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About EnIightenment

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    Northern Half
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  1. New year, no you.
  2. Interesting. Any idea where they might have gone?
  3. So have Steven Norquist, Jed McKenna and in his later teachings Adyashanti. Maybe those five are all the same person (well, according to the origami metaphor, "they" literally are )
  4. Which makes all those threads discussing deep sleep, psychedelic experiences etc. etc. a moot point.
  5. There is no proof for deep sleep in your direct experience. Now you might disagree and say something like: "I videotaped myself sleeping and watching it now, see, there's the proof! I even recorded the brainwaves indicating the deep sleep phases, another proof!" But this is no proof. There is just the watching of a video tape right now and the interpretation of some brain wave records right now. So, ultimately: There is no proof for deep sleep in your direct experience.
  6. The mind has as much power as it has ascribed to itself.