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About Tenebroso

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  1. My experience with both archetypes of women is mostly negative. Neither seem to like me. Women don't seem to like me period. The few that have are so different from each other that it is hard to discern a pattern. However, this is helpful. Thanks.
  2. Selfless, artistic, funny, charismatic but manipulative. Why? Are you trying to psychoanalyze me?
  3. So kind, reserved, sensitive men who need a hug are popular with women in your reality? Since reality is so dependent on our beliefs and everyone is sharing their experiences on this forum there should be stories of the kind of men I describe being incredibly popular after all if the serial killers can attract women why wouldn't the shy guy? Where is that reality? Why is it on every dating forum across and across social media women themselves speak of the allure of men who they know are bad for them. I never see these kinds of videos for the average, sensitive man just trying to figure things out.
  4. I am not any of those things but I have been in street fights in situations where I had no choice but to defend myself and there is a startling primal shift in behaviour when women have seen you fight. Also I am not a bad boy at all, I am mostly shy and unsure of myself but I have been told by a close friend that my quietness comes across as a quiet aloofness and some women find it alluring. I am often moody and sarcastic and when I am in that mood I can become quite rude. I remember once telling this girl at University to get on her knees in the library. I was in a bad mood and wanted to say something to make her go away thinking "of course she won't get on her knees in front of everyone in the library but she will leave me alone" This young woman who is now married to a Swedish Priest, got on her knees in the library. Basically I am not popular with women. I have never pretended to be someone I am not on here. However, the times I have managed to attract a woman have never been for what many consider positive qualities. Some of directly said they like me because I don't treat them well. My kind, sensitive, light hearted side has never attracted a woman. Let me guess my experiences mean nothing......
  5. Even if I was miserable in real life wouldn't matter if I had the right bone structure and features. This myth about vibe, being a good person etc is getting embarrassing, women can barely conceal it anymore although they try with the aid of upstanding gentlemen like you. Even if they are not looking to date serial killers, the fact is morality has nothing to do with attraction and as long as the gaslighting of men continues, I will continue to make my points as I please. Give yourself a pat on the back. I guess you're a good man who needs to put someone in their place, have a cookie. You're the idiot. You see, I can trade personal insults about someone I don't know too. How evolved and noble. I don't give a **** about what you think. Keep it moving if you don't like my posts idiot.
  6. Start a cult. Women love a cult leader.
  7. If you want guarantee results become a bad person. Lie, cheat, steal and be as destructive as possible to everyone around you and suddenly you will have too many options. I actually spoke to a girl who dated a serial killer who killed multiple women and she said she wasn't manipulated by him she actively chased him. Women will never admit these things, so you have test different approaches yourself. In my personal life living in a big city it is interesting that the worst most violent men I know never have these issues, they are not the one suffering from the male loneliness crisis but average are gaslighted into something is wrong with their personality.
  8. Good looking men don't need the clubs women go straight to their DMs on social media. Personality means little to nothing to women. A man has to reach a standard attractiveness just to not be invisible and the woman has to be in a place in her life where she wants those kinds of encounters.
  9. Maybe women are to not capable of love. Lesbian divorce and domestic violence rates are very high. Any relationship which involves a woman is difficult to maintain.
  10. Never used an Escort but from what I see they are generally repulsed by their clients. I don't know how guys do it, would rather die a virgin than deal with that lack of desire.
  11. Would never see an escort even if it was the only way to have sex. Would rather die alone untouched. Mutual desire is a big part of the allure of sex, paying turns the act into something robotic and pathetic.
  12. You didn't get the message? You are supposed to to accept anything a woman does or you are insecure.
  13. @Average Actualizer I guess serial killers and abusers have high vibrations, that is why women can't keep their hands off them.
  14. Even without knowing the stats I have observed that women initiate violence just as much as men but not with the same force. However, society is very uncomfortable with this topic.