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Everything posted by Tenebroso

  1. Maybe women are to not capable of love. Lesbian divorce and domestic violence rates are very high. Any relationship which involves a woman is difficult to maintain.
  2. Never used an Escort but from what I see they are generally repulsed by their clients. I don't know how guys do it, would rather die a virgin than deal with that lack of desire.
  3. Would never see an escort even if it was the only way to have sex. Would rather die alone untouched. Mutual desire is a big part of the allure of sex, paying turns the act into something robotic and pathetic.
  4. You didn't get the message? You are supposed to to accept anything a woman does or you are insecure.
  5. @Average Actualizer I guess serial killers and abusers have high vibrations, that is why women can't keep their hands off them.
  6. Even without knowing the stats I have observed that women initiate violence just as much as men but not with the same force. However, society is very uncomfortable with this topic.
  7. @Butters What a pathetic response to a man trying to highlight an important issue. Pathetic, let me guess you are one of the so called good men who exist to shut down conversation.
  8. Life is not fair. We should teach young boys this as early as possible. Some men will die alone without experiencing the touch or attention of a woman. Some men will have hundreds, even thousands of lovers. It has nothing to do with how kind, emotionally intelligent, moral you are.
  9. It follows the same patterns as online dating, all the women flock to a few men or consider none of the men good enough for them.
  10. While I agree that spending money on Only Fans is a bit pathetic I don't agree with calling them exploitative whores. At the end of the day nobody forces a man to use only fans. I also feel we need less taboos around sex, not more. I find it funny how you are one of those supposedly enlightened, love and light men who thinks the answer to everything is meditations and inner growth but you are so triggered by human sexuality and the reality of supply and demand.
  11. Women definitely have a sex drive but only a small percentage of men will ever get to experience true female lust. The issue is men or centuries were mostly unaware of how undesired they were by women, although clues existed in literature e.g Anna Karina, Madam Bovary etc Now with the internet, men share notes and now understand a small percentage basically exist in a different reality when it comes to love and dating. There are only two ways to win as a man, completely retreat from the whole dating and romance thing, detach yourself from women and sex, basically bee come a monk or throw everything at becoming a desirable, leave no stone unturned in becoming an attractive man. The only issues is, are women even actually worth it?
  12. Feels like this thread is going around in circles.....
  13. For men I would say dating. For most us a love life won't just fall into place naturally, it will take effort. You can always figure something out career wise, if you are able bodied and have basic intelligence.
  14. @Sandhu Cookies, milk and a gold star for you. Everyone look at me I am a good man.
  15. I know homeless struggling artist types who go from women to women. If you are attractive, all the supposed rules and standards go out of the window.
  16. Women actively approach and insert themselves into the lives of the most attractive men because they know competition is high. If you are not one of those guys who women initiate contact with, maybe it's better to not date and let women share and compete over those men which deep down if you read between the lines is what they really want. Obviously interacting with and dating an average man with no status is beneath women.
  17. Everything you are doing for her that you think should be appreciated is now considered the bare minimum.
  18. It's not wrong. Women have zero issues with putting their needs and desires first, why shouldn't men do the same.
  19. No. There is someone for every woman but not for all men. I was just watching a podcast where a woman admitted to having sex with Chris Brown, then the podcast host admitted she and all her friends had also had sex with him despite his long history with domestic violence. Some men will literally attract millions of women, more than they could deal with while others attract zero. It has nothing to do with how good or kind of a man you are. Morality means nothing.
  20. Looks matter the most in terms of raw attraction. Status matters in terms of being visible but the attraction will be completely conditioned on you maintaining that status. Money and confidence are overrated. Money can't buy real attraction and confidence will not do anything without being attractive or high status. Confidence will not make a short, unattractive man attractive despite what society wants to sell you.
  21. Guys like you never learn. I don't blame women for taking advantage of easy targets, women are actually very honest if you judge them by their actions.
  22. I remember at University there was this guy sitting across me in the library who looked like a skinhead neo-nazi's. He had the look; shaved head, tattoos, black boots, tense gaze, piercings, etc.......about 5 minutes later a black guy comes and sits next to him, they shake hands. I meet them a few weeks later and this honestly intimidating guy and it turns out this regular black dude are best friends from Germany (international students)
  23. @CARDOZZO I am already in shape that has never been a problem. Apparently I am a horrible person.