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Everything posted by Tenebroso

  1. Listen to some inspiring speeches. I like to listen to JFK's speech about why we need to go t the moon or Apple's original crazy ones advert.
  2. It's true but your experiences will be invalidated. The more amoral you are as a man the better you do with ALL women not just damaged supposedly bad, low quality women as is the usual retort to your observation.
  3. Six days into a new No Fap effort. Hope to make it to New Years Eve.
  4. @MsNobody Women like yourself speak with such self righteousness, as if you have everything figured out as if males drop from space fully formed with the views they have. There is an outcry for men to speak up and be more open, as soon as we do are experiences are invalidated. Before I logged onto a forum, before a subreddit existed my experiences showed me who women are. From childhood I have not seen anything to suggest are the fairer sex and more evolved, even from my own mother. Harsh rejection and abuse is what I have experienced, power corrupts absolutely but society does not want to admit to the shadow of female nature. A man never hit me, touched me inappropriately as a minor, spread rumours about me. Most men have experienced this truth but fear to speak up about it, female nature is very twisted that is the harsh truth. If the men struggling with women and struggling in general with their own turmoil were actually as horrible as women like to make them seem, they would have zero issues with women. Throughout my life I have noticed the less moral a man is, the more of a drain he is to society the better he does with women. So save your good lord, it is women who hate men. Men especially men from my generation (late millennials/gen z) have done nothing but adapt to women constantly with ZERO reciprocation. So I will say it openly women are not special. There is not a single advancement that I would roll back if I had the power they deserve their right to education, control over their bodies and financial independence. What I will not accept anymore is gaslighting about how terrible we are and the need to make women feel safe when the guys you all actually sleep with are not kind, gentle, enlightened, patient or trauma free. Men should collectively cultivate themselves without any expectation or even real care for women beyond basic day to day respect. It is ALL women not some or just damaged ones. My perception is clear, I have observed enough.
  5. OP is right, my natural childhood/teenage self only had positive intentions, I was kind and patient without expectations but you get taken advantage of. I've trained myself to be amoral, the world does not deserve kind, enlightened men. Once you understand female nature, I don't see how you can love them.
  6. Love exist in may forms but life is not fair and not everyone will experience it, there is no metaphysical balance to the universe where everyone gets a chance to experience everything. You often hear the advice given to suicidal people, "you are loved", "someone cares"....er no not everyone is loved, not everyone has family there are billions of people on earth and tragedy beyond your comfortable narrow experience that you can't imagine. I don't believe in a deterministic point of view of reality i.e everything is planned when you are born but I believe individual has particular patterns and rhythms specific to their life path and the free will to respond to those patterns. Some would respond to a lack of love with great determination and focus to achieve something, some would fall into the most abject despair. Some lucky are born into great families and situations and never even have to think about these things.
  7. Comfort means nothing without attraction especially when young. Women have their own money and can cultivate their own stability now, your so called comfort is optional. Technological and social progress has ironically pushed us back to the most primal methods of mating. Attraction and status get you in the door. All that other stuff; comfort, nice personality, kind means nothing until you can actually attract her.
  8. A man's morality is not deciding factor to whether or not he will have a love life. Murderers, abusers, drug dealers, thieves etc all attract women not just broken women as the cliche would have you believe but educated, stable women. The irony of the whole bashing of men struggling to attract women is that if they were as bad and as toxic as they are made out to be they would have zero issues finding a partner. Society will always refuse to face the uncomfortable truth of what triggers attraction in women. Gaslight men all you want but the narrative society paints and the reality we see do not match up at all.
  9. OP is right but of course it's fine to tell men their observations are wrong. He's correct, there is little to no relationship between morality and raw attraction, being a good person means very little.
  10. I agree OP, I have trained myself to not have crushes, as soon as I am attracted to a woman I let go and stop myself from 'needing' her. Instead I play close attention to the natural dynamic shared by me and any women I encounter, if there seems to be a natural mutual rapport only then will I pursue or take a chance.
  11. I have binge watched his videos this summer, he's mostly spot on in his observations and ideas but you can still see remnants of idealistic, traditional thinking. I will watch the discussion with charisma on command later tonight.
  12. Interesting theory, I agree that negative feeling after fapping is more energetic and spiritual/psychological than physical although there are physical consequences. Shame and guilt are a big apart of it. I think you have to really come to terms with your most private, extreme desires face them honestly and decide whether these are things you want to experience and pursue or detach from. The most attractive men on a sexual level are at peace with their desires. Awkward, shy men are ashamed of their desire, even in privacy they are constantly punishing themselves. Honesty and awareness are the keys.
  13. The choices women make don't make a good case for having some ability to detect the true underlying emotions and essence of a person. It is a myth that harms women. What actually happens is that unattractive men are preemptively considered creepy and vilified to justify the repulsion towards them without feeling guilty. This is attributed to some intuitive superpower. There are creepy, angry, abusive, desperate men getting laid as we speak with all kinds of women. A man's sexual and romantic success has nothing to do with his morality.
  14. Women cannot sense your desperation, anger, neediness etc silly myth that actually hurts women more than anyone else. Saying this does not do what you think it's doing. If women could sense these things the world would be a very different place. He should solve his insecurities and so called psychological issues for himself, not to make himself worthy of woman.
  15. As long as men have this neurotic complex of needing to be a good wholesome man they will never see clearly. Women if you pay close attention to their actions are more ruthlessly pragmatic in their mating choices, while men are hopelessly romantic to their detriment. Watch their actions not what they tell you what they like. Which type of men have an abundance of women, sex etc in our current paradigm. Is it kind, gentle, vulnerable who have "done the inner work", "healed their trauma" no it's not.
  16. Women are not naturally that charming or socially skilled in the first place, there are differences in how men and women socialize but it is a myth that they are better. Women have such a huge in-group bias towards themselves and are so coveted by men that most of the work is done for them, people will initiate for them. Unless you have status and/or extremely good looks and wealth nobody is initiating conversation with you or inviting you into their circle, you have to really build your social skills brick by brick as a man and be intentional about cultivating a social circle. Women at the very least have opportunities to build social skills by default but they never really have to learn how to initiate a conversation, be charming etc I can't remember the last time I met a charming woman my age, I have met a few over the age of 50 but there is no incentive when they are young since everything comes to them.
  17. @CARDOZZO Watched the whole thing, it was pretty lame and I won't be reading the book. His so called insights were predictable and don't explain much. If what he said was true the dating game would look very different already, women already give themselves to men who don't embody any of these qualities. Take the average 20-35 year old man off the street and make him spend a year learning to truly love women and it would barely move the needle. These conversations are useless until there is an honest conversation about what really attracts women. My instincts for people are pretty sharp, I don't get a scammer vibe from him but I don't really buy that he even believes the message he is putting across. It is pretty easy to get women to nod their head and agree, just say things that make women look complex and virtuous, so I was not impressed with the woman again very predictable. I don't get the impression these are people who have done any real inner work or have the ability to observe their environment clearly, I could predict the whole arch of the conversation after the first five minutes. Disappointing but not surprised.
  18. @ivankiss I like this, worded better than I ever could.
  19. @CARDOZZO Ok, we are not going to see eye to eye. I don't like the assumptions you made about my point of view but I enjoyed the discussion with you, I am going to leave it alone for now.
  20. @CARDOZZO I don't care about the red pill but I seek to look at reality as it is without rose tinted glasses. I want the raw truth about what drives people. I have two older sisters, my mother is the youngest of 7 women, I have female childhood friends, I have had relationships and hookups with older women when I was very young. I personally know criminals and I know blue collar men and professionals. I am responding to reality and my observations, not what someone has told me. I am 30. I have been on a self development/actualization path consciously since I was 17, meditated on and off, journaled, investigated my own dream psychology and went through a very stage green "all you need is love phase", "love is everything" etc I am speaking from the experience of having a very early dark knight of the soul aged 21 and coming out the other side with a crystal clear clarity to how I see things and 'love' while important does not do what you and others think it does. Strong, lovable, stoic, genius men who build civilizations have a place for love in their life but it is nothing to do with exuding love unconditionally. I believe men had the right approach in antiquity they had a more mature pragmatic approach to love and the different kinds of love Agape (selfless, universal love), Eros (romantic, passionate love), Philautia (self love), Philia (platonic love), Storge (familial love). From the late middle ages onwards men have had an unhealthy obsession with love and the feminine in general to the point it is warped. This obsession is easily turned to hate and misogyny ironically it is the men preaching about love the most who are the most dangerous to women. A Michelangelo obsessed with his sculpture and focused on his sistine chapel can do little to harm women, Gaudi focused on the never ending task of completing his cathedral does not hurt women nor does St.Francis Assisi focused on his inner life and selfless service. Telling young men with no real purpose, no understanding of how they could contribute to civilization to just make sure you genuinely love women would actually make women more unsafe because the natural reaction is to want some kind of positive feedback for your love, most people are not at the level of development to love unconditionally and never will be. You can't dismiss everything as red/blackpill, that is not where I am coming from. I am just not an idealist when it comes to human nature.
  21. The issue is not whether you can love or not, the issue is whether love is really a deciding factor in the dynamic between men and women. Reality tells me it is not, your love for a woman or women as a collective does not decide their disposition towards you.
  22. @CARDOZZO Almost feel like he is being satirical. When I go on social media I don't see women of my generation (late millennial/gen-z) cheering for men. It seems to be the complete opposite and men who show love and appreciation for women get it thrown back in their face, even sometimes being accused of manipulation and love-bombing. There is no shortage of average and unattractive men who are ready to love women but they are written off at the first step. Basically it seems all the responsibility to repair the relationship between the genders falls on men, what do women have to do better, I never hear what their responsibility is. Why is that? If what Zan Perrion says is true then why do gangsters, drug dealers, abusers etc never have trouble with women? The more terrible a man is the less issues he has attractive women. Women are being let off the hook and until we look unflinchingly at the reality of female attraction we are going to be talking in circles. While you are advocating for men to love women, women today are openly advocating for women to de-center men, essentially remove men from their lives don't read books written by men etc So what is there to love exactly?