus Everything must be That
There is only God - thus Everything must be That@Leo Gura come get your mans
When you’re very conscious, do you feel constrictions in the body?
When you’re very conscious, do you feel constrictions in the body?When i’m very aware I usually feel constrictions around heart, solar plexus, gut, throat and head.
Has anybody been able to get rid of such constrictions?
What is tiredness?
What is tiredness?Tiredness and fatigue is when you are sick of needing reality to be a particular way.
This moment is as it needs to be. The love that you’re seeking is within and as everything in your direct experience.
It won’t matter at that point if you’re tired, fatigued, etc. because you fully accept yourself.
Paradoxical Quotes
Paradoxical QuotesNote that Lao Tzu understood that the true nature of the universe is contradiction, the traditional definition of duality.
Actualized Quotes #041
Actualized Quotes #041Let’s discuss quote #041. Please do your best to do so without any human reasoning or explanation.
Thank you!
Absolute and relative confusion
Absolute and relative confusionCracks me up, I've been guilty of this
Looking for youtube satsang teacher who focussed on love
Looking for youtube satsang teacher who focussed on loveDark night of the soul is tough...it was terrible anxiety for me. Strength and courage!
Important miracle just happend that confirmed solipsism
Important miracle just happend that confirmed solipsism
Being Born
Being BornWe create our parents to put us in suffering. When I was 3 or 4 I would constantly have nightmares that my mother was a demon because she was bi polar. I knew it when I was 4 and created a dream to tell me what was happening
Being Born
Being BornSwear some of you niggas are way too damn privileged it just gives me the ick, and believe me when I tell you I'm not one to constantly berate others about their "privilege" but my goodness, who are you telling this to? My parents were and are narcissistic asf to this day... and I'm willing to bet a lot of people in this forum also didn't have great families because if they had great lives I don't think they'd be on this forum in the first place.
My definition of enlightenment
My definition of enlightenmentI don't resonate with what Leo calls "God realization " or "absolute solipsism "etc . I don't know what is he talking about.
To me ..enlightenment is not that you get to know something. Its the realization that you know absolutely nothing. .completely .and to be OK with that and not finding it troublesome . To be at peace with not knowing. You barely know 1% of all there is to know . I'm only saying this to not be extreme .the truth is you literally do not know anything. Period
Also enlightenment is the realization that everything is OK .everything is alright. No matter what happens .it's all gonna be good at the end .as the saying goes "everything will be okay at the end .If it's not okay ..then it's not the end ".
Enlightenment is realizing everything Is you . Not to be confused with solipsism. But all other people in the essence are essentially you . But they have consciousness just like you .
Enlightenment is realizing everything is inevitable. Each atom In the cosmos follows the laws of physics. Everything is preordained from the beginning-less beginning.
Enlightenment is realizing that you don't need anything. You lack nothing. you are perfect and complete just the way you are .
And finally...Enlightenment is realizing you are the creator of reality. You created this universe. Nobody else .and there is nothing to do but just to relax and enjoy the ride knowing that all is well .
I've Found Peace
I've Found PeaceThere's no escape, accept the dream, live it fully with all your heart.
Channel of a former therapist discussing the profound impact of childhood trauma
Channel of a former therapist discussing the profound impact of childhood traumahttps://youtube.com/@dmackler58
I found this channel a few days ago and have watched so many videos. It was similar to finding Leo’s channel for the first time, a true gem
What is keeping me from waking up?
What is keeping me from waking up?to find out why you are asleep try to find what put you to sleep
Coming into our identities is a long process of your soul being crushed we dont remeber it
So figure out why you think you arent god and think about it why you thought those things
All these things are beliefs that you pick up are limited beliefs of your character that make you who you are now
life is an actual dream you come into and you keep getting scared and it solidifies you into the dream
Being a Man - Daniel Schmachtenberger
Being a Man - Daniel SchmachtenbergerThis is powerful.
What Daniel Schmachtenberger learned from his father about being a man:
Work, Integrity, Motivation, Capacity:
“See the job, do the job, stay out of the misery.” If a job needs doing, simply do it. No need to bemoan it, wish it wasn’t so, etc. All the suffering is optional. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Excellence is its own reward. Do the right thing when nobody’s watching. When running wire or pipe through the studs, he would make it beautiful before putting the drywall on. No one would ever see it. But he knew. Doing the best you can everywhere consistently affects you as a being. Get the big picture first. Then plan the work. Then implement. When we would get to a worksite, or before cleaning something, he would put a ladder in the middle of the space, have me stand on the top, and turn slowly taking in the whole picture, and making a map in my head of where everything was, where it should be, what I would do first, etc. ‘How much weight can you lift?’ However much needs lifted. If you ask if you can do it, you might find the answer is no. If its important, just do it. If you’re leading a team and anyone fails, you’re responsible. The leader takes responsibility for the project. And for its failures. The whole team participates in the credit of the successes. The captain gets off of the boat last. Do the initial work for free. Under promise and over deliver. Then sell the benefits of the competition/ alternatives. Responsibility is king. If I have the ability to respond, it’s mine to do. When you accomplish something significant, dont make a big deal out of it. Help others learn to do it. Master the principle of leverage and apply it everywhere. Physically and metaphysically. Learn how to use and make tools. Treat tools as extensions of yourself, which they are. You can generally accomplish more from behind the scenes, when people don’t know what you are doing. Leave every place and situation better than you found it. Orderliness is a quality of the unified field itself. Create order in any environment first. Courage, Power, and Conflict:
If you ever start a fight, Ill kick your ass. If someone is being hurt and you don’t protect them, Ill kick your ass. The side of right always wins. Be on the side of right and don’t worry about the odds. Don’t let fear of pain or death keep you from doing the right thing. Most of the atrocities in the world have been committed by men. Power must be in the service of all. Abuse of power is the greatest crime. If someone is abusing power, over-power them. Do not allow bullies. If everyone is running away from something, run towards it. If there is a real threat, someone needs to go deal with it. Let them throw the first punch. If they go for a second, do what you need to stop the violence. If you let it get to blows, you already failed. Use the minimum amount of force necessary to stop harm. Sometimes overwhelming force is necessary. Project force if needed to avoid violence. Protect everyone from unnecessary pain wherever you can. When there was a mortally wounded animal, he would kill it rather than let it suffer. He would also do so where no one else needed to know about it. At a certain point, I went from one of the people he was protecting to learning how to kill painlessly, bury, share only what was needed, etc. Be a protector and support to everyone. Walk on the outside of the street with everyone. Open everyone’s door. Be available to help anyone. Relating to Women:
The highest value for men is serving women, nature, and children (future generations). Worshiping at the altar – how to relate to going down on a woman. Being in love is a choice. Choose it and cultivate it. Don’t be controlled by attraction. There are many good reasons to be intimate with someone, only some of which involve attraction. Don’t hurt women. Never push for sex. Let her pursue. If my boss or mentor call, tell them I’m sleeping. If your mom calls, wake me up. Mind, Education, Psyche:
The world is mostly crazy. Rethink everything for yourself from scratch. Traditional education and hyperspecialization is a way to make people subservient to the dominant paradigm/ system. Study the generalized principles of nature and be a deep generalist. If you don’t like the fact that the sky is blue, change your mind. Indulging suffering is a choice. Be careful, cautious, and conscious. But not scared. Careful is different than fearful. Jealousy is a type of mental illness – rid yourself of it. When reading, look up every word and concept you don’t know. What is real and what is obvious are usually not the same. See past the obvious to the real. This too shall pass. No one can actually own part of a celestial orb. Ownership is an illusion. “All that I have done, you shall do and greater as well.” Be what the world needs. Be cautious of ambition, it is generally selfish and misguided. Wholeness is the most important word. Then integrity. I am. Any other words that follow are not fully true. Don’t identify with them. Relating to People and the World:
Win-lose mentality is evil. Don’t ever celebrate people’s losses. Always celebrate their wins. Respect wisdom, not authority. I want you to surpass me in every way. And you will. That is evolution. And you will treat those you support the same way. Spend time listening to old people. They are unique living libraries. Spend time listening to kids – they are further ahead in evolutionary time. Forgive people and help them do better. Don’t trust experts (mechanics, doctors, etc.) with vested interests. Learn the topic well enough to understand and check what they are saying. Service is the most fun hobby. Sunday mornings we would load the truck with mechanic tools and drive around finding people who were broken down (before cell phones) and fix their cars for them. Such a fun thing to do on a day off. Always tend to the animals first. Study the map of any new place you go. Always know how to navigate. Anticipate emergencies in new environments and create response plans. Be generous with everything you have: knowledge, money, resources, affection, etc. If either of us die, we know that we love each other, death doesn’t end love, and any issue is meaningless and already forgiven. He talked with me about this a number of times. So I knew that if he died and our last conversation was an argument, it didn’t matter at all and only love remained.
The Only True Teaching For Spirituality
The Only True Teaching For SpiritualitySelf-Acceptance. The only true teaching is acceptance. All teachings ultimately point to this. The No Self Teaching is the biggest trap in Spirituality and is where 99.9% of seekers get stuck at. Many will never reach the ALL IS SELF awakening permanently because they are still stuck trying to rid themselves of ego. This is due to ignorance of what the ego is. The ego is a tool of expression of the Absolute. Without the ego an individuated expression is impossible. I'll use an analogy. Let's say you have an Orchestra, in an Orchestra there are instruments and each instrument has a part to play to make up the entire harmonious music. Without these instruments you couldn't have the Orchestra.
Well your ego is just an instrument, and the only issue is how skillfully were you playing the instrument. Many are too stuck blaming and demonizing their instrument instead of realizing that there was never anything wrong with the instrument but how you as the ABSOLUTE are playing it. When you demonize the ego you demonize your own creation, which as a result means you are demonizing THE SELF, THE ABSOLUTE, WHICH IS YOU!! This means you lack self love.
So what are all the components of ego?
Your ego is your language.
Your ego is your physical body.
Your ego is your self-image/psychological frame work.
Your ego is your entire memory of what you call your life.
If you ever truly lost your ego....it would be a TRUE REBIRTH but not one you would seriously entertain. Why? Because you would literally be a baby in an Adult body. You would need to relearn pretty much everything you ever learned. Language, how to walk, your personal history, etc. The ego is just a character that was created with certain strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. Your job is just to learn about it, and be a good manager.
For example if you know your body is allergic to certain things you don't consume those things. If your body needs a certain amount of sleep you give it that. The ego is just an instrument, no different than a car or a bicycle. Don't blame the ego for all your troubles, blame your lack of mastery. As the ABSOLUTE you are always in control of how you choose to manage and express your instrument, and Spirituality is just the remembrance that you are the player of the instrument not the instrument itself.
Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE
Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKEWell, you're imagining it right now. See?
In order to speak at all about a thing called enlightenment, you gotta have a picture in your mind of what it is, and then you also gotta tell yourself that your picture is valid. Otherwise you could not speak about it or even know that you're enlightened. So enlightenment comes with many assumptions and ideas. For example, you tell yourself that you had an enlightened and you tell yourself that your enlightenment is complete and all there is to the matter. Or you tell yourself that your enlightenment is incomplete. Or you tell yourself that your enlightenment is the same as the Buddha's or Rupert Spira's, or whatever.
Existence is unbelievable
Existence is unbelievableThat existence is a more extreme thing than you dare to believe, that it is literally unbelievable that you are alive, that belief itself does not stretch high enough for the absolute ridiculousness and wonders of existence, this is simply because belief is a subset of knowledge and it can not circle itself.
I am incapable of believing that something like this world is real, it can only be known directly, our modern culture is an engagement in the delusion of reducing what is already given into a fantastical portion of itself.